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calmypal 11-04-09 06:06 PM

Many older folks ride the NEVADA OATBRAN ride evert Sept.
This Bike tour has lots of people over 65 who love riding lots of miles.

calmypal 11-05-09 10:27 AM

Want to loose a quick 5-10 pounds? Quit eating red meat. I did and lost 7 pounds in a month and never gained it back!!!

mexipat 11-06-09 06:27 PM

As I approached 65, I was trolling this forum while riding my Specialized Allez, getting in shape for the first time in a decade and looking forward to maybe a Century down here in south Florida. Then the bike and I had a fall and I sit here with a broken collarbone and two broken ribs. I'm hoping to be back on the bike within two months and, in the meantime, will enjoy posting to this forum legally.

DnvrFox 11-06-09 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by mexipat (Post 9997382)
As I approached 65, I was trolling this forum while riding my Specialized Allez, getting in shape for the first time in a decade and looking forward to maybe a Century down here in south Florida. Then the bike and I had a fall and I sit here with a broken collarbone and two broken ribs. I'm hoping to be back on the bike within two months and, in the meantime, will enjoy posting to this forum legally.


So sorry, and hope you heal quickly!!

macky600 11-08-09 04:33 PM

Broken bones
I,m 65 my wife and me just got up to 12 miles a day on beach cruisers. We were looking to upgrade bikes , when she broke her elbow.

macky600 11-08-09 04:34 PM

and why did I say me?

DnvrFox 11-08-09 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by macky600 (Post 10005183)
and why did I say me?

You are always welcome to edit or delete your posts! Easy to do.

napi 11-23-09 07:27 PM

i'm 75 and been riding 50 years. current bike is a khs tr101 a long wheelbase touring bike.

bluteswagon 12-04-09 10:06 AM

will be 67 if i survive ti l2010 yipes wot happened hope to ride as long as i can get on the bike live in coal regions of pa no flat land ride all winter go to gym daily gross out at 235 so hills are tough i consider riding a gift

dorothy 12-08-09 07:58 AM

I live in a studio apartment in Bangkok. Nice big bed, a verandah that overlooks the swimming pool, a gym, which I don't like using, I should, but I find it boring. No room for a wife or girlfriend; have three bikes instead, a hybrid trek which I use to go swimming about four times a week, a Trek 1000 road bike which I just put on shimano 105 to make gear changing a bit easier and my new lover a Cervelo Team Soloist which I bought in Singapore earlier this year and road in the Singapore Half Ironman which I am doing again next year, my 68th. I love women, but bikes are better. I can always find room for another bike, but a woman, oh my they take up too much space and need drawers and closets and things. I just swam a mile this morning at the local university pool and then road 40 miles near the new Bangkok airport. Merry Christmas folks. "dorothy" comes from a UK TV program which you now have in the states called "life on mars" the senior policeman calls the hero dorothy a slur at his not being a true beer drinking whisky swilling man. Take care all and look around before turning around.

Rocky1405 12-08-09 07:58 AM

Amen to riding being a "gift". I figure its like putting money in your "Health Bank" and we can never be too healthy. Its a great investment in our own well-being. If you don't believe that, just go sit and people-watch at your local Wal-Mart for awhile and see all the overweight folks there who have a hard time even getting from the car to the store - a LOT of them aren't even in their 60's yet and they can hardly move. Any money and time we spend on this hobby of ours is money and time very well spent as far as I'm concerned.
Merry Christmas from the MN Tundra where today we are going to get our first blizzard of the season. I'm going to hit the recumbent exercycle in the basement and watch an action movie.

Sculptor7 12-08-09 08:29 AM

Well said, Rocky1205. That's a great viewpoint. It's 28 degrees this morning in Maine but I am seriously thinking of taking my hybrid out for a few miles just to feel that sensation of losing 40 years off my true age (75).

jemappelleric 12-11-09 02:25 PM

Well Sculptor it's nice to see someone out there a bit ahead of me feeling as I do. I'm 71 as of last May. In August I completed a solo journey from Klamath Falls Or. to a point 60 miles above San Francisco in thirteen days, as far as I could go without having to travel on the freeway. I'm convinced cycling has saved my life. I feel just as good as I did in my forties and fifties. I can't hear **** all though.

RonH 12-18-09 04:53 PM

Ok. Turned 65 today so here I am in all my glory. :rolleyes:

kjc9640 12-18-09 05:00 PM

Happy Birthday Ron, here's hoping you have many many more.


DnvrFox 12-18-09 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by RonH (Post 10164045)
Ok. Turned 65 today so here I am in all my glory. :rolleyes:

I'm still five years+ ahead of you

This is one race you can not win!! :p

RonH 12-18-09 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by kjc9640 (Post 10164080)
Happy Birthday Ron, here's hoping you have many many more.



