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Old 04-16-23, 03:04 PM
Join Date: Mar 2021
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A group of senior cyclists who had been going on long distance multi day tours together for decades were studied and the researchers remarked that they had the physiology of people 30 years younger. Many studies show how the duration of strenuous physical activity is most effective in determing the outcome for an individual's health.

The marketing though is to appeal to people who lack the time to exercise and so want a program that can be done in 30 minutes or less. And then there are those who want a pill or injection to fix things.

As I age I know I need to be more cautious about getting dehydrated and thickening my blood and I take copious amounts of fish oil for the same reason. Many people admitted to the ER after a heart attack have low levels of magnesium and first responders often check for this and make this the first step for treatment. People on low salt diets have are less likely to have a heart attack and it is believed that it is simply because the salt substitutes have potassium chloride as an ingredient.

Doctors in the USA are clueless about nutrition and they still treat the numbers and not the patient. The numbers they rely upon provide a "normal" range and so the optimum level is never considered, especially as it relates to older individuals.
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