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rsbob 12-02-22 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by SpeedyBlueBiker (Post 22726064)
Only rode 37 kilometers Thursday morning but it was a lot nicer. Temperature at 6:30am was 74F but 93% humidity as usual. Had a bit of wind out of the NE as they predict the temps to drop a bit over the coming days.

Boy has climate change ever effected Redmond. I just live a half hour east and it was 38* F ;)

jaxgtr 12-02-22 11:36 PM

Took a ride at the rail trail today, seems they did not get the blower truck out there after the storms that came through the other day, there was tree debris everywhere, which really sucked. Hard to see tree limbs under leaves and pine needles, so I did 30 miles and called it a day

SpeedyBlueBiker 12-02-22 11:53 PM

Today I was out riding my bike with my friend Rick and as we rounded a corner I was right behind Rick. We were only going about 15 mph. Rick must have scared a water monitor lizard as it darted out across the path right behind Rick’s back tire. I was right there and ran right over it. Both wheels. Those things are really hard. Luckily I was able to keep the bike up and didn’t fall. Yep, pretty scary. It reared its head at me as I was crossing over it. It then went and stayed by the edge of the water. Here’s a pic of the nasty bugger.
Anyway, I managed to ride a total of 39 kilometers.

Troul 12-02-22 11:57 PM

44 Miles 25F 22MPH crosswinds.

rsbob 12-03-22 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22727999)
44 Miles 25F 22MPH crosswinds.

I’m sure that adds up to 69 Miles per Cross wind! Way to go!!

jaxgtr 12-04-22 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by SpeedyBlueBiker (Post 22727993)
Today I was out riding my bike with my friend Rick and as we rounded a corner I was right behind Rick. We were only going about 15 mph. Rick must have scared a water monitor lizard as it darted out across the path right behind Rick’s back tire. I was right there and ran right over it. Both wheels. Those things are really hard. Luckily I was able to keep the bike up and didn’t fall. Yep, pretty scary. It reared its head at me as I was crossing over it. It then went and stayed by the edge of the water. Here’s a pic of the nasty bugger.

Anyway, I managed to ride a total of 39 kilometers.

This happened to me the other day when I was on the rail trail only it was a squirrel. The color of the fur matched the ground clutter so well, I did not even see it until it was between my wheels, I thought for sure I was going to hit the ground, but got really lucky. Stupid fuzzy rats.

rsbob 12-05-22 12:19 AM

Did a 30 minute zone benchmarking ride on Zwift to verify if my FTP was accurate. Zone 1 was ridiculously easy and the suggestion was maybe to increase my FTP but after zone 5 with a Heart rate of 177 I decided it was just fine. Did an extra 3 mile cool down after the fact. Tomorrow is back to the training program, already in progress.

SpeedyBlueBiker 12-06-22 08:26 AM

I rode 53 kilometers this morning. A pleasant morning as it was a little less humid.

SpeedyBlueBiker 12-07-22 08:23 AM

I went out for a quick 44 kilometers this morning. My last ride until Monday as I'm headed off to the beach for a long weekend.

Troul 12-09-22 05:55 PM

31 Miles, 21F, real feel 19F

delbiker1 12-10-22 02:28 PM

Today was about 20 miles. I passed 5000 ytd early this month. I stopped tracking at that point. I am keeping the miles at 10 to 20, or so, for now. My back feels better than it has since early spring. Two more sessions of pt, then on my own. I think yoga would be a beneficial activity for me to start practicing.

jaxgtr 12-10-22 05:53 PM

So had an interesting ride today. Buddy and I were planning on doing a short 35-45 miles, weather was solid overcast and some fog, temps in low 60's, but flipping humid. Not cool enough for long sleeves, but too warm for a vest. I choose the vest because was cold at first and then temp wise was ok from there. We are riding down a road that is a ridden heavily by bikes. The bike lane is 3 bikes wide so plenty of room. As we are riding down the road, a 90-ish age guy in a 150K Mercedes decides he is going to turn right when he is about 5 ft in front of us. My buddy slams into his car on his left side. I slam on my brakes and start to endo into the rear door window. Luckily I was able to stop the motion and made no contact with the car. Buddy is fine, no bodily damage at this point, although, I suspect he will start bruising tonight, he left a heck of a dent in his car door. His bike unbelievably had no issues outside of scratches on the side of his pedal, which also dented and removed about 10 inches of Mercedes right side door paint.

Dude had the unbelievable balls too get out of his car and start yelling and saying he was going to sue. I got in his face and told him, to back off while I looked at my friend whom he tried to kill. Buddy rides with GoPro's, he has everything recorded. Dude tried to drive off, but luckily right about that time, a cop pulled up to investigate. The guard at the gate to this place, call when he saw the accident. So after 3 people had the same story, and 2 camera's confirmed, old man, got himself 4 tickets. Driving on a suspended license, No insurance, expired tag, and failure to yield. He also has his car towed as he was arrested on a DUI charge about 4 weeks ago. All of this because he could not wait a whopping 5 seconds for us to pull through the intersection into the neighborhood. Oh and my buddy is a retired attorney, this should be fun as he plans to make this schmuck pay for new pedals, they are Garmin Vector power meter pedals, cover all his medical bills, and pain and suffering, lol.

Buddy called his wife to come get him and I decided to keep riding after sitting around for 90 mins, I was not tired. I ended up doing 70.5 miles, my legs called it a day around 65, and 65 is generous, I think they gave up at 60, but they keep telling me that is was 65, but I did not want to argue with them any longer.

rsbob 12-11-22 06:49 PM

30 today. Humidity low today as were the clouds and scattered rain. The high was 43*F. Oh and it is my B-Day so stopped at Starbucks for a free drink and birthday ‘cake’

IcySwan1 12-14-22 04:19 PM

63 miles. First metric century and some change


rsbob 12-14-22 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by IcySwan1 (Post 22739339)
63 miles. First metric century and some change


Dude! A metric in Alaska this time of year. You are an animal!

Gyro 12-14-22 07:14 PM

I hit 4,000 miles for the year!

1sp33d 12-15-22 06:43 PM

38 miles today

rsbob 12-16-22 12:50 PM

28 ID starting from Mule Village.

Troul 12-16-22 07:04 PM

31 miles out on the muck path.

rsbob 12-16-22 07:27 PM

17 id. Grand Fondu Training series. Yum

biker128pedal 12-17-22 07:48 PM

First road ride in 3 weeks. Been riding the mountain bike and indoors during the week. Road 25 miles. Sunny and high forties. A little head wind half the ride.

jaxgtr 12-17-22 11:18 PM

Brrrr, I had to break out the long sleeves and full finger gloves today. Temps when I left around 60, LOL.... beautiful day though, was a little chilly when I was not in the sun. Got in 45 miles.

Troul 12-18-22 12:39 AM

49 miles going into a 14mph headwind carrying 22F temps.

mschwett 12-18-22 09:10 PM

104 miles, 6000’, 6.5 hours. fantastic day.

rsbob 12-18-22 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22742492)
49 miles going into a 14mph headwind carrying 22F temps.

Next time either try turning aroun d half way and getting a tailwind or even better, just ride downwind the whole time. 22? You mental? Or a mentalist?

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