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nbseer 06-10-20 05:21 PM

Most-annoying vehicles for bikers
1/ Pickup trucks with huge side-view mirrors (that could clip you)
2/ BMWs (aggresive fast drivers that blast past you)
3/ Mercedes (ditto)
4/ Landscaping trucks pulling trailers loaded with equipment (you think you're safe when the truck passes, but don't forget that trailer)
5/ Parked running vehicles on right shoulder (getting doored... )

fietsbob 06-10-20 05:29 PM

Police cars pulling you over..

Iride01 06-10-20 05:41 PM

Other bikes that their rider doesn't let me know they are coming up behind and passing. That's annoying both when I'm cycling and walking.

If it has to be a motor vehicle, then the ones that stop for me at crossings. They have the right of way until I actually am in the crossing. I'd rather they just go on. Especially when they are the only vehicle near by on a four lane road. Some drivers actually get mad at me for refusing their generosity. Some are so insistent about waiting for me cross that I have to point out to them that I have a stop sign and they only have a yield sign.

The only time I'll cross for a stopped vehicle is if it is a one lane road and the traffic in front of them is stopped.

CyclingBK 06-10-20 05:46 PM

Buses in NYC freak me out.

billridesbikes 06-10-20 05:50 PM

Anyone pulling a 5th wheel or boat. You think they’re past you, then suddenly a whole lot more is happening...

Digger Goreman 06-10-20 05:57 PM

All listed, plus gasholes blowing through crosswalks (probably texting about bikes blowing through stop signs (as if they were cars?))

skidder 06-10-20 06:02 PM

Scooters, the rental ones. They're not allowed where I live, but when you enter a town that has them they are a nuisance. They're left everywhere - on sidewalks, in gutters, in parking spaces, in bike lanes.

big john 06-10-20 06:34 PM

Careless, sadistic, or just bad drivers are more of a concern than any specific type of vehicle. I do find that professional drivers are generally safer to be around than average yayhoos. Was riding with some friends in the mountains after storms had brought down dirt and debris and dozens of dump trucks were working all day and these drivers were so cool and careful and even waved us around them on descents when they had to go slow. Of course we were buzzed by an idiot in a small car the same day.

taco2ewsday 06-10-20 06:49 PM

  1. Lifted Pickups
  2. Older American sedan with a stereo system worth 10x the car
  3. Soccer mom in large SUV with a Starbucks cup

Miles2go 06-10-20 06:49 PM

Vehicles operated by drivers under the influence. One influence or another. Be it the, get on the sidewalk influence or, you name it.

Paul Barnard 06-10-20 07:48 PM

My A-hole of the day award almost always goes to a full size GMC/Chevy pickup or SUV driver.

jon c. 06-10-20 07:49 PM

logging trucks

Bmach 06-10-20 08:01 PM

Any car/truck that passes to close or does follow the Rules of the road. My wife and I had a car pass within a foot of us (We were not side by side) and the car had 2 bikes on their rack. Last person you would thing would drive like that.

Terex 06-10-20 09:10 PM

Any vehicle driven by a self absorbed jerk. First, it was Hummers. And then, other end of the spectrum, Priuses. Priuses were much deadlier as the engines were silent and the tires were virtually treadless to increase efficiency. I'm guessing Teslas are the worst today. BMW's always up there too. I used to ride a road that lots of self absorbed pharmaceutical exec's drove their BMW's without knowing how to drive, or stay in their lane. Trucks with flat bed trailers always dangerous. Anyone on their device.

canklecat 06-11-20 12:11 AM

DeLoreans hitting 1.21 gigawatts.

CliffordK 06-11-20 12:20 AM

Lowboy carrying a 15' wide Dozer.

SurferCyclist 06-11-20 01:56 AM

Around here it's tractors. Think they own the road.

rowerek 06-11-20 06:38 AM

Big SUVs with tinted windows that don't intend to share the road, small older import sedans with big rear spoilers and loud mufflers, work vans with dashboards piled up with trash, domestic large sedans with huge chrome wheels and sub-woofers polluting nature and imposing their beat preferences within half mile radius.

CerveloS5 06-11-20 06:57 AM

Garbage trucks - they don't see you when turning right. Friend of mine was hit by one, was not run over, but was tossed like a rag doll and crushed her pelvis. She died in the hospital two days later. She's always on my mind when I go riding.

BobbyG 06-11-20 07:14 AM

It's not the vehicle, its the driver.

blacknbluebikes 06-11-20 07:39 AM

It's these damned blackhawk choppers that keep tailing me... so loud when they're close... five times last month. I mean, wtf?

David Bierbaum 06-11-20 08:18 AM

I don't think it's cars, per se, but the drivers behind them. As a class, I'm not fond of 18 wheelers just because of the push and pull wind effects they generate as they pass me by. As another class, any siren blaring vehicle passing by, driving an icepick of pure sonic fury into whichever poor earhole is facing them, is a high annoyance factor.

For all the rest, it's the drivers rather than the vehicles they drive, that drive me bats, like the youngsters in the diesel pickup trucks that love to gun their engines just to blast the dense cloud of emissions right into my face, or the young idiots who love making their modded cars or motorcycles rev as loud as they can while next to me at a stop light.

pdlamb 06-11-20 09:39 AM

Just about any vehicle driven by someone who doesn't know what they're doing. In Yellowstone it was the sedan drivers who rented an RV for vacation -- only 3X as long, and 50% wider, that what they knew how to drive. Around home, it's the people who learned to drive a Chevette 30 years ago; since they know how to drive, no need to re-learn driving a full size pickup or monster SUV.

bruce19 06-11-20 10:46 AM

Cars don't kill cyclists. People kill cyclists.

Digger Goreman 06-11-20 10:55 AM

Cagers and their cages are inseperable. Reductionist reasoning is just a red herring.

2ering 06-11-20 11:00 AM

From our tours around the midwest and general riding in Chicago my girlfriend and I agree the most annoying are:
1. BMWs for the reasons given above
2. Ford Crown Victorias as they are generally driven by old half-blind people whose "awareness bubble" doesn't seem to extend past the front seat
3. Jeeps (Wrangler model especially)
4. Vehicles towing trailers

Chuckles1 06-11-20 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by Paul Barnard (Post 21527115)
My A-hole of the day award almost always goes to a full size GMC/Chevy pickup or SUV driver.

Plus one!

Miele Man 06-11-20 02:42 PM

In my area the most dangerous vehicles are:

#1 . E-BIKES on the rail trails or on the pathways in parks. High speed + blind curves = interesting things happening
#2 . Tandem trailer gravel trucks on the roads. The first unit passes you and the rid starts to pull back over but that second trailer that's a fair distance from the first unit often means you have to bail.


CliffordK 06-11-20 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by SurferCyclist (Post 21527485)
Around here it's tractors. Think they own the road.

Many of the tractors move locally, and at less than 20 MPH, so one should be able to keep ahead of them.

But... are we limiting this to the road? Springtime they're spraying crops, and fall they're plowing. :mad: Nice country ride, and one is either breathing poisons, or getting a mouth full of dirt.

Flip Flop Rider 06-11-20 03:02 PM

landscapers, package delivery trucks, trash truck, debri truck

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