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ill.clyde 11-05-18 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by velojym (Post 20647430)
Sunday weigh-in: 330.2
Had a great hike yesterday, well on my way to being more comfortable putting my weight on a bike.
I am stalling, but not letting it stop me from keeping up the overall effort.

It's tough to get back on the bike as such a slug, when I remember how good I was before. That's ok, though. I'll get over it.

Very true ... seems like a HUGE hurdle sometimes. I always knew if I pushed through that feeling and turned the pedals I would feel better.

velojym 11-07-18 04:44 PM

Truckin' along here! 327.2 this morning.
I gotta get crackin' on that Cannondale! I'd like to ride it around a nearby subdivision and state park trail some, then once I'm more comfortable back in the saddle,
take it downtown for some of the casual rides.
Then I can replace a couple treadmill days with something a lot more fun.

velojym 11-11-18 11:10 AM

This week's weigh-in: 324.8
It's a little cold out right now, and I'm getting over being sick, but I am looking forward to getting back on the bike soon. We tend to have mild winters here in the south, so I should get some use out of the Cannondale over the next few months.
I'm down over 25 lbs from when I started, so I'm really needing to have a look into getting Jake back in shape.

The brifters are gummed up, so I'll need to remedy that. Needs new bar tape, too (I have some FiZik stuff ready to put on), so I'll probably strip the bars and pull the brifters so I can clean and re-lube 'em off the bike.
New cables will likely be needed. I ran the current ones for nearly 40k miles, then let the bike sit for well over a decade. Clean/lube the mechs, and a laundry list of other moving parts to check out, but I think I'll actually enjoy the process. Jake and I spent a lot of time together for a few years, and this will be a good way to get re-acquainted, and I should be comfortable enough with my lighter weight by Spring or so. If I'm still in the mid-200s, I'll slap on the Velocity wheelset I have in the basement for a while, before putting my old one back on.

velojym 11-15-18 11:34 AM

Ooof. I just quit my desk job a couple days ago.
Today, I'm interviewing for a new one, which pays considerably better, and involves a lot of travel.

Back when I traveled for a living, I bought my Montague Paratrooper. Unfortunately, it has a mid-200s weight capacity from the factory. I swapped out the wheels for a heavier duty set, but I'm thinking it may not matter soon.
I'm at 323 this morning, and probably won't be carrying a bike with me over the Winter. If I can keep up this rate, by Spring, I'll be pretty comfortable with burdening the Paratrooper with myself, and it will tag along with me.
It'll be fun to start riding different routes/paths/trails around the country again.

velojym 11-18-18 02:55 PM

Sunday weigh-in: 319

Rewarded myself with a lovely ribeye for lunch. Of course, supper will be *very* light. :)
Getting closer.... I got the job, by the way. I'll be home at slightly over one week intervals, for three days at a time. Will probably start ordering parts to overhaul Jake while on the road, and do the work while at home. By Spring, I hope to get out there on the old boy and get some miles in.

The Paratrooper will be my travel steed.

Reco Very 11-18-18 03:59 PM

Congrats on the job. :thumb:

velojym 11-25-18 07:03 PM

This week did not show the sort of progress I've gotten used to, but it was a stuff-your-face holiday week, and I still managed to come out of it almost 2 lbs lighter, so I'm calling it a win!

While I did eat more this week than has become normal for me, I did maintain decent control, and only got small portions of the 'bad' stuff, and more of the 'good' stuff.

Our turkey was a roasted breast (small family... we didn't need a whole bird), and had most of the common trimmings.

One thing, though. While I love food, eating a lot of it in the past sometimes left me "hurtin'", calling for a forklift to get me out of the dining room (or restaurant). The food was good, but I didn't care for that stuffed feeling. I haven't felt that way in almost 2 months now, and I'm liking it. This actually makes the food part even more pleasurable.

Getting closer to that magic bicycle number, and I've finished putting together the Cannondale. Weather permitting, I may take it out this week and get some short base miles in a nearby subdivision.

Hoping to get my better half back on the tandem in the near future.

velojym 11-26-18 08:26 PM

Yeah, sometimes I get a little impatient. I pulled Jake off the rack this afternoon to get the model number off the brifters (ST-5500) to see if I can find new nameplates and maybe hood covers. Fortunately, as I've always kept Jake indoors, the hoods are still in good shape, flexible and not a gummy mess. The lube inside the shifters, on the other hand, is a gummy mess.
I'll try to flush it out with some solvent (sans hoods and tape, don't want to mess 'em up), and re-lube. I know I need to be careful to ensure the lube goes all the way through, though.
If that works for a while, great! If/when I decide to give up on the old brifters, I'll probably just go to bar-ends, as I'm used to those on my Surly and the tandem anyway.
The derailleurs seem to be fine, and I'll just clean/lube those. I'll probably go ahead and re-cable. The chain was replaced a few short miles before I more of less stopped riding, so it'll just need a clean and re-lube. The BB was also replaced and only has a few miles on it. That and the headset feel fine, so I'll just inspect those and they'll probably be ok.

