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scottfsmith 02-25-22 06:08 PM

I just ruined a $1000 carbon rim on my commute this week. Moral is don't do all of the following.
  1. Let a slow leak fester, thinking you can just keep pumping up in the morning for a few more days before properly fixing on the weekend
  2. Forget to check in on said slow leak after a day at the office
  3. When your bike rear then starts handling a bit strange due to said slow leak, don't actually look at the tire, instead blame it on the heavy load in the rear panniers
  4. Gun it over a large speed bump
I am lucky that it seems to be under warranty but it is only because of an absurdly good warranty that Roval has on their carbon rims.. two years free replacement for any reason if it happened while biking.

noglider 02-27-22 08:33 AM

Man, that hurts. Here’s hoping nothing like that happens again.

pdlamb 03-02-22 05:21 PM

This was a beautiful day for a ride! Middle 70s and sunny, not much wind. Traffic was well behaved (only heavy downtown coming home). There was a pair of bluebirds flying about some trees near the road on the homeward ride -- it must be spring already! (If that doesn't bring cold rain, I don't know what will.)

Oh, and I didn't have to stay at the office too long, so that didn't ruin the ride.

Welshboy 03-03-22 11:57 AM

First week at my 'new' work location (I was last there 53 weeks ago) and I'm not enjoying the pitifully short 3-mile each way ride after having a year of doing 12-miles each way and then 8.5-miles each way. Anyway, I had to have one car day just to get my heavy stuff into work (track pump, work boots, extra clothing, storage box, etc.) and this nicely coincided with a pretty nasty day of rain. The other three days were OK but this short ride is more dangerous than my previous commutes as there is almost no cycle path (just a short section very close to work) and my ride into work is exactly at the peak of rush hour and passing three schools and one college. I find that parents on the school run can be most inattentive especially after dropping their children off.

Tundra_Man 03-07-22 08:39 AM

Consecutive bicycle work commute number 1371:

Last week I missed a few days of work due to a bad cold. I lounged around a good chunk of the weekend trying to recover. This morning I awoke still under the Nyquil haze from the shot I took before bed last night. I metabolize that stuff really slow so if I take some it will be 14-16 hours before the effects fully wear off. As a result it felt like everything was moving in slow motion when I got out of bed. Had some vivid dreams, though.

12°F with a 12 mph headwind made for a -2°F wind chill. We had a storm come through on Saturday and drop 1/4" of ice with 2" of snow on top of it. The city deemed it not plow-worthy, so by this morning the roads were an icy rutted mess. I decided to take the fat bike as it seems to handle the rough terrain better than my mountain bike with studs. The studded tires seem to handle sheet ice better. In any event, I kept the bike upright and arrived without incident.

Given our overall lack of snow I really haven't ridden the fat bike a whole lot this winter, which frankly I don't mind. I've come to the realization that I really don't care for the fat bike. It's just super slow and a lot of work. Today I averaged about 7 mph. On a good day without snow and with a tailwind I maybe top out at a 10 mph average. By the time I get to/home from work I'm pretty exhausted. I have friends that love any opportunity to ride their fat bikes, and will even ride them on nice summer days on dry pavement. For whatever reason, it's just not my thing. I guess I'm just lazy.

Darth Lefty 03-07-22 11:27 AM

I forewent riding today because I was snowboarding yesterday and my quads are toast.

This was my first trip to the slopes in about eight years. Not since the first kid. I can hardly believe that. I worried I'd be too rusty to have fun. But last year I got a longboard to chase my kids around on their balance bikes and that freshened me up.

SkinGriz 03-11-22 02:01 PM

Out of shape.
Rode bike to school.
6.9 miles each way.
The only hills were overpasses and I’m still gassed.
First time riding more than 2 miles in 20+ years.

Welshboy 03-12-22 12:54 PM

No car days this week on a four-day week and I just had the one soaking on the way home made worse by having parked up my wet weather bike. I'm loving my re-built 2012 CAADX (purchased second-hand about 16 months ago) so much it's now become my weapon of choice despite it not having fenders. I'm probably putting Schwalbe CX Comp 35c tyres on it tomorrow but I'll see how they look on narrowish rims (Shimano RS010's).

Darth Lefty 03-12-22 04:55 PM

Only one lap this week. 7yo is having a really hard time.

philburden 03-13-22 11:16 AM

Snowy and cold. Gotta love cycling in the great Canadian winter!

essiemyra 03-14-22 04:54 AM

First time back commuting since 12/14/21 and have I missed it. I was so glad to be out riding this morning. The temp was 27 f degrees and dark skies outside otherwise it was an uneventful ride. Hopefully to stay for awhile if life and circumstances don't interfere.

pdlamb 03-14-22 04:12 PM

Wow, what a nice day. A bit cool (lower 60s instead of mid-60s) and a good wind out of the south; too strong to hear the bluebirds I suspect were nesting over the wind. But a sunny ride with only light traffic -- I'll take it!

essiemyra 03-15-22 04:56 AM

Another pleasant commute this morning with the temp at 43 f degrees. So last evening me and dh saw the almost full moon which he told me I would ride with this am. Yet because of the clouds that must have come in over night there was no moon to be seen.

