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Old 01-14-24, 12:34 PM
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I got mesel a small wheeled (20") trike end last summer and was debating on selling it soon. It's slow, like riding through treacle since the drive shaft has 4 bearings. But if I keep the tyres pumped up (40psi it's heaps better.
Anyway, I had cause to shift a load of rubble this afternoon as it happened. Just had time to go to the Council Tip next-door to my gym, so off I went.
It was a heavy, very stablising load, and I hardly felt it up or down hills. Thoroughly enjoyed my unexpected trip and have decided to keep the little b*gger after all.
If your good missus aquired one, (they're cheap as chips btw, £200 for an 8 speeder) she could well like it, and get used to the quirks and hazards of such 3 wheelers. I do find motorists and peds are far more kindly disposed to these, which are regarded by many, as disability vehicles. I enjoy such attention and folk smile at me as I pass lol!
And above all, it's marvellous not having to put your foot on the ground.
BTW, I have balancing issues and have had for at least 20 years. Pilates and Yoga just showed the world how bad my balancing was, and offered no solution. There are classes at the gym like "Body Balance" which, again, are useful to those attempting to retain their existing balance capability. I find dance classes much better and with great cardio thrown in, could be a confidence booster too.
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