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Old 05-17-22, 05:31 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 76
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I didn't even know cadence was a word in cycling until a few weeks back, and now that I do I don't really care what it means because I'm still trying to make cycling less of a chore to just loose weight. It's hampered a little bit by doing the same route every time I go out and because I do it at 4am, (everything is the same so it feels like a chore), but over 5 months, 1 month of doing the new route, it's slowly feeling like less of a chore. Even the addition of more steeper hills hasn't really added to the 'chore factor'.
I only lasted a week or two after getting the bike before I got padded shorts and they did make a difference. After 4 months I was wondering what a new saddle would do for me and I did look around but really had no idea which of the sales pitches to believe and which to avoid. The one big thing I have noticed though is that since I changed my route, added hills, both up and down, included longer and shorter runs and more corners I tend to worry less about my butt. I do about 1 hour 20 every second day, weather permitting, and most days I can come home without a sore butt on the factory fitted seat.
Now if only I could figure out how to ride in wind without killing myself I could actually ride every second day.
That probably doesn't help much but it's what I found.
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