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BillyD 07-25-20 07:01 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21605583)
Cordcutters here so no beisbol today.

We get 9 hours of it on regular TV tomorrow, so I’ll be sure to enjoy at least 6 hours.

I think I would shoot myself after the first 2 hours, that game is way too slow to watch for 6.

BillyD 07-25-20 07:12 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 21606006)
did you get awesome glasses?

Most definitely, I’m going to try some new-fangled frameless glasses. Who says BillyD is not progressive minded?

phrantic09 07-25-20 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21605292)
It used to be thought that being in the drops was faster.. but I think that the most aero position has been shown to be on the hoods with forearms parallel to the ground. Maybe they're up to date on their aero? :innocent:

I'm probably in the 25% region, too, but it's primarily about sketch-factor, not aero.

I’m a little behind on the thread, but same here too. I find myself the fastest on the hoods just like you say.

phrantic09 07-25-20 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 21605729)
As my wife says, "I don't follow Hockey".

I was out actually cycling. On the road.

Today's ride was one of those where you're not really feeling it, and your shifting feels wonky, and your legs just don't seem to have that snap, and the wind is in your face no matter which way you're going, and you figure, "Well, it's better than working, I guess".

Then you find out it's your fastest ride on that particular route, and you got 10 Strava achievements on a road you've ridden dozens if not hundreds of times. So, I guess I wasn't THAT bad.

My favorite kind of ride

big john 07-25-20 07:25 AM

My club has started posting a ride schedule again. There is a place to signal your intention to join the ride and the people listed aren't really the people I want to ride with. Before covid 40 or 50 people would show up and only 4 or 5 would indicate on the club site so there might be someone I enjoy riding with.
The other club which I joined late last year has about 6 people listed as coming on their page and I don't really know them. They're always friendly but today's ride is too short and I've done it a lot lately.
I'm bad at making decisions, always.

DougRNS 07-25-20 07:25 AM

Time to ride :bday:

Then I have to cut one of my lawns :fight:

DougRNS 07-25-20 07:28 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21606040)
My club has started posting a ride schedule again. There is a place to signal your intention to join the ride and the people listed aren't really the people I want to ride with. Before covid 40 or 50 people would show up and only 4 or 5 would indicate on the club site so there might be someone I enjoy riding with.
The other club which I joined late last year has about 6 people listed as coming on their page and I don't really know them. They're always friendly but today's ride is too short and I've done it a lot lately.
I'm bad at making decisions, always.

Just do the opposite.

seedsbelize 07-25-20 07:28 AM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21605144)
Since modern bikes sizing is described in terms of stack and reach, I'm trying to translate the measurements of my current frames into terms of stack and reach so that I can compare more easily, but I'm coming up with some weird numbers. Must not be drawing something right :foo:

My only CAD software is at work, does anyone have any recommendations for some freeware that works decently well? This year my favorite 2D CAD program became paid only, and I'm not about to pay $100/year for something I use so rarely at home :(

This is not now, nor will it ever be an issue for me. I have no idea what is being discussed in many of the conversations here. And the acronyms and series' of letters! I barely remember the meaning of 'twss' from one incident to the next.

rjones28 07-25-20 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21606025)
Most definitely, I’m going to try some new-fangled frameless glasses. Who says BillyD is not progressive minded?

I got nothin'

seedsbelize 07-25-20 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21605606)
There should be an equation where we can figure out the probability it's at a particular spot right now.

There is one for that. You can determine the probability of where you will find it, but you will have no idea of its velocity. And vise versa. I don't have the formula off the top of my head, but it should be easy to find. Then all you have to do is understand the math and apply it.

seedsbelize 07-25-20 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 21606010)
it was rained out by the time I turned in, but other games I saw them using seats behind the dugout.

It's kind of a cluster with improper mask wearing and constant fiddling around with the masks. I saw spitting as well, that is an automatic thing that's going to be hard to eliminate. That and crotch adjusting of course.

Turns out, in this part of the world anyway, crotch adjustment appears to be an accepted practice, while walking down the street. It could just be an outgrowth of the extreme machismo.

seedsbelize 07-25-20 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21606025)
Most definitely, I’m going to try some new-fangled frameless glasses. Who says BillyD is not progressive minded?

A pair of monocles?

LesterOfPuppets 07-25-20 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21605144)
Since modern bikes sizing is described in terms of stack and reach, I'm trying to translate the measurements of my current frames into terms of stack and reach so that I can compare more easily, but I'm coming up with some weird numbers. Must not be drawing something right :foo:

My only CAD software is at work, does anyone have any recommendations for some freeware that works decently well? This year my favorite 2D CAD program became paid only, and I'm not about to pay $100/year for something I use so rarely at home :(

BikeCAD gets mentioned a lot, but I've never tried it.

Somehow my student version of AutoCAD from a couple of years ago is still working, fingers crossed it never dies. I wouldn't mind drawing one up and seeing how it compares to your results, just send me numbers for one of the frames.

rjones28 07-25-20 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21606064)
A pair of monocles?

I'm thinking pince nez.

Velo Vol 07-25-20 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21605989)
Slow morning. Must be Saturday

Everyone must be reading the article I posted on Prevotella and RA.

