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banjo_mole 04-19-09 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by jan nikolajsen (Post 8758805)
Around here it is a spring tradition to ride this gorgeous road in the tiny window of time between full closure and opening day when the tourist hordes come spilling over the pass.

I hope that if I ever were to ride touring north, I would not be considered a part of this "tourist horde."



(Edit: forgot a quotation mark.)

Bionicycle 04-25-09 03:22 PM

I decided to go for a ride at the National Cemetery in Grant County Indiana this afternoon. Despite the 35 mile an hour wind gusts, it was a beautiful and rare middle eighties , partly cloudy, late April day. I guess one could say I observed Memorial Day about a month too early, but even though my father is laid to rest there, and I have a couple of friends there as well. I just wanted a pleasant peaceful place to ride today.

This is the traditional “my bike was there” photo. Putting your bike in front of monuments sure makes it look small.

This is the old section of cemetery. You can't really tell from the photo that well, but the markers are in a circle pattern.

More markers and some nearly one hundred year old buildings.

It's a pretty large place.

Our trees are just starting to bud out.

An old horse barn.

A modern bell tower that does a Big Ben ring and then plays bell music on every hour.

Just some more of the grounds.

The main office is an old horse barn... kind of cool.

YoKev 04-26-09 05:01 AM

I signed up for volunteer bike patrol at the Mohonk Preserve and Minnewaska State Park this riding season, and I had training yesterday.

There will me some magnificent pictures posted by me this season, I promise :)

-holiday76 04-26-09 08:48 PM

I rode 25 or so miles round trip to pick up a handlebar bag from another forum member. It was above 90 degrees today. I made this mistake of not eating before I left or bringing anything with me and completely bonked on the way home. You'd think I'd never have rode a bike before.

First, I had to pic my weapon:

I took the Moto since that's what the bag was going on. Duh.

Then, I rode. My ride took me though Valley Forge Park where I snapped some pics.

The Moto sure is pretty, but it was also pretty uncomfortable on my neck. I normally like the bars a little higher, plus I pulled something in my neck/shoulder the other day which probably made it worse. Aside from that I was happy. This was the first time I'd really ever had the bike out. Nice gearing and it shifts pretty smoothly.

The Ostrich bag works nicely, although I have to clean up how it mounts a little bit. For now I threw it on the rack to get it home.

Picture taking stopped here as I was too busy trying not to pass out on the ride home :)
But now I have a nice bag so I can bring some power bars next time :) Thanks Fender1!

mkeller234 04-26-09 11:41 PM

This setting seems to be very fitting for your french bike:

banjo_mole 04-27-09 12:40 AM

I thought the same!

mkeller234 04-28-09 06:40 AM

I farted around town this morning after work. These trees smelled really nice.

-holiday76 04-28-09 09:34 AM

Commuted yesterday on my touring bike. The bike has a stupid octalink SHinano BB that I hate. I don't know if something is wrong with it, but it keeps getting loose no matter how tight I make the bolts. Here's a vote for older style square taper bottom brackets! Anyway, we've been having a heat wave lately in the temps have been into the 90's. Spring completely skipped us!

Loaded up in front of my 1930's shack of a garage (another project I need to get to before soon) with my ortlieb office bag.

gotta stop down the street at the coffee shop for my coffee and bagel. Do you like my garrish spd shoes and green socks? :)

gotta have this standard pic on every ride :)

just outside of town I get off the road and onto a trail:


-holiday76 04-28-09 09:39 AM

getting on the trail. I follow a connecting trail that goes next to a canal, then it meets with another trail that follows a river.

within the past week everything just turned green.


Had to bring my Trader Joe's snacks for the week:

there is some construction going on next to the trail

eventually the trail follows next to the highway, just to mock the people sttuck in traffic while I enjoy the breeze and my bagel.


-holiday76 04-28-09 09:45 AM

then it's back into the woods of Valley Forge park, only a few miles left to get to work.

ruins of some building next to the river in the park

time to cross the river , next to the same highway I mocked earlier.

after crossing the river and getting off the trail it was time to stop and curse at my bottom bracket, then beat at it with a big allen wrench. After teaching it who is boss I only had a hill to climb, a decent, then I found myself parked at work:

I've been trying to figure out why the girl that rides the other bike has random reflectors pointing into her top tube. Oh well, at least she rides. Once the weather gets consistently warm I'll start to see as many as 4 bikes on that rack.

