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August West 03-26-20 07:39 PM

About 15 miles with 1725' of climbing. Did my normal ride then road half-way down the hill and rode it again since I didn't really have anything else to do and am not going anywhere these days.

On returning home my Edge 830 informed my my VO2 Max had increased to 43 ml/kg/min. Not sure how accurate it is but it keeps going up which gives me a good feeling.

ultrarider7 03-27-20 06:04 AM

Great ride, lots of sun and temps in the 50's.

Goosecheck 03-28-20 12:07 PM

Took a ride in the wayback machine this morning
Another day, another bike, another ride. Took my ‘84 Bianchi Professional out for 18 miles this morning. 46 degrees and cloudy. I set the wayback machine to 1985. The trip back in time went great. But for some reason as yet unknown to science, the fabric of cycling jerseys tends to shrink on the return trip forward to the present. Very frustrating.

Miami Biker 03-28-20 08:02 PM

Did nice 50 miler in beautiful weather. Problem is got new Edge 830 and apparently didn’t set up right as only got speed.

Oh well know the route and distance and Strava tracked for me. Will bring back up 500 tomorrow

jppe 03-28-20 09:10 PM

96 miles with 3900’ of hills. Headwinds the last 30 miles with temperatures 85+ degrees. Tough riding but good training. After I got home I used my push mower for 90 minutes. Ugh.
Found some shade about 15 miles from the end.
This horse enjoyed getting her picture made!

OldTryGuy 03-29-20 07:57 AM

Did you ride today?

YES I DID !!! :thumb:
Rode to Walmart for some food items. Only a short 3 miler today but yesterday's was a 141 miler.

Lazyass 03-29-20 09:19 AM

44x17, 36 miles, 17.9 avg. Two bee stings and two cars passed me. I love this bike. Forgive the trash, this whole area was flooded during the last hurricane and it still hasn't been cleaned up. We still have a bridge out. Things happen slow here.

JanMM 03-29-20 10:04 AM

Not sure about today - quite windy out. But dry. Saturday rode 9 miles with spouse - stopped because of rain that wasn't due till several hours later.
Later that same day out for 8 mile solo ride. Forecast was for rain in several hours. Yep - got caught in rain. Had to seek refuge outside a CVS until brief thunder/lighting passed by. The approaching storm helped me ride up a hill on way home within one second of my personal record. Probably woulda beat that if I had seen a tornado coming at me!

rseeker 03-29-20 04:21 PM

Last night a very snappy 12.4 miles, squeezed in before a predicted storm line and tornado watch at 2AM. The first sighting of beaded covering sweat on a forearm. It surprised me for a second to look down and see skin, I'm used to wearing my jacket. Spring is sprung. 72F, very windy. Long gradual downhills with a 15mph tailwind are so fun. And zero cars, just amazing.

This evening, 21.6 miles out and back, to the greenway for time and then beyond. 70F, late evening into dark. Cows, low hills, green fields, lush greenery and trees, old wooden split rail fences, lovely.

BobsPoprad 03-29-20 04:45 PM

15.5 miles on a mtn bike. Temp was 36 F, but with a 10-12 mph north wind. But yesterday and today were my first rides of the year, so I won't complain!

Durockrolly 03-29-20 07:01 PM

Through the streets of Las Vegas!

JanMM 03-29-20 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by JanMM (Post 21389620)
Not sure about today - quite windy out. But dry. Saturday rode 9 miles with spouse - stopped because of rain that wasn't due till several hours later.
Later that same day out for 9 mile solo ride. Forecast was for rain in several hours. Yep - got caught in rain. Had to seek refuge outside a CVS until brief thunder/lighting passed by. The approaching storm helped me ride up a hill on way home within one second of my personal record. Probably woulda beat that if I had seen a tornado coming at me!

Got in an eight mile ride late this afternoon. Tailwind helped me to a personal record (by one second) on the previously-mentioned hill. Still a minute slower than the fast kids.

Goosecheck 04-01-20 03:55 PM

Getting Crosswise Monday
Working at home a great opportunity to make sure every horse in the stable gets a workout. Took number 5 of 7 out Monday for 20 miles. ‘96 Specialized Crossroads Cruz (drop-cross conversion). Love this bike. This project started with a set of Suntour Command Shifters I bought two or three years ago. They were a prominent but short-lived technological blip, only around for a few years in the early 90’s but faded away with when SunTour did. The shifters work fairly nicely, to be honest.