More pertinent to this thread, however... I've been looking for a manual for this bike with a rider weight rating, with no luck so far. I did find a more recent manual that did have a max rider weight for their various models, and the aluminum Jake was listed as: 300lb rider/30lb cargo = 330lb total. This is with the stock CXP 23 32h wheelset, which I upgraded in the rear with wheelsmith 14/15/14 spokes after a couple snapped on a short tour. I never had a problem with that wheel after that.
I'm looking forward to getting back together with Jake, and I think that by the time I get the work done and have time to give him a thorough checking, I should be pretty well below those limits. Just to be safe, I do have a clyde wheelset just waiting, and I'll toss the Mavics back on once I'm below, say, 250.

315.8 this morning, by the way.

RiddleOfSteel 11-29-18 02:04 AM

The lack of info on things like frames and wheels and seat posts is annoying. Often it's for weight limits for lightweight components, but on the other end, it'd be super helpful. I know a lot of Treks--those featherweight road bikes at the very least--are rated for a max of 275 lb, which is pretty great considering you can build those to 15-16 lbs. Granted at that weight they won't be holding Clydes up (just short climbers), but still, the frame and fork need to be very light to achieve low weights.

Congrats on walking that weight number down, and in a dead-consistent fashion! :thumb:

velojym 11-29-18 02:17 PM

Thanks, Riddle.

I think I'm over the whole weight-weenie thing, as I've gotten a bit older and looking toward more slow-twitch riding. :)
Who knows, though. When I was at my peak, and one of the fastest guys in my club, I still got some stiff competition from a guy who was nearing 70. I might change my mind and
ride with the hammerheads again.
Feeling pretty good about it now (314 this morning), and keeping all my options open, but being able to tour is my current goal.

My pants are starting to look funny. I've pulled out my size 48s, and they fit now. Huzzah!

RiddleOfSteel 11-30-18 11:59 PM

I like vintage steel too much to truly get all weight weenie on things, and it's just as well as I am not a waif or short in stature. A 16 lb feels nice, does a 19 lb bike. I've ridden both and I enjoy the road not telling my bike what to do (and me what to feel). Around a 21 lb bike is when the bike tells the road what it's thinking (as in, you're not going to jostle me much). The stuff I ride is usually a touch heavier.

velojym 12-01-18 02:37 PM

20-21 is about what Jake weighs, road ready. As I'm a clyde even when very fit, this bike felt very lively and responsive to me. However, I never really bothered riding a "real" road bike much.
Might one day, but I'm thrilled to be getting close to being able to get back on Jake. Aluminum, but that's ok too.
My LHT is steel, and will likely be used more for loaded touring. Jake is my event steed. :)

I was actually scrolling around looking at road bikes today, and thinking about rewarding myself with one when I meet my HW goal... but again, I have a real attachment for Jake, and rather than use the money to buy yet another bike (we have about 8 in the basement, between the three of us), I think I'd like to do a refurb/refresh on Jake.
Nothing super fancy, just some minor modernization, make it a little lighter, but not gonna be a weight weenie build on that frame.
The steel Project 2 fork is hell for stout, but kinda heavy. I can fit a CF fork (I'll be much lighter by then) that weighs half as much, or less, saving a good pound or so.
It'll probably be a disc fork, so I'll need to run a disc wheel. As my stock wheelset has been super reliable over the miles, I think I'll just re-lace the front with a disc hub and go ahead and slip in some DB spokes while I'm at it. Eric at Chainwheel (Little Rock, AR) relaced my rear with 'em after some spoke breakage, and it was solid after that.
I'm not worried about upgrading my drivetrain, and can easily clean up the mechs and other parts. The ST-5500 (105) brifters have some obvious scars from a couple run-ins with the pavement, and other bikes (parked in clusters on group rides... some folks aren't as careful not to bang 'em up). While I could flush and lube them, and see if I can find a new faceplate for 'em, I may end up picking up some NOS 2/3x9 Ultegras I see now and then for pretty reasonable prices.
I have 700x35 Pasela TGs on right now, but since I already have a touring bike, will go back to some skinnier rubber. I may not go all the way back to 23, but something between 25 and 28 should do well for road bikepacking and event rides/centuries.

