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furiousferret 06-01-21 09:25 AM

138 today so a bit heavier. I had a big weekend and put out 4300 kilojoules over the 3 days, and I have a lot of food sitting in my stomach. Iīve learned being on a strict count during hard weeks isnīt good, so Iīve been a tad bit more liberal with my diet. Hopefully itīll be back down before next weekend.

Yep 06-02-21 04:01 AM

Anomaly day of 157 (after just weighing at 160), but it might be a sign that's it's trending down anyway. 5'11".

burnthesheep 06-02-21 12:10 PM

Executed the TT plan just right. I let it drift up for the event, and then up a tad more to celebrate my birthday weekend this last week.

Now, trending slowly down again with the nixing of alcohol and excess treats. Also ramping back up the KJ's. Going for a little less Z3/Z4 and more Z2 and Z5/6 to pair with weeknight worlds season. I'll probably do 2x WNW a month, then the other nights I get the freebie go for long rides of 3-4 hrs.

Goals for rest of season:
-320w for 8min on the TT bike (312w the other day....)
-500w for 90 sec, road bike
-back to 68kg

TMonk 06-04-21 07:48 AM

Body weight a hair below race weight again this morning. Based on how I feel when it gets any lower, and my racing goals for the weekend, I will not hesitate to snack today and otherwise make sure I'm full after my meals.

ntnyln 06-04-21 07:50 AM

Friday check in says things are holding steady

Hermes 06-04-21 08:25 AM

I put on my very skinny jeans that were tight, but fit. I am carrying more muscle, especially upper body, than I need. I continue to work out in the gym so muscle composition is not going to change.

furiousferret 06-04-21 12:58 PM

I had to invoke rule 5 but I was 135 this morning. If I'm teetering on the scale but it marks high, I just mark it down to the lower weight because there have been days I don't eat for 2 hours so I can hit the weight.

caloso 06-05-21 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by caloso (Post 22067210)
My benchmark has always been 168lbs. I call it my graduation weight because it's what I weighed the day I graduated from high school in 1985. This morning I'm GW+2lbs.

Graduation weight + 0.5

Psimet2001 06-10-21 02:33 PM

While it's been a long trip from my high of 250 in 2018 I have been making slow but steady progress by simply staying more active and trying to make better choices (no shocking radical life changes that are bound to fail). I hit a low of 213 right after I lost 20 lbs in November from Covid but over half of that came back in short order. Yesterday I hit 209. Jerseys sag so much if I do a longer ride and put anything with weight in the pockets I looks like a middle aged Fred wearing 20 year old kit filled with cookies at a century rest stop and shirts look like tents. Refuse to buy new shorts (fat man thinking - "what's the point I will end up in these again") so the belt is a necessity and turns everything into heavily pleated shorts.

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't important to me but I don't like to celebrate it because it will hurt that much more when it goes the other way.

I share genes with my mom's side of the family. They were ALL large/obese German farmer stock. Its part of why I cycled as a kid (to keep from getting fat) and a lot of why I keep with the sport as an adult. I've been known to let it go every now and then and I prefer to make slow changes when losing. This "current" trend started when my doctor just flat out said, "You're diabetic. We can call you pre-diabetic if it makes you feel any better but you have to lose weight now or this isn't ever going to change."

Maybe not the right thread or forum for this but nice to share it somewhere. Small victories. get all the way back to my ideal race weight of 168

pics for the helluvit
last weekend.

Hermes 06-10-21 05:47 PM

Psimet2001 Welcome and this a great place to report weight management progress. Keep up the the good work.

ntnyln 06-11-21 02:34 AM

Friday check in says I'm up ~1. 150.5

topflightpro 06-11-21 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by caloso (Post 22089562)
Graduation weight + 0.5

So, I'm at graduation weight +15, but I'm thinner than I was in HS. Or at least I have a smaller waist. I know this because I am still wearing the same leather belt I bought in high school. It's funny, it has 5 belt loop holes, and I've used 4 of them over the years. I am currently on the smallest hole.

furiousferret 06-11-21 09:16 AM

This may sound like an excuse but my failings in weight loss solely lie on what others bring into the house. I can eat the same thing every day, Oatmeal, blueberries, and strawberries for breakfast and chicken and rice for dinner. Sometimes Clif Bars if I'm lazy.

We got a box of 40 ice cream bars in the freezer and its hard not to eat them. Its like this a few days every month, there's usually something that ends up in our kitchen I have to fight to stay away from but it doesn't end well.

topflightpro 06-11-21 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by furiousferret (Post 22097613)
This may sound like an excuse but my failings in weight loss solely lie on what others bring into the house. I can eat the same thing every day, Oatmeal, blueberries, and strawberries for breakfast and chicken and rice for dinner. Sometimes Clif Bars if I'm lazy.