From there I searched for a project bike to go with them. A few additional low-cost part swaps later and it came together nicely. Even with 700x45 Riddlers I manage to clear a set of SKS Race Blade fenders. Still have the black Pug and the plump Goose to take out for spin later this week.

Goosecheck 04-01-20 04:11 PM

It’s O-Dark Thirty, Time to Ride.
Tuesday morning, 18 miles in the dark before my first conference call of the day. The darkness helps to ensure I am off the pathway before most of the housebound dog walkers, joggers and strollers are out. This is my usual steed for straight-out road rides. 2010 Jamis Eclipse (the most modern bike I own). All steel Reynolds 853 tubing; carbon forks and cranks (my only concession to carbon). 17 pounds dry. The ride is sublime. Wearing my CORONA-free kit just to be safe. “Stay Healthy My Friends”

JanMM 04-01-20 07:19 PM

Spouse and I met a friendly large horse while out on a socially-distant 16 mile ride this afternoon.

August West 04-01-20 09:31 PM

BLM closed the hiking trails around here starting today so now the roads I normally ride are back to being very low traffic again like they usually are. Yay. Since the shelter at home started a few weeks ago the trails have been packed with a very noticeable increase in traffic to and from them. I was wondering how long it would take them to do this since social distancing was definitely not being observed.

Goosecheck 04-02-20 10:36 AM

29 and Clear
Good morning; good time to ride. 19 miles. My riding buddy in the background with a safe social distancing buffer between. 29 toe-numbing degrees, but clear weather. Rain and arctic air in the forecast a few days out, so for now I’ll consider today as perfect biking conditions. You can’t replicate this in a spin-class, Zwift, or on a Peloton. Ride ‘em if you got ‘em!

Goosecheck 04-02-20 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by Durockrolly (Post 21390489)

Durockrolly, You’re looking like serious business on the Strip! :thumb:

Goosecheck 04-02-20 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by JanMM (Post 21389620)
Not sure about today - quite windy out. But dry. Saturday rode 9 miles with spouse - stopped because of rain that wasn't due till several hours later.
Later that same day out for 8 mile solo ride. Forecast was for rain in several hours. Yep - got caught in rain. Had to seek refuge outside a CVS until brief thunder/lighting passed by. The approaching storm helped me ride up a hill on way home within one second of my personal record. Probably woulda beat that if I had seen a tornado coming at me!

Nice way to adapt. Two short rides in a day is as good as one long ride. Nice.

ultrarider7 04-02-20 01:57 PM
Practicing my social distancing on two wheels!

Miami Biker 04-02-20 04:05 PM

Well a very scant few of us ride four times per week. Today did 43 and 44 on Thursday.

We're taking it easier considering admonition to not overdo. Great to be out though and not cooped up at home.

Florida has a safer at home rule however exercise is still allowed and encouraged as long as we obey separation standards. The only good news is hardly any cars on the road so we are reverting to old routes and finding new ones.

We usually hang at Starbucks but only those with drive throughs are open. We stood in line with the cars for cuppa coffee today. Very strange feeling.

As long as we can get out for a few hours all this is more tolerable. Lived in NY during Sept 11 and thought that was weird (it was for those of us there) but this is weirder in a different sort of way.

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy time as we figure out how to survive while maintaining our health and sanity.

Wildwood 04-02-20 11:36 PM

Out for a ride around Cougar Mt. Enough climbing to make me sweat. Knees don’t really like out of saddle much. Anyway, on to the pics.

May Valley is still a bit waterlogged
Into Newcastle, the Mondia is burnt Orange the sign = red
Past the golf course, climbing over to Bellevue
Proof it really is called Cougar Mountain

velojym 04-03-20 11:17 AM

I took Count Trekula on its maiden voyage today, about an 11 mile shakedown ride. I built it months ago, but I'm just now getting around to putting miles on.
Just needed a couple minor adjustments (normal), so the build was pretty solid! I'm pleased, but with Jake back in action, there's a lot of overlap, so the Count
may not get a lot of mileage.

Wildwood 04-03-20 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by Durockrolly (Post 21390489)

Excellent ride for LV.

When I lived there many years ago, I converted from road rider to mostly off-road. Or at least something that could do all roads. No real dedicated trails or bike lanes back then as I remember. The ride from my inlaws house was great - out to Red Rock Canyon.

OldTryGuy 04-04-20 07:49 AM

No curfew overnight so it was 46 miles under a star studded, 74+% Waxing Gibbous Moon with almost no wind.

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