Old 05-16-24, 12:13 PM
RH Clark
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Originally Posted by PromptCritical
Well, that was a joke, and I can assure you that I don't blindly follow anything, and my Doctor is an absolutely fantastic doc, including being willing to admit the limits of her expertise.
I knew you were joking. I'm glad you have a good doctor. I live in a small rural town and have never had a doctor who gave a rip about anything except prescribing meds. I suffered conditions I never realized I could treat differently until I started researching on my own.I'm a firm believer in getting your information from more than one source. Of course it's necessary to confirm information from multiple sources. I am glad we live in a world where information is so free. Yes, there's always going to be some misinformation out there but I feel we have a better chance of learning what is and isn't misinformation if we get our information from multiple sources.

It's not that I think doctors don't care, or aren't qualified but they are restrained by certain regulations that make them the last to be able use a different treatment than what has become the standard of care. In our world the standard of care has been engineered to be prescription drugs. A doctor would be operating outside standards to treat with diet and lifestyle changes, though the better ones may very well discuss those issues. Just as a FYI, I never have had a doctor suggest diet or lifestyle changes even when I was pushing 400 lbs and on pain pills and injections.to keep going. That's why I am a bit vocal about looking at multiple sources for health information.
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