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Force 11-30-08 10:26 AM

Gordo Grande, you are killing me with these photos! I've got to move near the water.

Gordo Grande 11-30-08 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Force (Post 7938638)
Gordo Grande, you are killing me with these photos! I've got to move near the water.

LOL! I thought that all those beach shots would get to a few folks at least. :)

There is no question that living in Los Angeles has its drawbacks, but how bad can it be if we have this everyday? That Ballona Creek Bike Path, which leads directly to the Beach Bike Path, runs right past my house. I try to ride it everyday. I can get there in about twenty minutes.

BTW, that bridge over the Ballona Creek is an amazing place to just sit and watch bicycles. You see every type and make going by every day. The other day I saw a few Pashley (sp?) type bicycles there, as well as roadsters, tourists, racers, beach cruisers, recumbants, tandems, wheel chairs, row-cycles, dutch type bicycles, (I tried to buy one off a guy from Sweden), folders, and of course racers.

The Beach Bike Path also happens to be part of the Adventure Cyclist (Bikecentennial) West Coast Bike Route. I see tourists passing through every day.

Even better, I can combine bicycling with my other obsession, which is fishing. I can ride to the beach, fish to my heart's content, and then ride home. That stretch by the Marina is good for halibut, bass, and barracuda. The beach itself is also good for halibut and surf perch.

What more can I ask for? I'm not going to have any problem finding something to fill my time when I retire in a few years. :)

powerband 12-01-08 11:28 PM


Here's a lazy Sunday afternoon in Mountain View, Ca. I ride a Fuji Touring IV Series, and my wife rides a Specialized Rock Hopper (which she often inadvertently calls a Hard Rock).

Today we put a Zone bar each into our saddlebags, filled our water bottles with tap water, and headed out to ride the trail along the shoreline, which extends along the heel of the San Francisco bay.

In this picture you can look across the bay and see the haze over Milpitas, Ca.

Here we are riding south. You’re probably looking over my wife’s shoulder at the north part of San Jose.

Along the way you can see NASA Ames Research Center. NASA is a group of pretty smart people who send people to outer space and shoot laser at the Vulcans.

We stopped at a random school to eat our Zone bars.

Then we continued on. It is a long and well-maintained trail, with nice things to see. We pedaled and pedaled. Then the trail suddenly ends at a chain-linked fence with a generic sign that says “End of Trail.” We scratched out heads and picked our bikes up and turned them around, and started pedaling the other way.


powerband 12-01-08 11:29 PM

Over my wife’s shoulder you can see Moffet Field, a military airfield with very large hangers, with active runways on which big military planes still take off and land. The rumble in the sky can often be heard for miles and you’d think you’re in WWII somewhere in Europe. (But really you’re in Mountain View a few miles from the 101 and Whole Foods down the street.)

My wife is a speed reader.

powerband 12-01-08 11:30 PM

The trail led us to Shoreline Park, where people bring their families and kids and boyfriends and girlfriends and pets and books and mistresses and iPods and suntan lotion.

You can rent small sale boats.

O-oh. What’s this?

The bridge to home is guarded by a North American Great Egret (?), and you have to give him the secret phrase in order to cross.

The secret phrase is “My brother is a taxidermist.”

We were let through.

He wasn’t very social, but he was gorgeous.

powerband 12-01-08 11:31 PM

We’re close to home, riding through the Google complex. A picture of me.

Another picture of me. (I have lots of pictures of me.)

This is a Google thing. For those who don’t know what Google is: they organize the Internet and their next project is to extend world dominance to Planet Vulcan, and beyond.

Google street.

Google really believes in alternative transportation and encourages biking. They even have a speed meter that’s sensitive to even a single bicycle. Here I fumbled with my camera to take this shot just right in the nick of time, as I rode past it at 11 mph, and nearly dropped the camera.

Google entrance. Whether it’s their front door, back door, side door, or one of the trillions of doors that Google owns, I have no idea. The campus stretches for blocks after blocks.

powerband 12-01-08 11:32 PM

We stopped for coffee at a mainstream coffee joint.

