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Artkansas 04-16-14 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by cooker (Post 16674253)
How quaint.

Hopefully they appreciate the thoughtful gesture. I would.

Well, in most jobs I'd email it, but this pizza place is fairly low tech. I have an email address for the HR person, but not for the two assistant managers that I talked to or the manager who actually has the hiring authority and won't be back until tomorrow. So USPS seemed to be the way to go.

lightning60 04-16-14 11:16 AM

Yesterday I drove my wife's minivan to the dealership for service, biked 3 miles to work, and then biked back at lunch to pick it up. The service guy at the dealership seemed confused that I didn't want to take the free shuttle. Weather was great, cool enough that I didn't get sweaty in my work clothes, but warm enough that all I needed was a light jacket in the morning.

cooker 04-16-14 12:50 PM

-6C this morning (22F) but the pavement was mostly clear so I biked to work. Usually at that temperature my left hand fingers get cold, but I today I tried some leather winter mitts and they worked well. Should be a couple of degrees warmer tomorrow.

enigmaT120 04-16-14 01:53 PM

I rode to the bus yard. I saw a snail on the sidewalk as I was walking to work from the bus stop. I wonder if snails are becoming more common. All I used to see when I was a kid were slugs.

Roody 04-16-14 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by Artkansas (Post 16675853)
Well, in most jobs I'd email it, but this pizza place is fairly low tech. I have an email address for the HR person, but not for the two assistant managers that I talked to or the manager who actually has the hiring authority and won't be back until tomorrow. So USPS seemed to be the way to go.

I hope they get it that your technical expertise could help them to increase their pizza sales.

wipekitty 04-16-14 09:00 PM

Walked to the LBS to pick up my summer bike, now with a shiny new unstuck seat post. I have learned an important lesson about steel, aluminum, and rain.

lenA 04-17-14 07:32 AM

MikeRides 04-17-14 08:38 AM

Walked: Five miles from where my car broke down this morning.
Rode: 20 miles to work.

Planning to ride to the parts store (2.5 miles r/t) to place a order for a new fuel pump at lunch time if I can get away long enough, otherwise I'll go after work. I don't know when I'll have the free time to replace it, so my car will probably be out of commission again for awhile. At least the weather seems to be warming up I just have to worry about the rain (and occasional unseasonal snow) now.

So total riding time today looks like 42.5 miles

enigmaT120 04-17-14 01:03 PM

lenA, I hope you don't try to go fast around that corner.

lenA 04-18-14 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by enigmaT120 (Post 16679981)
lenA, I hope you don't try to go fast around that corner.

Can't go down the twisty turnies very fast either.........after this major long snowy winter, there is sand everywhere on the back roads. Where's my broom?

enigmaT120 04-18-14 08:29 PM

Not much walking and no riding, but I went running up the logging roads this evening after we got home from Salem. 25 minutes up the hill, 15 back down. I don't run as fast downhill since I had a really bloody wreck a few years ago. On flat ground 40 minutes would be 5 miles, but I bet this route is only about 3. It has some pretty views on the way down, though, as a reward.

Trower 04-18-14 09:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
took a 10 mile stroll after installing my recovered saddle and some leather bar wrap I made with the leftover leather! Turned out quite nice.

wipekitty 04-18-14 11:04 PM

I took the summer bike to work, the bank, and up to the vet clinic to get pills for the kitties. Then, I took the winter bike and the trailer to the store to get 2+ weeks of groceries for my household. Just look at lenA's picture...there was some of that on today's rides.

Roody 04-18-14 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by Trower (Post 16684112)
took a 10 mile stroll after installing my recovered saddle and some leather bar wrap I made with the leftover leather! Turned out quite nice.

Wow! I'm impressed with your workmanship. That's a good way to get saddle and bars to really match.

Roody 04-18-14 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by wipekitty (Post 16684234)
I took the summer bike to work, the bank, and up to the vet clinic to get pills for the kitties. Then, I took the winter bike and the trailer to the store to get 2+ weeks of groceries for my household. Just look at lenA's picture...there was some of that on today's rides.

Do you and lenA live near each other? Michigan looks a lot like Wisconsin, but maybe flatter. Being on the opposite side of the lake, we have colder springs and warmer autumns. It went down to 21F last night, but we are supposed to be in the 60s on Easter.

Machka 04-19-14 06:40 AM

We're on holiday (Easter long, long weekend), so today we cycled to a pair of tourist attractions and bought tickets to go to them at some point this weekend. Then we cycled northward to a beach, spent a little while sitting on the beach having lunch, and then we cycled back again.

It was a lovely day without much wind ... sunshine and 17C.

(Click for more photos. :))

wipekitty 04-19-14 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by Roody (Post 16684263)
Do you and lenA live near each other? Michigan looks a lot like Wisconsin, but maybe flatter. Being on the opposite side of the lake, we have colder springs and warmer autumns. It went down to 21F last night, but we are supposed to be in the 60s on Easter.

