Old 04-22-22, 08:20 AM
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Texas Tuner Shop Boycotted After Owner Posts Video Rolling Coal On A Cyclist

I love how this idiot thinks he is the victim.People are really just *******s, aren’t they? You always hope humanity will turn it around, but we never really do. Anyway, today’s ******* is this guy. He drives a diesel Ford Super Duty and decided to roll coal past a cyclist on a Texas road while filming a video of the whole encounter.

The video was shot from the driver’s seat. It shows the driver saying “Oh my God, a cyclist.”

From there the *******-ery really kicks into high gear. The driver slams on the accelerator, and from the passenger-side mirror you can see a cloud of smoke enveloping the cyclist.

This comes just a few months after a teen driver ran over six cyclists while rolling coal in the same state.
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