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Old 11-13-23, 03:56 PM
Alan K
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Originally Posted by Cratecruncher
Yes, this is a concern of mine too. I live in an urban setting with lots of traffic, parked cars on the street, and inattentive drivers. To add to the stress I also have steep hills that have me riding the brake levers with a death grip. I almost ran into a guy pushing a stroller the other day because I was watching a car with sun in my eyes and he was in the dark shade wearing all black, even the stroller was black! I wear white btw.

All I can say is you have to take some risks. I try to mitigate them by staying conspicuous. I have an 80 lumin blinking front light and 30 lumin blinking tail light. I have a bright white helmet. I usually stick to routes I know well and keeping my head on a swivel. Because I know the roads I know where the holes are, the blind alleys, the high traffic intersections, places where there are brainless children running around, etc. But I always stay alert scanning ahead for potential danger. It's all I can do. But let's be real here for a sec. You're only going 15 to 20 mph so it's not like a motorcycle on the highway. With any luck you will be bruised and abraded but life will go on! And, speaking of life, it's too short to spend it in a lazyboy watching bowling.
If you are pushing up to 20 miles/hr, by my standards that is quite aggressive and should there be an accidental fall on the city roads, depending on how one hits the road, fracturing a bone, especially for older folks is entirely in the realm of possibilities.

Being very alert as well as riding defensively is extremely important. If one is bicycling exclusively for exercising, the best option is to find closest bicycle paths where motorized vehicles are not allowed. I have always found them very relaxing, perhaps partly because I’m no longer in a hurry to go 20mph. 😉
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