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Radish_legs 04-06-18 11:35 AM

What do you display on your Garmin during a crit?

hubcyclist 04-06-18 11:48 AM

well, I have done all of one crit this season and was off the back, so clearly I'm qualified here lol but I have hidden HR from my screen, as I hate thinking about it and think I subconsciously drive it up when I can see it. I had 3sec power, tss for some reason, and timer. I was thinking of doing a longer duration power average, as I want to be sure when I'm off the back again (because it will happen) I can pace myself a bit better. But really, when I was with the bunch I wasn't even paying attention to the data

Ttoc6 04-06-18 12:12 PM

I pretty much just have one ride page.. Time, 3"power, Cadence, HR, Speed, Distance (and grade). I sometimes use my lap page which is lap time, Avg power, 3"power, cadence, hr, avg hr, (and lap number).

Having speed can be useful if you're in a break. For example if you know the pack was doing a certain speed, I've found you need to be 1.5-3 mph faster when establishing. I don't really look at my computer that much in races though. Small or solo breaks, sure, but in a pack keep your eyes up. Racing on the track (no computers allowed) helped hammer that home.

topflightpro 04-06-18 12:15 PM

Nothing. I tape over my screen.

The data doesn't matter during a race (TTs excluded).

furiousferret 04-06-18 12:52 PM

Time, 3s Watts, HR, Speed, and Distance,

rubiksoval 04-06-18 12:52 PM

Lap Time
3s Power
Lap AP --- Lap NP
HR --- Avg. Lap Speed

Set up like the above. But that's how I always keep my screens.
Have a second screen setup for total ride averages.

caloso 04-06-18 01:08 PM

I usually run my "kitchen sink" screen. It's got too much stuff to look at that I don't bother.

Radish_legs 04-06-18 03:18 PM

I feel like I need to have TIME on the garmin, so I know how much time is left before last laps.

I think 3s power and 30s power would be useful in breakaway. Perhaps speed as well.

I've never used lap times, so that might be interesting. do you just start the garmin, and then once you get to one lap, hit the lap button, then it starts tracking laps automatically?

Ttoc6 04-06-18 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by Radish_legs (Post 20269165)
I feel like I need to have TIME on the garmin, so I know how much time is left before last laps.

I think 3s power and 30s power would be useful in breakaway. Perhaps speed as well.

I've never used lap times, so that might be interesting. do you just start the garmin, and then once you get to one lap, hit the lap button, then it starts tracking laps automatically?

I use the lap screen when I ride to / from races to seperate out my data. Way too much work to lap every lap. Though some devices have an auto-lap fature that will lap when you pass over start. That make for something useful..

therhodeo 04-06-18 04:50 PM

Turn by turn directions.

arai_speed 04-06-18 05:03 PM

I have a Bolt but I display:

3sec Power

I will admit, I seldom look down at it during a crit. I do like the idea of time but around these parts, they put a nice timer at the start finish line so I know how much we have...that then changes to the number of laps during the end of the race.

arai_speed 04-06-18 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Ttoc6 (Post 20269201)
I use the lap screen when I ride to / from races to seperate out my data. Way too much work to lap every lap. Though some devices have an auto-lap fature that will lap when you pass over start. That make for something useful..

Autolap set to distance should do the trick.

ntnyln 04-06-18 06:10 PM

I usually have it on my training screen that shows lap time, 3s power, lap power, np power, %ftp, hr and cad but don't really look at any of it unless I'm off the front and then I'll keep an eye on power so I don't get too excited. In a crit, I'll set auto lap and just look at lap times to get a feel for the race. In a TT I use avg power, np power and hr.

rubiksoval 04-06-18 07:09 PM

I start and stop my Garmin on the line. Lap is just something I use when doing intervals. I don't do laps in races, unless I'm doing a faux-type workout thing, which is rare.

carpediemracing 04-06-18 07:56 PM

I don't have a Garmin, I have an SRM so the display is sort of preset. I tend to look at:

Time - want to know how long we've been racing, gives me an idea of time to finish. I've been doing a lot of Tues Night crits in the last couple years and they're "40 min + 5 laps" or whatever, and I'm usually struggling 20 min into the race.

Distance - for a regular race with x number of laps, I can get an idea of how far to the finish based on miles.

HR - when going into the last couple laps my current HR gives me an idea of how deep I've gone. For example for me if I'm at 168 bpm I need to ease up a bit. 163 bpm I'm pretty good.

