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DnvrFox 05-14-08 06:31 AM

65-85+ Thread
Okay folks - here is the 65+ thread.

maddmaxx 05-14-08 07:09 AM

Hi, I'm new to this 65+ thread. I'm not quite 65 yet but I feel like it. Would it be ok for me to hang around with you geezers for a couple of years?

Beverly 05-14-08 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by maddmaxx (Post 6691774)
Hi, I'm new to this 65+ thread. I'm not quite 65 yet but I feel like it. Would it be ok for me to hang around with you geezers for a couple of years?

You could always lie about your age:rolleyes:

BTW.....what happened to your avatar? I miss the very distinguished, colorful wabbit:(

brewer45 05-14-08 07:32 AM

Riding age? Insurance age? IRS age? Calendar age? The whole age thing gets more and more confusing the older I get.


ollo_ollo 05-14-08 08:42 AM

I'm in

maddmaxx 05-14-08 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by Beverly (Post 6691855)
You could always lie about your age:rolleyes:

BTW.....what happened to your avatar? I miss the very distinguished, colorful wabbit:(

Your right, I don't know what came over me. I put the rabbit back but kept Marvins signiture...:)

solveg 05-14-08 08:59 AM


Sixty Fiver 05-14-08 09:08 AM


Do I get a pass even though I'm not really 65 ?


Beverly 05-14-08 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by maddmaxx (Post 6692363)
Your right, I don't know what came over me. I put the rabbit back but kept Marvins signiture...:)

It was probably one of those senior moments:)

bikerbob1 05-14-08 09:15 AM

I'm in as well. Good idea. I like being over 65 and still planning and actually doing bicycle touring.
Good for you Denver Fox to lobby for us Grey Panthers.

gcottay 05-14-08 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by DnvrFox (Post 6691643)

The block on those of us who do not yet measure up does not seem to be working yet.

The Weak Link 05-14-08 09:29 AM

I see your point.

-you don't smoke,
-keep your weight at least a little in check,
-stay away from excessive mind-altering substances,
-don't smoke,
-have a decent genetic heritage,
-have a little disposable income,
-appreciate what you have instead of whining about what others have and you don't,
-have a sense of humor, and
-don't smoke,

then 50 is the new 30. That would make 65 the new 50.

So it's all good.

solveg 05-14-08 09:29 AM

I don't like* to be excluded! I like to think I am welcome and loved everywhere! :)

John E 05-14-08 09:32 AM

I'll see if Gordy Shields wants to start a 90+ thread in a couple of months. :)

I am only 39 (hexadecimal), so what do I know?

Beverly 05-14-08 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by solveg (Post 6692585)
I don't like* to be excluded! I like to think I am welcome and loved everywhere!:(

:hug: Just for you!

solveg 05-14-08 09:36 AM

Thank you, Beverly! My frownie went to a smilie!

Road Fan 05-14-08 10:14 AM

Hi, folks, Road Spy here!

Retro Grouch 05-14-08 11:15 AM

So how hard can it be to understand?

"You must be 65 + to post on this thread." In other words, "NO BABY BOOMERS ALLOWED"

Floyd 05-14-08 11:32 AM

I would post here but am not yet the designated age so will go looking at other posts. OR do clergy get to cheat cause we do not retire till seventy.??

Jet Travis 05-14-08 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by Retro Grouch (Post 6693180)
So how hard can it be to understand?

"You must be 65 + to post on this thread." In other words, "NO BABY BOOMERS ALLOWED"

Well, if 65 is the new 50, that means we should all qualify, especially if you count the delegates from Michigan and Florida.

OK, I'm friggin' leaving now.

BluesDawg 05-14-08 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by Retro Grouch (Post 6693180)
So how hard can it be to understand?

"You must be 65 + to post on this thread." In other words, "NO BABY BOOMERS ALLOWED"

Since when have we boomers done what older people told us to do? :50:

TruF 05-14-08 11:36 AM

Are you asking for a new 65+ sub-forum, DF? Or just this 65+ thread? I don't want the 65+ forum to lure anyone from the 50+ forum! It would be like losing family/collective wisdom/dear friends. :cry:

10 Wheels 05-14-08 11:43 AM

I qualify Twice. 66 y/o. Lost both sets of car keys to my Buick last week. They are somewhere in the house?
Yep, went to Buick had a set made. When I got home found one set in my computer chair.
Good thing one never forgets how to ride a bicycle.

maddmaxx 05-14-08 11:50 AM

Its age discrimination I tell you...................

Foldable Two 05-14-08 12:00 PM

So, given the new paradigm, I am really 50, and I retired at age 42.

Unfortunately, the money won't last long enough that way, so I will have to continue being 65. :cheers:

2010 UPDATE: Will turn 67 next week...ugh.

2012 UPDATE: Now 69 - Back in PNW with a couple of new bikes. Softball season starts soon.

Little Darwin 05-14-08 12:46 PM

This is just a place holder for when I post here in just under 14 years.

Enjoy the wait!

solveg 05-14-08 12:59 PM

I don't know why, but suddenly this is the only thread I want to post in!

alicestrong 05-14-08 01:05 PM



stapfam 05-14-08 01:12 PM

So 65+----That means you were born before 43 and the yanks joined the war. So if you can remember the war- your in.

That puts me out- I can't remember yesterday.

Road Fan 05-14-08 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by Retro Grouch (Post 6693180)
So how hard can it be to understand?

"You must be 65 + to post on this thread." In other words, "NO BABY BOOMERS ALLOWED"

I thought 65 yo were baby boomers! -- ok, if 1945 is the limit, it must be 63 yo.

I'll go to lurk mode, now. Have fun it your new playground, big kids!

Road Fan

Ok, now it's 2021, so 65 yo means the birthday threshold is 1956. So this thread is not for 1956 and earlier birthdays.

And in the words of Bluesdawg in this thread back in 2008, "Since when have we boomers done what older people told us to do?"

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