That's it. Bubye now.

High Fist Shin 04-28-09 10:01 AM

The Schuylkill river trail always looks pretty at this time of year. You're very lucky to have such a nice commute.

YoKev 05-02-09 02:42 PM

I did bike patrol at the Mohonk Preserve today, and took a few pictures. I rode my "vintage" 1993 Dean :)

Doohickie 05-02-09 02:45 PM

Sorry no pics but I took my '73 Schwinn Varsity Sport on a breakfast group ride this morning, 42 miles. Got up to sustained speed of about 27 mph (with the wind at my back) for a mile or so. That thing rides smooth.

High Fist Shin 05-04-09 10:05 AM

Some pictures from the bike ride I did with the C&V Ohio crowd. Had a really nice time and met a bunch of great folks.

Heading out:

Brandywine falls:

Bikes at the falls:

due ruote 05-04-09 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by kevinsubaru (Post 8841819)
I did bike patrol at the Mohonk Preserve today, and took a few pictures. I rode my "vintage" 1993 Dean :)

Stunning. Thanks for posting.

cuda2k 05-05-09 08:15 PM

No photos tonight, but took the Gazelle A-Frame out this evening from the house up to McKinney on some really pretty back roads that I am hoping to use for the upcoming vintage ride weekend after next. 25mi out and back, saw lots of wild life and the honeysuckle was in bloom to boot!

riot2003 05-07-09 06:20 AM

Took a windy and hilly ride to my parents house totalling about 20 miles yesterday on my new '81 peugeot. It was GLORIOUS! no pics yet, sry.

Old Fat Guy 05-07-09 02:36 PM

I had an easy ride with barry1021 today through Paradise Valley. He has a small camera and took a few shots.

Hummingbird Hill, up the side of Mummy Mtn, my favorite place to climb

At the first flat up Hummingbird, looking East through the haze across Scottsdale towards Fountain Hills

Old Fat Guy holding the bikes before the climb to the top.

Ready to climb

Saguaro in bloom

Ready to drop back into the valley, if I can get under Barry's finger

Hummingbird on the South East side of Mummy

One last screaming descent

TMB 05-07-09 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by Old Fat Guy (Post 8875855)
I had an easy ride with barry1021 today through Paradise Valley. He has a small camera and took a few shots.

At the first flat up Hummingbird, looking East through the haze across Scottsdale towards Fountain Hills

Hey, I can see my house!!

Old Fat Guy 05-07-09 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by waytoomanybikes (Post 8876101)
Hey, I can see my house!!

No, it's behind the mountains, noobsauce!

prettyshady 05-08-09 12:12 AM

Past Picasso's House,

and around the Mountain.

dudeona3V 05-08-09 08:17 AM

^^^ That's beautiful! Those parasailers must have a nice view too!

Old Fat Guy 05-11-09 02:55 PM

Last week barry1021 and I took a ride out in the North part of the Phoenix Valley, in the Carefree area. We rode out towards Seven Springs and then into the Carefree Foothills before heading into Cave Creek for lunch.

Looking South into the Valley from Bartlett Lake Rd. We've climbed about 180 meters over about 10 kilometers at this point.

b21 streaking past me with out so much as a 'howdy'. Arrogant roadies

Winding Road Ahead, oh goodie!

b21 is the little speck ahead of me, how the heck did he get up there?

Waiting for traffic to clear

Same spot, looking back where we came from

b21 setting up for one of the many hairpins

Pavement ends, next year I'll have a cross type bike to continue on from here, this year we turn around

Old Fat Guy 05-11-09 02:55 PM

Part Deux:

Heading back

Lots of up and down and curves

Rush hour

b21 streaking over the last hill before the 4 mile downhill

Time to do Father Kino, a true test of legs and lungs

It's not that steep

At the top thinking about a Smoothie and Veggie Wrap at the Java in Cave Creek

A few miles of fast downhill to Cave Creek

raverson 05-11-09 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by Old Fat Guy (Post 8898136)


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