Then picked up burritos to take home to eat in the comfort of our own back patio.

A well-deserved meal. :)

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

VintageR 12-03-08 11:17 AM

Hey, *the thread* is back again!!
Hi thread, nice to have you back, I see you're doin' fine ... :thumb:

Those were some very nice immersing stories, guys!
I really dig those lively impressions, it sometimes feels I've been there myself.
(It's rather chilly over here, so no bike ridin' for me. Just sitting 'round, looking at your pics, and envy ;).)

Gordo Grande 12-03-08 01:22 PM

We get those giant egrets down here in L.A. too. The Ballona Creek Bike Path runs right along the Ballona Wetlands, just south of Marina Del Rey. It's an area that people have been fighting to protect for decades, because it's a key piece of the Pacific Coast Flyway. We get egrets, great blue herons and other beautiful birds. It makes the ride worthwhile.

It's amazing how many folks cruise right by without noticing these beautiful creatures.

USAZorro 12-03-08 01:28 PM

We have herons and egrets here too - only not too likely to see them this time of year. :(

powerband 12-03-08 01:56 PM

As you might guess from the pictures above, the Egrets around here seem to be ammuned to people. I could have hand-fed the one we passed on the bridge some gummy bears and had a full-on conversation with him about the United States embargo against Cuba. But, he was a little annoyed with the "taxidermist" comment.

He was enormous up close and I didn't want to get on his bad side.

USAZorro 12-03-08 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by powerband (Post 7957526)
As you might guess from the pictures above, the Egrets around here seem to be ammuned to people. I could have hand-fed the one we passed on the bridge some gummy bears and had a full-on conversation with him about the United States embargo against Cuba. But, he was a little annoyed with the "taxidermist" comment.

He was enormous up close and I didn't want to get on his bad side.

Dang. I saw you had posted and was hoping it was more pictures.

One lives a bit vicariously when it's 35 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside. :o

powerband 12-03-08 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by USAZorro (Post 7957699)
Dang. I saw you had posted and was hoping it was more pictures.

One lives a bit vicariously when it's 35 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside. :o


I know about living vicariously... My friend's younger brother, a senior in college, comes home every holiday with a new girlfriend who is invariably more attractive than the last.

Also, I've been married for 8 years; I know about cold temperature. :notamused:

(Lori, if you're reading this, I'm just kidding. :o)

VintageR 12-04-08 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by powerband (Post 7958366)
... I've been married for 8 years; I know about cold temperature.


Originally Posted by powerband (Post 7958366)
I know about living vicariously... My friend's younger brother, a senior in college, comes home every holiday with a new girlfriend who is invariably more attractive than the last.

... sounds like you should go to confession ... :p

Gordo Grande 12-04-08 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by USAZorro (Post 7957699)
Dang. I saw you had posted and was hoping it was more pictures.

One lives a bit vicariously when it's 35 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside. :o

I'll have to go out and take some more beach shots for you.....maybe this weekend.

I grew up in Wisconsin...I know how you feel! :)

jan nikolajsen 12-06-08 10:53 PM

It is December 6 and here, high in a mountain valley, there should be a foot or more of snow on the side of the road.
But not. Again today we could ride dry pavement through the crisp late fall air. The skiers and the farmers are not
particularly amused by the dearth of white stuff, but a handful of die-hard cyclists celebrated with a longish ride.

So with the scenery merely gray and dreary, featuring naked branches against a leaden sky, I decided to focus the
camera on my recently completed ride, a Spanish Razesa.

Excuse the footwear, so very uncool, but hiking boots with two pairs of rag socks and plastic bag liners are the ticket
when the daytime highs are around 32 degrees, and all the spare cash is spent on vintage components instead of proper
cycle wear. Taking my gloves off to handle the camera was a near invitation to frostbite.