We got a box of 40 ice cream bars in the freezer and its hard not to eat them. Its like this a few days every month, there's usually something that ends up in our kitchen I have to fight to stay away from but it doesn't end well.

Me too. My wife's job is about four hours away, so we often spend weeks apart. I tend to eat better and slim down when we're not together.

Hermes 06-14-21 09:01 AM

173 this AM.

cmh 06-14-21 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by furiousferret (Post 22097613)
This may sound like an excuse but my failings in weight loss solely lie on what others bring into the house. I can eat the same thing every day, Oatmeal, blueberries, and strawberries for breakfast and chicken and rice for dinner. Sometimes Clif Bars if I'm lazy.

We got a box of 40 ice cream bars in the freezer and its hard not to eat them. Its like this a few days every month, there's usually something that ends up in our kitchen I have to fight to stay away from but it doesn't end well.

Sounds perfect! A few days every month you should be treating yourself to goodies that you don't have all the time :), the rest of the month, be vigilant. But, ok, 40 ice cream bars is excessive.

TMonk 06-14-21 06:33 PM

A healthy 147 this morning, 2 lbs over race weight and 2-4 over what I've been used to seeing lately. This came as no surprise after a rest week and a camping trip with the lady then weekend visiting family. So lots of extraneous food and drink and no big calorie burns. But I'm not stressin' it.

big john 06-14-21 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Psimet2001 (Post 22096669)
While it's been a long trip from my high of 250 in 2018 I have been making slow but steady progress by simply staying more active and trying to make better choices (no shocking radical life changes that are bound to fail). I hit a low of 213 right after I lost 20 lbs in November from Covid but over half of that came back in short order. Yesterday I hit 209. Jerseys sag so much if I do a longer ride and put anything with weight in the pockets I looks like a middle aged Fred wearing 20 year old kit filled with cookies at a century rest stop and shirts look like tents. Refuse to buy new shorts (fat man thinking - "what's the point I will end up in these again") so the belt is a necessity and turns everything into heavily pleated shorts.

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't important to me but I don't like to celebrate it because it will hurt that much more when it goes the other way.

I share genes with my mom's side of the family. They were ALL large/obese German farmer stock. Its part of why I cycled as a kid (to keep from getting fat) and a lot of why I keep with the sport as an adult. I've been known to let it go every now and then and I prefer to make slow changes when losing. This "current" trend started when my doctor just flat out said, "You're diabetic. We can call you pre-diabetic if it makes you feel any better but you have to lose weight now or this isn't ever going to change."

Maybe not the right thread or forum for this but nice to share it somewhere. Small victories. get all the way back to my ideal race weight of 168

pics for the helluvit
last weekend.

One of my friends, and one of the fastest club riders I know, is a fluctuator . He's been as high as 300 and as low as 180. He keeps cycling kits and regular clothes in different sizes, even though he's been under 190 for several months.
I've been 260 but that was long ago. I guess my point is for some of us it is a struggle, regardless of bicycling or not. Bicycling and cycling kits just emphasize our excesses.
Congrats on your recent success.

furiousferret 06-15-21 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by cmh (Post 22101813)
Sounds perfect! A few days every month you should be treating yourself to goodies that you don't have all the time :), the rest of the month, be vigilant. But, ok, 40 ice cream bars is excessive.

I agree, the problem is always we go out to eat on Friday night, have some nice food, then someone calls on Saturday inviting us over to eat!

cmh 06-17-21 02:00 PM

I've cut way back on the number nights when I have any alcohol, and the nights that I do drink, I have a few. The next morning, my weight is always on the lower side of recent days by at least a pound. I know full well that it is just lower hydration due to the alcohol but I still love getting on the scale those mornings. Case in point, I went out for a couple beers and burger after my race last night and weighed in under 165 lbs this morning which is my lowest weight in forever. Cheers!

ntnyln 06-18-21 03:02 AM

Friday check in has me holding steady at 150. It hasn't been easy. The combination of finishing a pretty big build block combined with a lot of night meetings that disrupt sleep makes controlling the appetite hard sometimes. That's the hardest thing about managing race weight for me, just getting tired and all of sudden finding yourself in the kitchen trying to eat my way out of it.

Hermes 06-25-21 01:53 PM

Post colonoscopy weight 171.3. I used the prep protocol to get in a longer intermittent fasting.

caloso 06-25-21 02:09 PM

Holding around 167-168.

Hermes 07-05-21 07:36 AM

169.4 this AM. Okay, I am in my race weight range of 167-170. 167 is ideal with my gym routine.

cmh 07-06-21 10:39 AM

Holding steady in the 166-168lb range over the last few weeks - a good race weight for me.

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