Thread: Culture change
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Old 05-02-20, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Mobile 155
If your assumption is correct then the plan and the experts that made it are as far off as the peak oil, total melting of the polar ice caps and Manhattan being under water. If saving the health care system was a reason then there must be some interesting board meetings going on by now.

Whatever conspiracy theories we might have, and yes I have heard the one about this being an attempt by the UN and WHO to equalize the worlds wealth. I am not as interested in that as I am in how we are going to look at transportation and human density in the future. While some have been hording toilet paper, pasta, beans and hand sanitizer others have cleared the shelves of gun stores of ammunition and weapons.(google it) It does not sound like we are coming together on this to me.

My question hasn't changed. Are we going to modify dense housing, dense transportation and maximum capacity for restaurants, sporting events and movies or might we learn to watch movies and sporting events from home with no people at the event? I will confess to a slight feeling of dread as the lift the shelter in place and we have to drive into Dallas to visit the my wife's pain management doctor. By the way I also wondered why Covid 19 closed the country and the flu season didn't? Because I am pretty sure subways, buses and trains are just as bad for spreading the flu as it is this virus.
We are used to the flu virus, this is a new one and the health care and government's are just trying to protect everyone from a new threat we don't have any experience with, thus the seemingly over reaction that more and more people are expressing is going to fail...and we will get used to this virus also... eventually... Killing the economy could be 100X worse in the long run... JMO...
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