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steelbikeguy 02-05-21 06:06 PM

I just scanned a couple of old issues of Bicycling recently. I'm browsing through those looking for prime examples.
'fer instance.. a lesson could be "shorts can be too short"...

Steve in Peoria

steelbikeguy 02-05-21 06:12 PM

another warning?

you might want to skip the first, or even the second, generation of a new technology....

Steve in Peoria

conspiratemus1 02-05-21 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by steelbikeguy (Post 21911548)
I suppose things like "splash" handlebar tape might be construed as a warning that fashions don't always wear well. A polka-dot bike isn't so bad, since it is modeled on the TdF jersey.

My favorite example of how fashions don't age well is a page out of a mid-70's Raleigh catalog. The bikes are fine, but the clothing.... well, you'll see....

Steve in Peoria

Ahhh, in the days before chlamydia.....

OldsCOOL 02-05-21 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by bOsscO (Post 21911594)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

bOsscO 02-05-21 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by OldsCOOL (Post 21911805)
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Now you will always think of this image every time you see this type of bike frame.

OldsCOOL 02-05-21 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by bOsscO (Post 21911814)
Now you will always think of this image every time you see this type of bike frame.

And with a chuckle!

Moisture 02-05-21 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by Drillium Dude (Post 21911670)

Oh man. Here we go again.

Just take a look at my bike and then ask yourself the same thing again, OP. You'll feel better. At least the aesthetics of your bike doesn't have peeling plastidip hanging off the top tube exposing rust spots.

steelbikeguy 02-05-21 06:47 PM

while I was going through one of my old magazines, I was reminded of the hazards of making moral/ethical compromises, and how that can put one onto the slippery slope to infamy....

if that's not a warning to future generations of cyclists, I'm not sure what is.

Steve in Peoria

JaccoW 02-05-21 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by steelbikeguy (Post 21911847)
while I was going through one of my old magazines, I was reminded of the hazards of making moral/ethical compromises, and how that can put one onto the slippery slope to infamy....

[[i]Lance Armstrong image]

if that's not a warning to future generations of cyclists, I'm not sure what is.

To quote this overview page on Doping in the TdF of Wikipedia:

14 of the 25 most recent winners (56%) have either failed tests or have confessed to have used doping. Together with those who failed tests but never sanctioned, 68% of the winners evidently used doping as detailed in the table below.

And from this site:

In addition, of the 81 different riders who finished in the top-10 of the Tour de France during this period, 65% have been caught doping, admitted to blood doping, or have strong associations to doping and are suspected cheaters.

More importantly for Lance Armstrong, during the 7-year window when he won every Tour de France (1999-2005), 87% of the top-10 finishers (61 of 70) were confirmed dopers or suspected of doping.
So clearly the lesson here is Don't get caught


JaccoW 02-05-21 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by Chombi1 (Post 21911729)
Add crackle and splatter finishes on some late 80's bikes to the list of "fair warnings"......:rolleyes:
Some "fade" finishes aren't aging thst well, either....:rolleyes:

I think they can be very tasteful when done right. In a RAD sort of way. Good luck ever properly repainting it though.

As for fades... some of those mid-90's fades aren't exactly my favourite colour combinations. But they pale compared to some eyesore frame designs around that time:

steelbikeguy 02-05-21 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by JaccoW (Post 21911915)
So clearly the lesson here is Don't get caught

no question, the history of bike racing is full of folks seeking to improve their performance in whatever way they can.
It could be argued that Lance just didn't know when to tone it down a bit and avoid some of the scrutiny. You don't want to be the guy that the authorities decide to make an example of.
It could also be argued that he might not have been penalized so much if he had been a nicer guy.

To counter the "don't get caught' argument.. I think LeMond serves as an example of the right way to succeed. Like Lance, he had physical problems to overcome, but LeMond seems to have won the Tour without doping, or at least without getting caught doping?

but yeah,.. there are a variety of lessons to be learned from Mr. Armstrong.

Steve in Peoria

Wildwood 02-05-21 08:19 PM

I found myself following this guy at a BobF ride, I think you & Mark attended.
Ahhh there it is - Not a climbing route so, Polka Dot bike saved for later.

thumpism 02-05-21 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by steelbikeguy (Post 21911548)
I suppose things like "splash" handlebar tape might be construed as a warning that fashions don't always wear well.

Hey, it doesn't always look bad.

cb400bill 02-05-21 08:24 PM

Yes, it does.

thinktubes 02-05-21 08:27 PM

Chombi1 02-05-21 08:32 PM

Seeing that pic in a magazine in the 80's of Eric Heiden on his 7-11 team bike with the first wonky looking upturned necked stem was a good warning for me on how race bikes are just going to continually get uglier and uglier in the future.

Wildwood 02-05-21 08:40 PM

Doing it with panaché will always be in style:
(edit: ^^^^ Not my bike, i couldn't pull it off, dressed out by a much classier Forum member)
Or alternatively

Andy_K 02-05-21 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by droppedandlost (Post 21911658)
You mean the one red valve cap?

I’ve fixed that, but you’re right.

Andy_K 02-05-21 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by squirtdad (Post 21911642)
I really like the polka dot serrotta, playful fun

I think so too, which is the main reason I’m reluctant to do anything about the deteriorating paint. Those shorts on the other hand... ;)

gugie 02-05-21 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by Spaghetti Legs (Post 21911573)
My bikes are the epitome of timeless style and elegance I'm sure.

BTW I saw the thread title and just knew this bike would be featured. I like it and the only eyebrow raiser for me is the triple crank, ha ha.

Maybe Gugie's bacon tape will make an appearance.

Ask and ye shall receive.

This'll never go on a bike, it's worth 10x in the box. And 9x of that is the box.

jdawginsc 02-05-21 09:55 PM

polka dotted frame=awesomeness

Originally Posted by Andy_K (Post 21911564)
The polka dots are either (a) cool because of their connection to the Tour de France KoM jersey, or (b) absolutely hideous for reasons that should be obvious to all sighted people. Since I am the current owner of this Serotta, all value of (a) is negated by this:

jdawginsc 02-05-21 09:57 PM

Rossin and Faggin win the awards for “hmm...what eyesore paint will actually look really 30 years”

mstateglfr 02-06-21 12:12 AM

Originally Posted by Chombi1 (Post 21911729)
Add crackle and splatter finishes on some late 80's bikes to the list of "fair warnings"......:rolleyes:
Some "fade" finishes aren't aging thst well, either....:rolleyes:

Crackle, splatter, and fades are the greatest 3 paint styles ever created. Ever.

- a product of the late 80s and 90s.

bikingshearer 02-06-21 12:37 AM

Originally Posted by nlerner (Post 21911611)
Yes to splash tape and 70s Raleigh catalog pics:

In the same vein: Every single article of clothing worn by every single model in every single photo on every single page of every single Schwinn catalog from every single year from about 1965 to about 1977. I thought the models (except for the guys on the Paramount track bikes) looked stupid when I saw the catalogs as a kid in real time. I poured over every detail of at least some of the bikes. But I, even at 8 years old, thought the humans in the pics looked like total dorks. And that was before the word "dork" was invented.

bikingshearer 02-06-21 12:41 AM

Not so much a warning as an object lesson that even top-drawer outfits can lose their way.

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