Trsnrtr 07-25-20 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21606076)
I'm thinking pince nez.

I often carry a set while riding.

TassR700 07-25-20 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21605370)

The way I read this is the first package made it to Louisville where the "mechanical problem" was someone ran over the package with a fork truck and they had to get a new unit overnighted from the manufacturer.

abshipp 07-25-20 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by kissTheApex (Post 21605996)
SkechUp? Or if you want to go true 3D, Fusion 360 (aka RhinoLight ;))

I've still got some trauma from using SkechUp to do the layout of the machine shop when my company moved buildings. It was a gigantic model, and my computer was really not up to the task.

Happen to have a spare key laying around for Fusion? ;) I do have Solidworks on my work computer, so if I ever need to do any 3D stuff I could probably just use that at home.

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21606047)
This is not now, nor will it ever be an issue for me. I have no idea what is being discussed in many of the conversations here. And the acronyms and series' of letters! I barely remember the meaning of 'twss' from one incident to the next.

I think I will always have my appreciation of vintage steel, but there will come a day where I get a modern bike and I want to make sure that I get the right size. So I'll just take the opportunity to make translate numbers that I'm familiar with into numbers that I'm not too familiar with.

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21606066)
BikeCAD gets mentioned a lot, but I've never tried it.

Somehow my student version of AutoCAD from a couple of years ago is still working, fingers crossed it never dies. I wouldn't mind drawing one up and seeing how it compares to your results, just send me numbers for one of the frames.

How could I forget BikeCAD! Although I've been trying to launch it in my browser for the last 10 minutes and nothing's happening :rolleyes:

Lucky for you that your AutoCAD still works. I had been seeing the notification that Draftsight was going to get rid of the free version, but I was just hoping that it wouldn't update on my machine or something. No such luck, they made sure that if you were going to use it you were going to have to pay for it :(

I appreciate the offer, I'll see if I have any luck with one of the few free systems I found online. One of them seems promising but it's always frustrating to learn a new software after using a different one for so long. I'd probably made around 250 sheets of drawings using Draftsight a few years ago so I got really familiar with it.

genejockey 07-25-20 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21605490)

So, we can now give mice Rheumatoid Arthritis by feeding them poop from RA patients. I sure hope the cure is of a different nature.

Bah Humbug 07-25-20 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21606011)
I can’t wait to see how they plan to pull this off, I think they’re about as delusional as the wh. They need a bubble situation like the NBA, but there are at least 3 times as many players and coaches involved. What’s the plan, Roger?

I'm crushed, because looking forward to that was getting me through the long dark summer. Now it looks like they squandered all their planning time with the assumption that everything would blow over by August, no matter what the experts said.



Bah Humbug 07-25-20 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21606104)
Everyone must be reading the article I posted on Prevotella and RA.

Out riding a solo half on the edge of a hurricane. You'd approve, though - did it fasted and on one bottle of water.

datlas 07-25-20 09:46 AM

Got my ride in. Had to stop 4 times to answer pages. Not bad all in all. At very end of ride got hit by a visual migraine which is always interesting, I am hoping no evil headache to follow. Ate a bajillion wild raspberries at one page-stop. They were quite good.

genejockey 07-25-20 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 21606028)
I’m a little behind on the thread, but same here too. I find myself the fastest on the hoods just like you say.

On yesterday's ride, there's a flattish straight stretch that goes on for a couple miles. I tried moving up on the hoods, but there's really no secure position for that on 2nd generation Ergo levers. Easier to just get into the drops, because it allows me a more stable, secure position that lowers and flattens my back.
I suppose I could drop $100 and get new 10 speed Veloce brifters......
Then I'd need another 50 to recable....
Another 20 for new bar tape.....
While I'm at it, that bar is 13 years old. Probably could stand replacing, there's another $50-100.....
And the pedal spindles seem a little loose. Should replace those....
But they're old Looks, so if I replace those with new Keos, I'll need to replace the pedals on the other 3 bikes......

Bah Humbug 07-25-20 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21606175)
I think I will always have my appreciation of vintage steel, but there will come a day where I get a modern bike and I want to make sure that I get the right size. So I'll just take the opportunity to make translate numbers that I'm familiar with into numbers that I'm not too familiar with.

There is always, dare I say it... modern steel? Stinner and Cicli Barco set my heart aflutter more than the Caledonia or Emonda or Tarmac or whatever, and I can get them with my preferred measurements for the same damn price. Maybe for next year.

genejockey 07-25-20 09:59 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21606200)
Got my ride in. Had to stop 4 times to answer pages. Not bad all in all. At very end of ride got hit by a visual migraine which is always interesting, I am hoping no evil headache to follow. Ate a bajillion wild raspberries at one page-stop. They were quite good.

First time I got one of those I had NO IDEA what it was. I was afraid I was having a stroke. So I went out and spoke to the first person I met, convinced for some reason that if I were having a stroke I'd be speaking gibberish and she'd know to get help.

Then I googled 'visual distortion', and the first thing I read was 'ocular migraine' which described it to a T. And it went away within 20 minutes, like it said it would. WHEW!

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