Old 05-01-24, 02:29 PM
Perceptual Dullard
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Originally Posted by MinnMan

Though this includes the first week in April, when I was traveling over the weekend and only had 6.5 hours in the saddle.
Strava doesn't tally my kcal/week, though I suppose I could add it up pretty easily.

Edit: TSS for these 4 weeks, in reverse chronological order, 745, 699, 780, 349
Thanks. So, if you rack up 745 TSS in 11h of riding, it would mean you were averaging 745/11 = 68 TSS per hour of riding time. The way TSS is calculated means that your average "intensity" during that week's hours was about 0.82, which I think(*) is probably something like mid-Zone 3ish (on the 7 zone scale) for people who use zones.

(*) I don't use zones so I might be off on this, and it depends, of course, on how well you've estimated either FTP or CP.
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