I look at the computer so rarely that I have a number of races where the auto-start didn't happen (it's based on speed and my speed sensor can get knocked askew). I typically discover my SRM hasn't even turned on about 8-10 minutes before the finish of a typically 20-30 mile crit - in 2015 when I won that one crit, it was 33 laps of about a 1 mile lap and I had 10 or so minutes of data, including a warm down lap. Sort of illustrates how much I look at the SRM.

mattm 04-06-18 09:12 PM

Speed & Time, that's it.

aaronmcd 04-09-18 07:06 PM

I think we have gone over this a few times.

I have the default screen on my Joule. The useful metrics are:

Time, as mentuoned by others to know how much longer, and how far in we are. Also to glance at a few times to get a feel for lap times so I know the time left when lap cards come up.

Speed so I know how fast a break will have to go and whether or not I have a chance of surviving in one.

Power in case I get in a break so I don't go too easy if I'm solo or too hard if I'm with others.

Wylde06 04-09-18 07:14 PM

i turn it on. i dont really look at it

Ygduf 04-09-18 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by topflightpro (Post 20268749)
Nothing. I tape over my screen.

The data doesn't matter during a race (TTs excluded).


Ygduf 04-09-18 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by therhodeo (Post 20269313)
Turn by turn directions.


therhodeo 04-12-18 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Ygduf (Post 20275190)


Ttoc6 04-12-18 07:48 PM

In all honesty, I've used a gps map to help in a race. On an unknown descent it gave me a bit more confidence in the corners I was railing.

Matt2.8NJ 04-12-18 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by therhodeo (Post 20269313)
Turn by turn directions.

I'm gonna use this in my next four corner crit on max volume.:roflmao2:

therhodeo 04-13-18 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by Matt2.8NJ (Post 20281382)
I'm gonna use this in my next four corner crit on max volume.:roflmao2:

That would be great. :D

Psimet2001 04-15-18 06:43 PM

Elapsed time. That's it. That's all that matters in a crit IMHO.

Ygduf 04-19-18 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by Psimet2001 (Post 20286375)
Elapsed time. That's it. That's all that matters in a crit IMHO.

how much do you race, though?

I like 3s power to know how I feel vs. reality, lap power to get a judge on how other guys (probably) feel, speed for when in a break (after noting pack speed, in general), etc...

I have lately been riding w/o any data showing. my power has generally been more stochastic this way. lower ap, higher np, good high-effort numbers including very nearly 1min all-time on a long concave sprint

Psimet2001 04-27-18 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Ygduf (Post 20294403)
how much do you race, though?

I like 3s power to know how I feel vs. reality, lap power to get a judge on how other guys (probably) feel, speed for when in a break (after noting pack speed, in general), etc...

I have lately been riding w/o any data showing. my power has generally been more stochastic this way. lower ap, higher np, good high-effort numbers including very nearly 1min all-time on a long concave sprint

Like never anymore (except like 2 weeks ago). Then - with power...2-3 times a week.

As you know - you REALLY have to be in tune with your body to be able to ride WITH your numbers and in spite of your numbers. Too many of even our top racers really don't listen fully to their body when they have the numbers in front of them. "This is too much - I shouldn't go with that move.", etc. It seems like never fail - when I get them to put the computer in their pocket or simply display time (elapsed, last lap, current lap) they inevitably produce in a way they didn't think was possible.

With times they can still do splits and see if they are gaining, tell if the speed is picking up or if it's fatigue, etc.

merlinextraligh 04-30-18 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by Psimet2001 (Post 20286375)
Elapsed time. That's it. That's all that matters in a crit IMHO.

Agreed. I don't find any power data to be useful to me in a crit during the race. If anything for me looking at power is going to discourage me ( I can't keep this up; I'm already over my head I can't try to go with that move etc.)

Elapsed time has some value because it let's me know when the 5 to go card is coming up, which can have some value in positioning, and deciding on tactics.

BK84 06-28-18 03:57 PM

Elapsed time

i do not have a power meter

gsteinb 06-28-18 05:16 PM

Shrug. I use all the data.

If there's a break I want to gauge my ability to get across and still be able to stay in there when I get there. I also find it to be a good gauge when I get into the sweet part of the race for me (final 15-20 minutes) and gauge how much I've dug into my reserves and how much I have to do something exceedingly hard like a solo, late bridge, break initiative.

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