Thread: Addiction LXXIX
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Old 08-10-20, 03:14 PM
smelling the roses
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Originally Posted by MoAlpha
There is, particularly using functional MRI. For instance, my old fellowship supervisor has been interested in the difference in brain mechanisms between voluntary and involuntary movement and found that it's not that clear when you begin to look at people with unreal or "functional" movement disorders that they sincerely believe are real and involuntary. Posthypnotic suggestion probably works in a similar way.

Regarding the second question, the memory system for events, facts, names, etc. has a storage and a retrieval component. Retrieval, which involves focused brain work, is a harder task than storage, which happens almost automatically in many cases. As for remembering lost info when "properly stimulated," I suppose the extreme case is things you once saw or heard fleetingly looking familiar when seen again, so I guess it's pretty much true.
Deja vu all over again
Originally Posted by Bah Humbug
Auto-pause is a honey-tongued devil whispering sweet lies in your ear.

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