I'll also look at my other components, and if any are unnecessarily heavy for what they do, I'll replace 'em. I might even pay closer attention to the color scheme, make Jake look nice. :)

velojym 12-02-18 09:28 AM

Sunday weigh-in: 311.8

I'll be traveling for the next week or so, and may not hit a scale until next Sunday. I'll maintain discipline, and hope to see a nice surprise when I step on again.

I will be taking my Montague with me. Though the official rider weight limit is listed at either 230 or 250 lbs, I have word, even from Montague, that the wheels are the primary weakness... which has also been
addressed elsewhere in this forum. So, with my 36h Rhynolite/Deore wheels, I hope to get a few miles in while I'm visiting family.
Also, the bottoms of my feet are complaining a little of carrying me all these treadmiles, and would like my keister to take up some of the load.

I'll let you folks know how that goes. :)

velojym 12-09-18 10:08 PM

Sunday weigh in: 307.4

Though I've been affected by family eating schedules/habits, I've been careful to maintain my method, logging everything and portioning accordingly.
While it's been a bit nippy for riding so far, I've been a walking maniac, and I've visited a local branch of my gym a few times, as well. Heading back to normality
starting Tuesday morning, though I'll be heading out on the road in Jan.

RubeRad 12-10-18 04:30 PM

velojym, you must be tall for that pic to be over 300! Lookin good

velojym 12-11-18 09:37 AM


I do stand out on a ride. :)
Heading back today, and though I may not make the next downtown ride, there's one on Sunday I might be able to complete. The weather should be decent enough.

velojym 12-16-18 05:55 PM

Only dropped a pound this week, 306.4, but that's ok. I kind of expected it given the changes in my routine.
Back to it, then!
I am starting my new job on the 3rd. I've upgraded my gym membership so as to get access to them all, and if it works out, I'll be shopping for an airline-packable folding bike come Spring.

GuessWhoCycling 12-16-18 06:45 PM

Holy cow nice job! BTW, you're ready for the roadbike. I know a dude at 310 pounds who has ridden 100 mile bike rides.

I read the OP in the past and figured you'd be a whiny do nothing about it type of person but to my surprise, you're bad azz!

Don't take the nonsupporting people bring you down. I've always been active but my parents have told me that I have always wasted my time playing like a little kid. I had weights, played all kinds of sports, body building and cycling. Parents were very much against my hobbies and told me to flat out stop wasting my time as it would do no good. It was hereditary and I was destined for disease and bad health.

Of course my father had a heart attack at 33, diabetes, then a stroke at 55. My brother who is just like my father had a stroke at 52, impotent at 42 though claimed to be a stud in his younger days, and a heart attack at 55.

I didn't listen to these losers, even though family, and kept my active lifestyle no matter what any of them said or thought. And of course I am a healthy 56 today and still enjoying sex vs the non sex life of those haters!

I'll admit, your OP sounded whiny to me and I lost interest after the first post. But another check in and I see you are a man with some cajonees! Got my hat off so Keep it up! I'm impressed and get on that freaking bike! :D

velojym 12-17-18 04:27 PM

Thanks, GWC.

I'll admit that I kinda was.
In the end, I can either let people drag me down, or keep pedaling. Well, I'd better put up or shut up. So, I'm puttin' up.

While I will do other rides, I have two pinned: Tour De Taco in Clovis, NM next Oct, and RAGBRAI the next year. Those are rides I'm trying to get my brothers to do as well.
I plan on doing a lot of 'em otherwise.

I'm glad of the support and positive responses I've gotten here, though. It does help.

GuessWhoCycling 12-17-18 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by velojym (Post 20708719)
Thanks, GWC.

I'll admit that I kinda was.
In the end, I can either let people drag me down, or keep pedaling. Well, I'd better put up or shut up. So, I'm puttin' up.

While I will do other rides, I have two pinned: Tour De Taco in Clovis, NM next Oct, and RAGBRAI the next year. Those are rides I'm trying to get my brothers to do as well.
I plan on doing a lot of 'em otherwise.

I'm glad of the support and positive responses I've gotten here, though. It does help.

Nice! You are a bad azz in my book!

But don't let that stop you if your brothers don't do the rides with you. I know a dude, 310 pounds who actually asked me to do a century with him as motivation. I did and it was super cool. He finished the 100 miles. Heck, if I were local, I'd do it with you!

The dude I mention used to post here often. Now he is a consistent rider doing 3 or 4 good rides a week, posting more mileage than I do. :D

He also did a local 5,000 ft climb with us. Big dude but pretty BAD AZZ dude! You can do the same! :thumb:

zjrog 12-19-18 10:14 AM

Brother, I get the healthy for you selffishness. Do it, keep being selfish. Great job so far!!!

I hit 378 back in May. When I was more into riding, I was in the 220 to 230 range. But that was 20 years ago. Retired from the Navy 17 years ago and things just took off poorly for me after that.

