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Old 01-16-24, 12:54 AM
Alan K
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Originally Posted by The6_6biker
Hey guys, I am very new to the concept of an electric bike and have never owned one. I do, however, ride motorcycles, quite often. I was recently looking at some electric bikes, but the prices seemed fairly astronomical. This led me to wonder what the advantage of buying an electric electric bike over a plane motorcycle would be as the motorcycle can commute further runs on gas goes faster, etc. etc.. Thanks.
A logical decision can come from certain considerations, such as the distance you will be riding whatever you choose to purchase, are there hill on the way that may be difficult for you to manage with a bicycle (without a motor), and if battery assistance is needed, the type of e-bike you choose will depend on how fit you are to ride.

Beside what others have already mentioned, you may also have monetary advantage in parking a bicycle or e-bike, usually free in most places, whereas motorcycles may cost to park. [At my place of work, about 25 years ago I was paying about $1100/ year for parking my car, and cost for parking a motor cycles was ~$800].

Of course, the anti-fossil fuel folks would say you will be helping the planet by not burning gas.
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