Interesting! I didn't know that about Michigan vs. Wisconsin spring/autumn. I thought it seemed like lows were a little high for this time of year.

This part of western Wisconsin (and parts of Iowa and Minnesota) is known as the Driftless Area. From what I understand, many of the glaciers that flattened out the rest of the Upper Midwest missed this area. So, unlike other parts of Wisconsin that are familiar to most people (Madison, Milwaukee), there are actually large hills/bluffs all around the region.

I never knew this, actually, until I came here on an interview. It was surprising to land in Wisconsin and see what appeared to be little mountains.

wahoonc 04-19-14 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by wipekitty (Post 16685112)
Interesting! I didn't know that about Michigan vs. Wisconsin spring/autumn. I thought it seemed like lows were a little high for this time of year.

This part of western Wisconsin (and parts of Iowa and Minnesota) is known as the Driftless Area. From what I understand, many of the glaciers that flattened out the rest of the Upper Midwest missed this area. So, unlike other parts of Wisconsin that are familiar to most people (Madison, Milwaukee), there are actually large hills/bluffs all around the region.

I never knew this, actually, until I came here on an interview. It was surprising to land in Wisconsin and see what appeared to be little mountains.

My grandparents had a dairy farm in Northeast Fayette County Iowa... most DEFINITELY not flat! The western part of the county is, the eastern is not.

Aaron :)

Rowan 04-19-14 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by Machka (Post 16670837)
They've been lighting up the Tasman Bridge for years ... not a new thing. It's a tourist attraction. :)

If I recall correctly, since it was built and opened in 1964,

Machka 04-20-14 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by wipekitty (Post 16685112)
I never knew this, actually, until I came here on an interview. It was surprising to land in Wisconsin and see what appeared to be little mountains.

I didn't realise there were small mountains in South Dakota until Rowan and I drove from one side of the US to the other a few years ago. I thought South Dakota was completely flat. We decided to stop at Mt Rushmore, and although I knew it was called a mountain, I didn't realise it was that big or that there's a sudden cluster of mountains in that area. Amazing what you discover when you travel. :)

Machka 04-20-14 04:53 AM

Today, Rowan and I decided to take in a couple tourist attractions ... and so we walked to them. :) They weren't far away, so why drive? We spent the morning visiting Platypus House and Seahorse World which were quite interesting and informative. Then we stopped for a bite to eat at a café on the walk back. That café had the best mocha I've had in a long time, and the chocolate cheesecake was very good too. The total walk was 3 km.

A bit later we also walked along one of the nearby beaches. Total walking today ... 6 km. :)

cooker 04-21-14 08:49 PM

I’d planned to get some exercise on Easter weekend but I ended up being a bit lazy – staying home, doing some light housework to prepare for dinner guests, and a few driving errands with family members who don’t bike.

But I had Monday off, and figured I’d at least do something a bit physical.

So I walked about 2 km to an electronics store with my younger son to look at cheap computers, for a spare/backup/guest computer for the house (but we didn’t buy). Then I went on my own by subway and streetcar down to Urbane Cyclist to pick up my repaired Bike Friday, and ride it home.

It was a bit muggy walking to the store, but a little later when I got off the subway and was waiting for the streetcar, it was raining and cold and I felt like a fool for not bringing a jacket. However it stopped raining by the time I got the bike, and the ride home was fine. It’s a 9 km, mostly gently uphill ride, but I did two extra loops (1.1 km each) of the slightly steeper Poplar Plains hill for extra exercise.

Why such a distant bike store? They’re not too far from work and they are an authorized Bike Friday dealer. Plus they’re well respected and not expensive.

This evening I noticed an email from my accountant that he needed another document. Tax deadline is usually April 30 in Canada – but extended to May 5 this year due to Canada Revenue Corp’s website being shut down for a few days during the “heartbleed” incident. My wife also had a prescription ready to pick up, so I walked a loop to the accountant's to stick the envelope in his mail slot, and to the drugstore to get her pills – about 3 km. at 9 pm.

Roody 04-21-14 09:26 PM

Today was the warmest day since early last October but rain threatened all day. I wanted to get some rest because I've been working hard lately. I rode about four miles down the Rivertrail, then got off the bike and got a little muddy looking for signs of spring along the river bank. Then I turned around and rode home just as it started to rain. I was only gone a couple hours, but it was very relaxing.

Machka 04-22-14 04:11 AM

Rowan and I had a nice brisk 6.1 km walk this evening, along the foreshore ... listening to the ducks quacking and the waves splashing against the shore. :)

cooker 04-22-14 07:33 AM

Biked to work in light, almost not noticeable rain. Had to strip off a layer halfway there and ride with my jacket unzipped, as it was muggy, even though only 10C and riding mostly downhill. I ride in my office clothes, so I can't get too sweaty.

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