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Burr 07-16-08 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by maddmaxx (Post 6691774)
Hi, I'm new to this 65+ thread. I'm not quite 65 yet but I feel like it. Would it be ok for me to hang around with you geezers for a couple of years?

Well, you asked nice BUT, you have to leave that damn Rabbit with the 50 group.

Burr 66 12/24/41

10 Wheels 07-16-08 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by DnvrFox (Post 7069825)
This 65+ thread seems to have died a natural death - err - perhaps those are the wrong words!

My wife is ready for a 70+ thread, but it will take me about 1.5 years.

Too busy riding: Monday 80 miles, Tuesday 86 miles
Resting today.
Riding again Thursday and Friday.

jerryt 07-16-08 05:53 PM

I'm 67+ and looking for the post:lurker: for lurkers only.

RedC 07-16-08 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by jerryt (Post 7074452)
I'm 67+ and looking for the post:lurker: for lurkers only.

I'm 66 and trying to get in good enough shape to keep up with some of the folks who are obviously older.


They call me Red, like the color my hair used to be.

abqhudson 07-16-08 06:15 PM

Tasteful badges?
I have my 50+ jersey, but, I am thinking about putting 70+ badges/decals/embroidery or? on all of my jerseys! I am 70 +. Why not?

Burr 07-16-08 06:15 PM

Eat your hearts out kids

zonatandem 07-16-08 09:23 PM

Bunchakidz! G-e-e-e-e-z, give an old guy a break will ya!?
Let me know when you start a 75+ club!

Ankleweightman 07-16-08 10:49 PM

[ young whippersnappers - not yet 50 - posting to the 50+ forum

can one still ride past 65, 75 or 85? Try us here.

okrobie 07-17-08 09:41 AM

Hello, I'm 66 and my goal is to ride as fast as my riding buddy who is 75. This would be a good thread if we could keep the young'uns out.:)

Amazingrace 07-17-08 01:05 PM

What about a 65 Plus jersey?
I see Mr. Corlew has designed a 50+ jersey. How about a 65+ with a clever slogan?

Terrierman 07-18-08 09:47 AM

Is this the 56+ thread or is my disxelia acting up again?

guybierhaus 07-18-08 10:56 AM

Ahh ah......I forgot.

DnvrFox 07-20-08 10:24 AM


Someone made this a "sticky." But, not at MY request. Likely no one will evere read or post again.

Now Catweazle is going to complain and give us all a lesson on what should and shouldn't be a "sticky."

OK, CW, we are awaiting!

Burr 07-21-08 10:51 PM

I just looked for a "65" forum???

But maybe we nicer guys can just post on this 65 thread but to keep it from getting to long we need the start a new tread every week.

fthomas 07-21-08 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by solveg (Post 6692585)
I don't like* to be excluded! I like to think I am welcome and loved everywhere! :)

You are - even in Wisconsin. :thumb:

Catweazle 07-22-08 02:19 AM

Originally Posted by DnvrFox
This 65+ thread seems to have died a natural death

Originally Posted by DnvrFox
OK, CW, we are awaiting!

Yeah, you're right. Thread kinda looks like a wall filled with graffiti tags sprayed on by wobbly old geezers propped up on walking sticks, doesn't it? So no worries. I'll see if I can help! :D

It was my old dad you see! Gettin' on into his 80s now, and facing a medical for license renewal later in the year. Gettin' a bit concerned and depressed about it all, too, cause even though he can see what's going on around him when he's driving he can't read those ridiculous little little "Stand ten feet away and read the fifth line" thingumibobs!

Of course, being the kind and concerned son that I am I addressed his fears, and sought to allay them a bit.

"Guess you'll be riding a treadlie up and down to the shop, then?"

He gave a bit of a "Hrrmmmpphh!" to that, as I expected he would. But a few days later I saw him wheel one of the bikes out of the shed and sneak around and up the drive with it, so I wandered out.

I got around the front of the house only to see him pedal a few yards, wobble all over the place, and then stagger half way across the yard, red in the face, trying to get off the thing.

"I can't bloody ride that thing! Face facts! I'm past it and I'm useless and ....."

The muttering kept going all the way back up the driveway and into the shed. The face was gettin' kinda redder too. He wasn't really in a mood for conversation at that point in time, so I muttered over the top of his mutterings to say

"Ya know, if it strikes ya fancy to try that again sometime I reckon you oughta let me know. I reckon that seat is a bit too high for ya, and I might have to drop it down so's you can ride the thing!"

Later that day, after Mrs CW and I returned from a visit to our son's house, I saw him wander in to chat with her.

"I'm not gonna tell him" I could overhear him saying "but I tried ring that bike while you were out and it was a bloody disaster! Fell arse over head in the driveway and it hurt so much it took me half an hour to get up again."

I didn't say anything, on account of how he was whispering so loud and not wanting me to hear, but I had a chat with my son about it the next day. Shortly afterwards the old bloke wandered in, only to have his grandson say

"You know, old bloke, there's about half a dozen old chooks in town who ride adult sized trikes and cart baskets around on them for the shopping!"

My goodness! THAT sure sparked another red-faced muttering spasm episode!

I'm kinda expecting him, sometime in the near future, to have a chat about lowering that bike seat down :)

Just Williams 07-22-08 06:18 AM

So are we or are we not going to have a 65+ thread? If we are then we have to mean 65+. It's not good for these youngsters to be running riot and posting all over the place. They should be seen but not heard. They should know their place. And that isn't here! :D

OldLog 07-23-08 09:58 PM

Well I am 66 just starting to ride and enjoying the H out of myself doing it. If I could locate a bunch of old geezers to ride with things would be a lot better.

Burr 07-28-08 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by OldLog (Post 7122061)
Well I am 66 just starting to ride and enjoying the H out of myself doing it. If I could locate a bunch of old geezers to ride with things would be a lot better.

Old Geezer,
Did you find anyone to ride with?
Try meeting some of the local riders on the weekend and they can help you find others your age. Maybe someone dropped out because he didn't have someone to ride with.

Let me know how it works out for you.

mud 07-30-08 09:55 PM

I would post in this thread but, I'm only 62! Maybe next year.

DnvrFox 07-31-08 04:39 AM

Originally Posted by mud (Post 7172581)
I would post in this thread but, I'm only 62! Maybe next year.

We're changing it to 66+ next year, and you DO need a good math refresher course!

mud 07-31-08 09:14 PM

I guess that means that every year there might be a new jersey! I can't wait to get old enough to join this group, maybe the year after next.

We're changing it to 66+ next year, and you DO need a good math refresher course!

foggybottom 08-02-08 07:28 PM

I consider 65 year olds as still developing but worthy of sympathetic feelings. Just joined the forum and am working on putting an electric motor in a tapole trike. I'll keep following developments.

zonatandem 08-05-08 09:58 PM

OK, the old guys are mouthin' off . . .
How many ladies out there (asides from Mrs. D'Fox and K/zonatandem) are willing to fess up to be more than 65 years 'young' and still pedalin'?

DnvrFox 08-06-08 05:34 AM

Originally Posted by zonatandem (Post 7214876)
OK, the old guys are mouthin' off . . .
How many ladies out there (asides from Mrs. D'Fox and K/zonatandem) are willing to fess up to be more than 65 years 'young' and still pedalin'?

Mrs. D'Fox did a nice ride yesterday, along with a group of 7 others ladies and gentlemen over 65!

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