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Old 04-06-24, 07:44 PM
rm -rf
don't try this at home.
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I'm retired, and have ridden drop bars since getting back into group cycling almost 20 years ago.
On my newest bike, 9 years old now, I've refined the drop bars position a little, and it works great for me.

The top surface of the bars is only about an inch below the top of my saddle. For me, at this height, the drops are actually comfortable and usable. I switch back and forth between hoods and drops a lot.
The drops are more aero, of course, but also good for better control on fast downhills and on very bumpy roads. On those rough roads, the buzz and shock is spread out across my whole palm, so my hands don't get as sore.

I know some riders that rarely use the drops, only on extreme headwinds, I think. The have the "bike shop", or "racer oriented" bars quite a bit lower.
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