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Old 08-22-22, 09:36 AM
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Back from a two-and-a-bit week vacation in the Rockies, during which I managed to get in an epic (to me) mountain trail ride. I don't own a mountain bike, but I try to rent one when I'm vacationing in the mountains, and it's a lot of fun. Even though Edmonton is in the middle of flat prairie, there's still a thriving MTB community here and lots of opportunity for single-track riding in the city's river valley. It's increasingly tempting for me to pick up a mountain bike of my own for local riding.

But now I'm back to work and back to riding my fixed gear road bike. This was the first sub-15C (~60F) morning in a while. My earlier prediction of cool mornings in August turns out to have been wishful thinking. It's been hot (relatively speaking... this is Edmonton, not Oklahoma City) and dry for the last 6 weeks, and only now the temps are starting to moderate a bit.

Have a great week, everyone!
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