High Fist Shin 12-07-08 08:47 AM

^ Cool pic, Jan. A very nice bike.

No riding for me today in my little corner of PA. We got some snow last night and the roads are slick.

bigbossman 12-07-08 12:00 PM

Work's been beating the hell out of me, and until yesterday I hadn't been on a bike since 11/23. Yesterday, the NorCal BF folks organized a little jaunt up Mt Hamilton and back, and I decided to tag along. Not only that, but I conned Bikingshearer to go along with me.

It was your basic miserable CA winter day - about 40 dergrees at first light, but already in the 50's at the 9:30am start. It turned out to be a nice clear day, more or less cloudless and in the mid-60's for the most part. With the recent rains the grass is making a comeback, but the deciduous trees have paid their annual price and will not awaken till late January or so.

Anyway, we had a fine time, rode 38 miles, and climbed 5,000'+. Pretty much 20 up and 20 down.

Some pics:

Back of the autobus:

First climb:

First glimpse of destination, Lick observatory - still 13 miles distant:

Autobus self-portrait:


A bunch of road:

Shhh..... he's sleeping:

Autumn colors:


Top of the world:

cuda2k 12-07-08 04:54 PM

Left the apartment at 9:45am. temp: 39 degrees.

Arrived home: 3:55pm. temp: 59 degrees(ish)

Between those two times: 63mi @ 16.4mph. (plus two rest stops, a stop for lunch after the origanized ride, etc.
It was the first ride on my Serotta since putting the new wheels on it that bikeforums member urbanknight built for me. Ambrosio Excellight SSC rims laced to Camapgnolo Daytona hubs with DTSwiss Revolution spokes (Competition for rear drive side). 12-25 10sp Centaur cassette and Conti GP4000s tires made up the rest of the wheelset.

I give the new wheels high marks all around. I didn't feel all that well during much of the ride, but I stayed with (if not at the front of) the pack most of the ride. Braking surface is as good if not better than my mavic open pros, and much better than the non-machined rims such as my Campagnolo Omega 19 set.

Lots more photos of the wheels here:

powerband 12-08-08 12:34 AM

Bigbossman, great photos of the ride! I've yet to make it out to Mount Hammy -- bicycle or motorcycle. Your pictures are inspiring me to take the motorcycle out that way, at least for the first trip up to the observatory.


bikingshearer 12-08-08 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by powerband (Post 7983639)
Bigbossman, great photos of the ride! I've yet to make it out to Mount Hammy -- bicycle or motorcycle. Your pictures are inspiring me to take the motorcycle out that way, at least for the first trip up to the observatory.


Use the motorcycle. For the last few miles, I was feeling a lot like the skunk in the photo montage.

BBM ain't kidding - it's pretty much 20 miles up, 20 miles back down.

Rober 12-08-08 09:07 PM

Decided to take the Austro-Daimler out on the Josie Johnson Memorial ride on Sunday. It was about 43 when I left at 11 AM and never got above 45 all day. The ride is a gentle rolling loop, 25 miles total, through some nice neighborhoods and then up along the East Bench on Wasatch Blvd back to Salt Lake. I'm glad I went for a ride - its snowing today...

Coming up out of Cottonwood to the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon.

Looking south along Wasatch Blvd toward the mountains.

Looking north to Salt Lake City. We have our "winter inversion" (pollution) back now.

The Austro-Daimler leaning against a rock.

Looking south from Wasatch over the 215 freeway.

One of the three bike/pedestrian bridges over the junction of I-80 and I-215. You can see I-80 going east to Wyoming in the background.

metalchef87 12-09-08 07:17 PM

Going on a 20 mile ride tomorrow on my Schwinn. Will definitely post some pics.

fearfeasog 12-10-08 01:56 PM

i didn't ride today...bummer.

-holiday76 12-10-08 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by fearfeasog (Post 7998673)
i didn't ride today...bummer.

I didnt either. After riding around 5k miles from April to October, in the last month and a half or so I've only logged about 60 :(


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