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Old 01-15-24, 02:32 PM
big john
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Originally Posted by terrymorse
I rode up Old La Honda one day with a Webcor pro, chatting away.

When we got to the top, he said, "Nice riding with you, but I need to get in some some tempo today." And he rode off.

I had been doing tempo.
I rode across the valley about 10 miles with a local pro. He stood on the pedals the whole way, chatting about a mutual friend, checking traffic, etc. I was pushing a bit, trying not to embarrass myself.

I was climbing Hwy 39 solo when Rahsaan Bahati came by with a small group. I said something about not being worthy and he told me I was doing fine. He made a couple jokes as they rode off. I felt better.

In the mountains on my way down and Ivan Dominguez was in the area. He stopped to help a stranger fix a flat near the bottom.

I did an Adobo Velo century and some people from Road Bike Action were invited. Neil Shirley and some other continental pros showed up. I was on a twisty, shallow climb when they went by. About 12 of them, moving along like a well oiled machine. I went as hard as I could for a minute just to watch them. It's different than watching them ride by. Amazing how smooth they are.
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