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seanifred 05-20-13 04:48 PM

2 Attachment(s)

yes, the brake lever is on the stem.

Nagrom_ 05-20-13 04:54 PM

Probably couldn't decide between left and right.

Mumonkan 05-20-13 05:01 PM

for srs, bikes in such good condition

jlafitte 05-20-13 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by seanifred (Post 15647100)

Maybe those grips could use some viagra?

Leukybear 05-21-13 11:20 AM

$5 he doesn't catch it.

seanifred 05-21-13 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by Leukybear (Post 15650037)

or when he does, the bars or front wheel come around and smack him in the face.

jhess74 05-21-13 07:05 PM


Leukybear 05-22-13 05:06 PM

Jackass or badass?

seanifred 05-22-13 05:08 PM

how tight can you turn without dying?

Mumonkan 05-22-13 05:14 PM

zombie bike.

seanifred 05-22-13 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan (Post 15655639)
zombie bike.

NOPE. needs to be toxic green

SpeshulEd 05-22-13 05:25 PM

Steel is real!

jdgesus 05-22-13 05:40 PM

stihl is real

Mumonkan 05-22-13 05:42 PM

upon further inspection i vote jackass, teeth are facing the wrong way for killing. unless its a suicide backwards bike then it makes complete sense of course

Taurine 05-22-13 05:51 PM

piss poor planning leads to mediocre performance when running for your like. I would like to imagine his glass half full and when he is being chased he can end his life on his terms of failure and not the zombies.

SpeshulEd 05-22-13 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by jdgesus (Post 15655718)
stihl is real

Quoted for pure awesomeness!

Gloomy 05-22-13 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by jdgesus (Post 15655718)
stihl is real


Mumonkan 05-22-13 09:19 PM



the beard with the jack-angle townie bars and person riding with a helmet clipped to their bag

oh and the whole concept of this being used by adults.

David Broon 05-22-13 11:33 PM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan;156



the beard with the jack-angle townie bars and person riding with a helmet clipped to their bag

oh and the whole concept of this being used by adults.

That'd be a really cool tool for teaching cornering, and Just in general with crits.

Cappuccino 05-22-13 11:53 PM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan (Post 15656)

the beard with the jack-angle townie bars.

Maybe..maybe it's comfortable for him like that.

Mumonkan 05-23-13 06:05 AM

Scrodzilla 05-23-13 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan (Post 15656544)

the beard with the jack-angle townie bars and person riding with a helmet clipped to their bag

oh and the whole concept of this being used by adults.

Can you imagine the mess this would make all over you and your bike?

ThimbleSmash 05-23-13 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by Scrodzilla (Post 15657424)
Can you imagine the mess this would make all over you and your bike?

Who cares when you can have Tron light cycle battles.

JeremyLC 05-23-13 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by Mumonkan (Post 15656544)

the beard with the jack-angle townie bars and person riding with a helmet clipped to their bag

oh and the whole concept of this being used by adults.

I think this is the MOST jack part of it: "Right now, each fully functioning prototype costs about $1,000 to manufacture…"

Mumonkan 05-23-13 09:36 AM

lol WHAT?!

thats definitely the best part

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