I had a sleep study in June, proved I needed CPAP, couldn't have convinced me any other way. I even wear it for naps, I had over 108 events an hour where I quit breathing without the machine, average less than 2 per hour now with it. After some scary info from my cardiologist, yeah I'm 55 and needed one, It made my next decision easier. Diets and programs kept failing for me. I have knee and ankle issues kept me from walking enough to get exercise. I'm not a good enough swimmer for it to be a real workout. And I was so top heavy I was afraid I would tip over on the trainer. I chose weight loss surgery. Gastric Sleeve. Yes, I lost some weight before surgery, 22 pounds. I had that surgery 10/22. I am down 83 since May, 61 since surgery, and am currently 295 pounds. I have dropped from size 54 pants to 46. Nearly needed 5XLT shirts, now I am almost to 2XLT (just a bit snug still).My resting heart rate is back in the low 60s, I have recorded a couple times in the 50s. My exercise heart rate is 110 or so, just abrely above what WAS my resting heart rate just 9 weeks ago. My blood pressure is averaging 126/75 or so, and I am NOT on BP meds anymore. I breathe so much easier now, I had been retaining a lot of fluid and just didn't know it. I am 15 pounds from what my surgeon promised me to be at 6 months, I will beat that before my 3 month check up. I no longer have any specific weight goal. I want only to be healthy and more fit.

Fear is a powerful thing, and I never had fears until I crashed bad 7 years ago... So I have my work cut out for me. I need to get on that bike on the trainer. Needs servicing first. And go from there. I have sensors on it, to pair to my phone and a heart rate monitor for later as my fitness improves. I am happy to have support around me. Not just family, but friends and coworkers. I hope you find the support you need.

It is kind of fun being selfish...

velojym 12-19-18 02:22 PM

Hey, zjrog... what a lot of people don't seem to understand is: When you're living entirely for other people, and not doing anything for yourself, you end up with nothing to give, and end up being a burden in turn. I got caught in this trap, and ended up realizing that if I were cast aside for whatever reason, I didn't have the immediate ability to take care of myself on even a basic level. This is, at its core, what I'm working to change. The bicycle is just a fabulous way to do it, and my happiest times were when my bike was my lifestyle.

So, I like to differentiate between selfishness (good, and allows you to provide for yourself, then others) and narcissism (not so good, doesn't allow for the idea that doing right by other people makes things better for you in the long run).

I'm back down to 2x shirts, and 46 pants, from 52/looking at 54.
I might be able to wear xl, but need to dig some up to try. If not yet, I'll be there soon. This train has another 100 or so lbs to the station. :)

zjrog 12-19-18 04:14 PM

[MENTION=429733]velojym[/MENTION], I fully understand taking care of others before myself. I've been doing that for many years. Reaching the point of decision and time to fix things before I went over the point of no return, was very selfish. I'd be hard pressed to find anyone that knows me ever call me a narcissist. I have many that wonder how I do what I do. I have wonderful supportive friends and family and coworkers. But I know even they have limits along the way, and I cannot be a burden on them. It sure feels great to be in smaller clothes again. I wish I could have kept the weight down aftr my back injury, not a weight loss program I suggest for anyone. But the stress of my situation is my demon, and I am a stress eater.

I'm back under 300. I was not comfortable under 200 the last two times I was there, albeit, over 30 years ago. I can't imagine losing another 100 pounds. But then again, losing 83 seemed impossible not long ago.

Marveous job brother!!!!

velojym 12-19-18 04:54 PM

Just the 44 lb loss right now feels awesome. I'm able to play with the dogs now, when before it was a chore just to get out of my chair.
I fully plan to get back to my "fighting weight", as when I was bangin' around downtown on my Jake, all muscle and speed, it was the best time of my life.

I got a lot more ...affection .... too. ;)

velojym 12-23-18 04:58 PM

Sunday weigh-in: 305

Not a big weight loss week, but I did let my family direct some of the meal planning. Gotta keep an eye on that.

However, did take the Montague out for a 2.9 mile ride today. Since I had my wife (experienced rider, though rusty like me) and my daughter (scared of her own shadow, on the bike), I don't know how well I'd have done
really, but that's ok. Daughter needs a bit more experience on the road so she doesn't freak out every time she hears a car or sees another bike. I know that just takes time.
I may dust off the Ramp Rat tomorrow and head back to that spot for a couple solo laps. The most important thing, at the moment, is getting my legs used to the idea of riding again... as well as my keister.
I was able to squeeze into my bib shorts and jersey! Not my old size, but still a good several years since I've been able to wear them. Naturally I slipped a pair of jogging shorts over them. :)

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