Welshboy 03-16-22 02:40 PM

I'm back to a three-day week now (Mon, Tues, Wed) and it was nice to have three dry days and good Spring weather. As my commute has dropped from 8.5 miles each way to a measly 3 miles each way I've started going out for a ride before going to work and I'm using a nice 12 mile loop that has quiet roads and tarmac forest trails with a short gravel section as well. Every day, Strava tells me that I'm no longer the local legend on a section of my old commute but I'll probably gain new ones real soon as I've yet to see another cyclist going my way on my commutes!

Anyway, I've two weeks off now so my next commutes will be in April.

Sorcerer 03-16-22 08:54 PM

Last week I had a vacation, did some mountain biking and camping, and started back riding to work on Tuesday (had Monday off as well). Felt good, even though I was rained on, but I have to say even though I did ride quite a lot on vacation, I felt like I lost a bit of fitne. But now, it is fine. Seems crazy but I missed the commute when I was on vacation a couple of times.

It's just so good to have a ride in the morning where you really have to t somewhere.

Darth Lefty 03-16-22 11:03 PM

Totally skunked this week. first such week this year.

essiemyra 03-17-22 05:37 AM

This is my last commute for this week(due to only working 3.5 days a week)and it was pleasant yet uneventful. I caught a glimpse or two of the moon but we had partly cloudy skies so it did not stay for the whole ride. The temp was 41 f degrees this morning.

Tundra_Man 03-17-22 07:19 AM

Consecutive bicycle work commute number 1379:

What a difference a week makes. Last week was low-single digit temps in the morning with wind chills well below 0°F, and highs in the teens to low twenties. Lots of snow and ice on the ground so I rode winter bikes all that week. This week, morning temps in the twenties and thirties, with highs in the fifties. I've been riding my hybrid and my road bike.

Tuesday morning was a little chilly with the temp of 25° and a rainy sleety mixture falling from the sky. I arrived at the office covered in a wet layer of ice. But since then it's been a lot more spring-like.

This week I've been having to haul three sets of clothing. One to wear for the morning ride, office clothes and a set to ride home in. This morning was 32°. Knowing it was going to be a lot warmer later in the day, I didn't want to bother trying to cram a heavier jacket into my backpack along with all the other clothes. Instead I just went with a sweat shirt over my t-shirt. I was a little chilly by the time I made the 8 mile ride to the office, but I survived.

essiemyra 03-21-22 04:46 AM

Well back at Monday morning again. It was a pleasant commute to work with the temp at 42 f. Partly cloudy dark skies and a 14 mile an hour wind. I think wind speeds is going to increase today during the day with gusts up to 25mph but at least I will be on my bike.

essiemyra 03-22-22 04:08 AM

Today's commute was pleasant and uneventful with the temp at 35 f degrees and less cloudy dark skies. Upon arrival at work, I was going to unlatch my helmet then I noticed I had never latched it to begin with. Weird that has never happened before. Plus it stayed on my head the whole ride. Thank goodness there was not a accident this morning.

essiemyra 03-23-22 04:17 AM

The temp got down to 31 f for this morning which would not have been bad had I brought my heavy gloves home from work yesterday. So this morning I decided I could ride without heavy winter gloves and I did. And I had cold hands! Lesson learned! Other than the cold hands it was a pleasant commute in this morning. I did notice the sky getting some rosy tones at the edge just as I was getting to work.

pdlamb 03-24-22 03:43 PM

Rode into the office yesterday. Overcast on the way in, clear on the way out, around 70F each way. Nice ride, right?

Did I forget to mention the wind? 20-30 mph headwind on the way in; my normal 45 minute ride took me 55 minutes. I'm not sure if tweaking the route to add a few tenths of a mile looking for shelter was worth the effort. Coming home was a bit better, the gusting had eased off. And for one 4-mile stretch, there was a 16 mph wind right behind me. Glorious! until I had to turn left and continue the rest of the way home.

Tundra_Man 03-25-22 07:42 AM

Consecutive bicycle work commute number 1385:

While last week was unseasonably warm with temps in the upper 50s, this week has been more typical "South Dakota spring" with high temps in the 30s and 40s and lots of wind. Monday night through Wednesday morning we had rain mixed with snow.

Today I woke up with a "high wind warning" on my phone. The wind is a constant 30 mph with gust over 50 mph. The temp was 33°F, which meant the windchill was quite a ways south of that temp. I wore my balaclava even though I usually reserve it for air temps colder than 20°F. Glad I did.

Heading to the client location I had to ride straight into that wind. The pavement was dry and clear, so I took the road bike as it cuts through wind a lot better than my other bikes. Even on the road bike, I found myself only maintaining about 8 mph for a good chunk of the commute.

Riding home should be pretty fast. The wind is supposed to decrease slightly by then, but I should still get a good push.

Darth Lefty 03-25-22 06:34 PM

Work travel this week. No office days.

Kiddo arrangements are going to have some changes soon, I don't know how that is going to turn out with ferrying them all around.

Monday edit: kiddo did pretty well last week and I was ready to ride but there was some much-needed weather today and I did a MTB ride yesterday so don't feel too bad skipping it. Still, it's been a few weeks now.

Darth Lefty 03-29-22 04:13 PM

Got a lap in today! Nice one.

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