Old 04-24-24, 09:54 PM
20+mph Commuter
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Greenville. SC USA
Posts: 7,533

Bikes: Surly LHT, Surly Lowside, a folding bike, and a beater.

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Originally Posted by boozergut
Have you shifted more of your spare time to other hobbies and recreational pursuits?
I've never paid them much mind. I see mostly aging boomers who couldn't pedal around the block on a regular bike going long distances on Rail-Trails riding E-bikes. The day might come when I'm too puny and weak to pedal a conventional bicycle so maybe an electric one is in my future. All of the bike rentals (bike share and rental companies) are using E-bikes these days in New Orleans where I lived for decades and Greenville, SC where I live now. I've never been terribly bothered by them.

I've owned motorcycles and bicycles. Never an E-bike. I believe if I had the irresistible urge to go fast and far I would just purchase another motorcycle.
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