Originally Posted by DnvrFox (Post 10164196)
I'm still five years+ ahead of you

This is one race you can not win!! :p


aquist 12-21-09 04:19 AM

i am 69, i rode my Schwinn High Sierra today. the bike was thrown away, so I picked it up and put it on my car's bike rack. took it home and worked it up, It is a great bike,
Its not that cold here so I got away with not having my gloves with me.
. I get looks from people who can't believe that I want to ride in December. I think a ride on Christmas or new years would be great. a riding partner would be great but not all that necessary. Lots of people here in Hot Springs Ar are bike riders, but either they leave me in the dust or they still have training wheels on their bike.

eghaley 12-21-09 07:33 AM

Getting ready for CA tour
I'm finally going to go on a bike tour with Adventure Cycling in February. It's sort of a warm-up for the cycling season even though when I get back home I'll still have a wait till I can get on the road. It will be my first tour.

I've had to wait 12 years to work up to this event. I had promised myself that when I retired I would ride across country using the routes planned by Adventure Cycling. However, when I reached retirement age (55) after suffering for 10 years with a bad back, I found out that I had a broken vertebrae. Prior to this I had 3 surgeries for bad discs but no one found the separated vertebrae which continued to cause all sorts of trouble. I was still using my bike but it was like a scooter that allowed me to get around. I couldn't walk more than 100 feet.

Then I found a good surgeon who reconstructed my spine with rods and screws and replaced two discs with spring barrels. My God, what a difference. I felt great. Finally, I could plan a bike trip.

Maybe not. I had to have both knees replaced first (not at the same time!). After two decades of backpacking and climbing all over the country, my knees were shot. So they were replaced 4 years ago and now, after a full regimen of exercise, I bought a new touring bike (my other was stolen) and never looked back.

This past summer, I biked 7 mikes to an exercise facility, rode an elliptical for an hour and then biked back home. At first, it was difficult (mostly the seat) but then things got better and better and by the middle of summer I felt incredible. Better than I've felt in a long, long time. I saw the description of the CA Warmer tour and decided to try a supported tour to see if I could handle a bike tour. If things go well, then I'm on my way across country.

Oh, did I tell you I also had to lose 100 pounds? I'm almost there (lost 80 pounds in a year) and hope the rest comes off slowly. It's no longer the pounds but the conditioning. I'm ready, man!

So, God willing, life is good again. I'd like to pass along my wishes for everyone to have a Merry Christmas (and the holiday you celebrate) and an exciting New Year. Just remember, 70 is the new 40! Cheers!:thumb::thumb::thumb:

10 Wheels 12-21-09 07:36 AM

Take a camera. Post some pics.
Ride slow. Ride safe...

bluteswagon 12-29-09 02:38 PM

is it warm

Originally Posted by aquist (Post 10172280)
i am 69, i rode my Schwinn High Sierra today. the bike was thrown away, so I picked it up and put it on my car's bike rack. took it home and worked it up, It is a great bike,
Its not that cold here so I got away with not having my gloves with me.
. I get looks from people who can't believe that I want to ride in December. I think a ride on Christmas or new years would be great. a riding partner would be great but not all that necessary. Lots of people here in Hot Springs Ar are bike riders, but either they leave me in the dust or they still have training wheels on their bike.

what is the temp there in hot ??? springs here in pa it was a warm 40 on sunday last i did about 20 miles same here no one to ride with i am waiting for my brother in law to retire i rarely get passed on the trails but road riders can blow me away i ride all winter in pa as long as its dry and above 30 deg worked outside all my life numb from the ears down i guess

bluteswagon 12-29-09 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by Rocky1405 (Post 10120382)
Amen to riding being a "gift". I figure its like putting money in your "Health Bank" and we can never be too healthy. Its a great investment in our own well-being. If you don't believe that, just go sit and people-watch at your local Wal-Mart for awhile and see all the overweight folks there who have a hard time even getting from the car to the store - a LOT of them aren't even in their 60's yet and they can hardly move. Any money and time we spend on this hobby of ours is money and time very well spent as far as I'm concerned.
Merry Christmas from the MN Tundra where today we are going to get our first blizzard of the season. I'm going to hit the recumbent exercycle in the basement and watch an action movie.

brrrrr minnesota even the wolves go south for the winter

Wake 12-29-09 09:32 PM

I'll be back after March 5 - can't wait. Retirement is later in 2010. MORE BIKING -yay!

steveseebold 01-04-10 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by Wake (Post 10203436)
I'll be back after March 5 - can't wait. Retirement is later in 2010. MORE BIKING -yay!

I turned 65 last October. I used to say "when I retire I am going to ride every day. A trip to the operating room in mid October 2007 slowed that down somewhat. I had a quintuple bypass and a aortic valve replacement, and my doctor wouldn't let me ride for a year.

I lost my tandem partner about 5 years ago. My wife has gotten so big she doesn't want to be seen in a sausage suit. I guess I need a new partner.

I live at the top of a hill, so my New Years resolution this year is to ride up that hill without having to regear my bike. The bike has a 12-25 cassette. I used to ride it to work, so I geared it to go fast.

gash44 01-04-10 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by retro grouch (Post 6693180)
so how hard can it be to understand?

"you must be 65 + to post on this thread." in other words, "no baby boomers allowed"


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