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gugie 06-22-19 06:49 PM

Ride a bike, see stuff
Saw this out on the Fanno Creek Trail near my home.

Post your oddities seen out riding.

vintagerando 06-22-19 06:51 PM

Senior Bears like to nap after feeding the pigeons.

Spaghetti Legs 06-22-19 06:59 PM

He looks a little down in the dumps. You try to cheer him up?

clubman 06-22-19 07:01 PM

September of '93, I was riding through Jutland, Denmark and had a dog sled team (on wheels) pass me! Off season training. I'll try to find the crappy 35 mm print for a scan.

Slightspeed 06-22-19 07:15 PM

Today on a local ride, I ventured thru Chatsworth (CA) Park with a couple of historic old houses nearby. I found this dynamite storage shed made out of thick sandstone blocks. It was built in the 1890s and used by a local quarry, and later by the railroad. I Googled "Chatsworth dynamite shed". Apparantly the plan was to have thick walls and a flimsy tin roof, so any unplanned explosion would be directed up, instead of out. Good thinking. I've lived and ridden around here 40+ years and never noticed it before. The dynamite ride is a '78 Super Course, which began as a $20 CL find.

Slightspeed 06-22-19 07:25 PM

The weirdest thing I've seen on a ride was a guy towing a full size fiberglass rhinoceros on the bike path north of Ventura, CA. He was towing this critter southbound down the whole west coast to raise awareness to protect the rhinos. Funny thing is that a friend in Seattle saw the same guy on a bike path up there, a few weeks earlier and sent me a picture. I made a donation, and posed for a picture.

iab 06-22-19 07:38 PM

A jet. Middle of nowhere.
Farm 013 by iabisdb, on Flickr

stardognine 06-22-19 07:39 PM
Ha, I just posted this in the touring forum too, so it might not show up here. If not look for bearded palm trees there, lol. 😁

iab 06-22-19 07:40 PM

Someone's wedding.
Farm 024 by iabisdb, on Flickr

Wilmingtech 06-22-19 07:47 PM

A movie being filmed in Boston -

obrentharris 06-22-19 07:53 PM

The Titanic


RobbieTunes 06-22-19 08:16 PM

F-86 Sabre. Huge workhorse in Korea, 8-1 kill ratio vs. the MIG's. Still used to pull target drones, etc in Korea.

Originally Posted by iab (Post 20991913)

RobbieTunes 06-22-19 08:19 PM

Today, I passed a guy on a nearly deserted road 1/4 mile from the Ohio River. He was sort of staggering, sort of walking, 6'2, maybe 190, couldn't tell with all the clothes he was wearing. I was 2.5 miles into my ride, after a week of thunderstorms. Bearded, disheveled, head down, so I gave him plenty of room and waved.

3 hours later, I'm back near that road, at the end of a dead end with a gate to a quarry. He was lying in the road, had something for a pillow, sleeping, I think. I did a U-turn and another 5 miles, came back to check on him, he was gone. No idea where he'll be sleeping tonight. Puts things in perspective.

Sorry, no picture. That would have been rude.

sdn40 06-22-19 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by iab (Post 20991913)
A jet. Middle of nowhere.

Farm 013 by iabisdb, on Flickr

Ok - now my head hurts because I've seen that before. Near Oshkosh ?

Slightspeed 06-22-19 08:25 PM

We see stuff on almost every ride. This is a great thread!
Hawk near Ventura Harbor.
Melted roadsign from Ventura County wildfires.
Twin tunnels, Rose Valley, north of Ventura.
Hang gliders, Gibraltar Road above Santa Barbara.

RobbieTunes 06-22-19 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by sdn40 (Post 20991977)
Ok - now my head hurts because I've seen that before. Near Oshkosh ?

Argyle, WI. I hope Dave rode 81, and I admire his stamina if he did. Hella road.

I've seen at least 10 of those Sabres in different places. They are kind of the '67 Mustang of fighter jets. There's one just sitting next to an empty warehouse out in the middle of nowhere near NC 35 in very rural eastern NC. No idea why it's there.

sdn40 06-22-19 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 20991972)
Today, I passed a guy on a nearly deserted road 1/4 mile from the Ohio River. He was sort of staggering, sort of walking, 6'2, maybe 190, couldn't tell with all the clothes he was wearing. I was 2.5 miles into my ride, after a week of thunderstorms. Bearded, disheveled, head down, so I gave him plenty of room and waved.

3 hours later, I'm back near that road, at the end of a dead end with a gate to a quarry. He was lying in the road, had something for a pillow, sleeping, I think. I did a U-turn and another 5 miles, came back to check on him, he was gone. No idea where he'll be sleeping tonight. Puts things in perspective.

I'll never forget a frigid night 20 years ago. The snow that stings your face coming down sideways around 10 pm. On the way to a club with friends to blow $40 and someone pushing a shopping cart with their whole life inside. Some in the big cities may say no big deal, but around here it certainly was. I've never forgotten that there is no rule that says it couldn't be me.

sdn40 06-22-19 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 20991986)
Argyle, WI. I hope Dave rode 81, and I admire his stamina if he did. Hella road.

