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gsteinb 06-17-18 07:31 AM

echappist 06-20-18 09:40 AM

yikes; tumble weeds for essentially a week!

c'mon folks, I though the old folks home was self-deprecating humor; didn't realize there may be truth to it :p

echappist 06-22-18 10:57 AM

I'll get this started. Got a SRM for my MTB. Extravagent? Yes, but i don't plan on riding my road bike outdoors much in the near future, so it's all on my MTB from now on

Heathpack 06-23-18 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by echappist (Post 20407190)
I'll get this started. Got a SRM for my MTB. Extravagent? Yes, but i don't plan on riding my road bike outdoors much in the near future, so it's all on my MTB from now on

Lucky you.

We rode some beautiful country today. 60 miles, very quiet roads, SAGged by the menfolk.

Our route today took us through the Lockwood Valley north of LA, to Ojai via Mount Rose Highway. Tomorrow’s an easy 30 mile ride from Ojai to Santa Barbara, some of which will be on the bike path the runs along the PCH. Lunch in Santa Barbara and then the dogs get to go to the dog beach.

Post season riding is sweet.

echappist 06-25-18 01:04 PM

Very nice; and it seems cool-ish weather as well?

Heathpack 06-25-18 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by echappist (Post 20411876)
Very nice; and it seems cool-ish weather as well?

53F at ride start but it got warm, in the 90s at the top of the climb. Typical SoCal long ride with a 40 degree temperature swing. We were at 5000 ft elevation at the ride start, and a little higher coming over some of the passes.

Day two to Santa Barbara was cool and overcast, really great riding day. Ave temp was 61F. Sweet.

It was a great weekend, we had a lot of fun.

sarals 06-26-18 08:16 AM

@Heathpack, enjoy that post season!! Base riding, too.

I'm just getting started in my racing. Masters Track Nats is in two weeks. I ship the bike to Pennsylvania tomorrow, fly out on the 10th. I'm feeling good. My ribs don't bother me a bit, I'm back on form and then a little, and I'm fat. I guess I'm ready!

gsteinb 06-28-18 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by sarals (Post 20413212)
@Heathpack, enjoy that post season!! Base riding, too.

I'm just getting started in my racing. Masters Track Nats is in two weeks. I ship the bike to Pennsylvania tomorrow, fly out on the 10th. I'm feeling good. My ribs don't bother me a bit, I'm back on form and then a little, and I'm fat. I guess I'm ready!

see you there. I'll be down on the 13th

sarals 06-28-18 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by gsteinb (Post 20418239)
see you there. I'll be down on the 13th

I'll be looking for you!

echappist 06-30-18 09:56 PM

i'll buy you folks a round of beer if i can find the time to swing by. the area is underrated, and Bethlehem has quite a bit going for it

gsteinb 07-02-18 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by echappist (Post 20422025)
i'll buy you folks a round of beer if i can find the time to swing by. the area is underrated, and Bethlehem has quite a bit going for it

where are you?

echappist 07-05-18 09:47 AM

I'm still in northern NJ. Morristown. Was actually in Allentown yesterday

Only thing is that the World Cup final is on Sunday as well, same day when @Racer Ex has a team sprint and a team pursuit

gsteinb 07-05-18 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by echappist (Post 20430008)
I'm still in northern NJ. Morristown. Was actually in Allentown yesterday

Only thing is that the World Cup final is on Sunday as well, same day when @Racer Ex has a team sprint and a team pursuit

I'm probably not more than 25 minutes from you. Though you probably don't want to meet me. I'd card you for access to the old folks home.

Dalai 07-09-18 07:15 PM

All the best to those heading to the Track Nationals!

carpediemracing 07-25-18 08:42 PM

I vocalized for the first time the other day (to my brother, when talking about scattering my dad's ashes) that I feel like I'm at the beginning of the end. Until recently I've felt like I was still in the beginning, albeit pretty late into it. Now... not so much.

I still have dreams, aspirations, but it's different now. I see some things in my son ("Junior"), his intense desire to win games, etc, whereas for me it's no big deal if I lose, and if I can teach Junior a lesson by losing then it's actually good. I don't get upset if I get shelled in a race, other than to think that maybe I can train a bit more. 30 years ago I wanted to finish, to be in contention, but now there's not that drive/need.

Like all things in life, it takes experiencing it to understand it.

Voodoo76 08-01-18 07:25 PM

CDR, yea it all moves at a relentless pace. My last is heading off to school next week, just me & a couple cats left. Sometimes hard to wrap your head around how much life and your approach to it changes.

I'll have no excuses now for not putting in the training time though.

Bandera 08-05-18 06:48 AM

Eat, Race Win
"Eat, Race Win"
Not exactly "A Sunday in Hell" or "Stars and Water Carriers" this documentary on Amazon Prime is worth a look inside the TdF from a chef's viewpoint.
Hannah Grant's sourcing of local French product to fuel the team and what she puts on the table is World Class.

"Performance Chef Hannah Grant preps her crew for the battle ahead: Feeding Australian cycling team Orica-Scott during the 2017 Tour de France."


AT. RACE. WIN. is a behind-the-scenes adventure into the biggest annual sporting event on the planet: The Tour de France. The Queen of Performance Cooking, Chef Hannah Grant, takes you on her race within the race as she sources performance food for Australia's pro cycling team, Orica-Scott. Hannah shows us exactly what it takes to perform at the edge of human endurance for 21 race days.

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