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Old 01-13-24, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by tomato coupe
That still doesn't make it a win for the person that got punched in the face.
Correct. You were made whole, but its hardly a win given what you had to go through. Especially if you have a permanent limp or disfigurement, or other artifact from the incident. Only uninvolved observers really derive much satisfaction from knowing the offenders insurance was tapped or that they got their license suspended for 60 days, spent the weekend in a holding cell or whatever. They are NOT going to jail, especially if they didn't kill anyone. They are going to go on with their lives much like before. It is a sad fact of life in this American life that way too many of us are just looking for that Game Changer Windfall from being seriously impacted by another's carelessness or malice. It proves that none of us are being paid enough or have enough distance from the edge to not be anxious about how its all going to shake out.
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