I've seen at least 10 of those Sabres in different places. They are kind of the '67 Mustang of fighter jets. There's one just sitting next to an empty warehouse out in the middle of nowhere near NC 35 in very rural eastern NC. No idea why it's there.

You are correct. They are everywhere. Even though I'm sure I've see the one above, there is also this one 35 miles south of me.

mkeller234 06-22-19 09:41 PM
British assault course in Cambridge, UK:

stardognine 06-22-19 09:51 PM

mkeller, I keep expecting that second pic to come to life, with Benny Hill or the Monty Python people riding a bicycle camoflauged as a tree. 🤔😁😉

ryansu 06-22-19 10:04 PM

I posted this on a different thread but here goes: bike art, really secure parking, or Timmy cut across old man Johnson's yard one too many times...not sure which

Lascauxcaveman 06-23-19 12:13 AM

@Wildwood shot this photo of me with the Planters Peanut Wagon somewhere on the road to Cino X. Fun weekend!

Also riding with him one day when we stopped at a Mexican restaurant for lunch. In the restroom, this saucy señorita watches you while you pee:

iab 06-23-19 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by sdn40 (Post 20991977)
Ok - now my head hurts because I've seen that before. Near Oshkosh ?

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 20991986)
Argyle, WI. I hope Dave rode 81, and I admire his stamina if he did. Hella road.

I've seen at least 10 of those Sabres in different places. They are kind of the '67 Mustang of fighter jets. There's one just sitting next to an empty warehouse out in the middle of nowhere near NC 35 in very rural eastern NC. No idea why it's there.

Rob is correct, Argyle, WI, population 900 -

Didn't ride 81. But riding up Gant Rd, I saw maybe an 8-year-old Amish boy with his 6-year-old sister herding their cows across the road. No pictures, but quite a site.

Amish country. 017 by iabisdb, on Flickr

Pompiere 06-23-19 05:51 AM

Once while riding, I saw a bald eagle hopping on the ground like it was snagged on something. It was in front of a house, in the driveway, right next to the road. As I got closer, I'm trying to figure out how I can help this poor bird, but fully aware that Lycra offers little protection to talons and beaks. Then suddenly, it let go of the object and took off and landed about 20 feet away from the road. It had been trying to carry a dead raccoon that was too big for it. The eagle watched me go past as if to say "I'll give some room, but if you touch my dinner, we are going to have a problem!"

I live near Lake Erie and our county has a lot of active Bald Eagle nests, so it is not unusual to see them while riding. However, I don't normally see them close enough to worry about getting clawed. It is a far cry from 30 years ago when the wildlife officers would quarantine a 1/2 mile radius around a nest site so people would not interfere with breeding.

Spaghetti Legs 06-23-19 06:01 AM

Not as common here on east coast as out west. Notice I am using a lot of zoom in the pic, but that other guy isn’t as worried about dodging a snake while straddling a bike with bike cleats on (??)

seypat 06-23-19 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by Spaghetti Legs (Post 20992277)
Not as common here on east coast as out west. Notice I am using a lot of zoom in the pic, but that other guy isn’t as worried about dodging a snake while straddling a bike with bike cleats on (??)

They can only strike the length of their body. It's not even coiled yet.

You'll know this area. I was riding through Byrd Park (RVA) on an early morning. On the road around the lake. There is a parked car ahead. The driver is relaxing in his seat. He appears to be taking a nap. As I go by, I noticed a passenger leaned over with their head in his lap. The head was moving in an up and down motion. I kept going. Obviously, I didn't take a pic. :twitchy:

TenGrainBread 06-23-19 08:37 AM

@iab @RobbieTunes We rode through Argyle last weekend on a quick 4 day loaded tour. Going from New Glarus to Mineral Point on day 2. All the roads down there are killer with the hills.

jeirvine 06-23-19 08:39 AM

This little guy seemed friendly. On Beach Dr. in Bethesda.

Kent T 06-23-19 08:47 AM

Originally Posted by Slightspeed (Post 20991879)
Today on a local ride, I ventured thru Chatsworth (CA) Park with a couple of historic old houses nearby. I found this dynamite storage shed made out of thick sandstone blocks. It was built in the 1890s and used by a local quarry, and later by the railroad. I Googled "Chatsworth dynamite shed". Apparantly the plan was to have thick walls and a flimsy tin roof, so any unplanned explosion would be directed up, instead of out. Good thinking. I've lived and ridden around here 40+ years and never noticed it before. The dynamite ride is a '78 Super Course, which began as a $20 CL find.

This is a Dynamite picture. Awesome C&V Dynamite bike to pair with it. Both beautiful!!!

jackbombay 06-23-19 09:14 AM

Rode 60 miles on my C&V folding bike yesterday, It was a very nice day in NYC, bit crowded on the paths because of it, but with several million people in manhattan that's to be expected...

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