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Frenzen 03-15-24 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by boatsinbottles (Post 21581689)
I recently fell in love with the 615 when this "Idaho randonneur" was posted FS on iBOB. I hope this is good inspiration on what can be done.

I am curious but is there something special about these tires, I was unaware you can fit 700x40 on miyata 615. Wait I might have spoke too soon, I think it is because you have the biggest frame size.

The Golden Boy 03-16-24 02:28 PM

polymorphself What did you end up doing with this bike?

polymorphself 03-18-24 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by The Golden Boy (Post 23186150)
polymorphself What did you end up doing with this bike?

I started building it up and I didn't love the fit of it. It would have been doable (taller stem mostly), except that my 86 Voyageur came along as an option so I sold both this 615 and my 310 to finance the Voyageur. It was the exact bike I wanted in better condition than I could've hoped for and I still haven't felt the need to buy another bike since, so it was the right choice.

I parted this 615 out, most of the components went to people on this forum. I can't recall which avenue I sold the frame through though.

Gosh, looking back at the polished photos- it sure was pretty.

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