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jefnvk 05-09-17 10:02 PM

18 miles. My normal after work bar ride, with an extra two miles tossed in because a mile in I realized I left my debit card in my car...

Also a nice shakedown ride for the revamped trekking machine!

one4smoke 05-11-17 08:34 PM


BlazingPedals 05-12-17 07:20 AM

34.6 yesterday evening, counting home miles. Mostly at a relatively easy pace, but the last mile of the club ride averaged 31.2 mph. I needed the 4.5 miles home to cool the legs down after that.

one4smoke 05-13-17 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by BlazingPedals (Post 19577839)
34.6 yesterday evening, counting home miles. Mostly at a relatively easy pace, but the last mile of the club ride averaged 31.2 mph. I needed the 4.5 miles home to cool the legs down after that.

Was that 31.2 mile average all downhill?!? ;)

What was your average at the relatively easy pace?

fietsbob 05-13-17 08:08 AM

I just got out of bed and made coffee today , haven't left the house yet.. (It's Raining)


I just go here in the morning,

and took the battery out of my bike computer , when I came back from my tour ending in Scotland.

years ago..


supton 05-13-17 09:36 AM

It's going to rain tomorrow so I made sure to get out today. 26 miles. Good enough for me.

Maelochs 05-13-17 12:50 PM

Planned to go 26, wimped out at 16. 18 mph headwind and an empty stomach. Glad I quit, too, because I was still having fun when I rolled home, but barely. (Added benefit ... I got home just before the rainstarted.)

Lurchaddams 05-13-17 05:43 PM

10 miles so far. Trip to the grocery, trip to the library and a scenic trip down the bike path. Probably will hop on again later for a second grocery run. Bike commuting for the win.

Maelochs 05-14-17 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by Lurchaddams (Post 19581243)
10 miles so far. Trip to the grocery, trip to the library and a scenic trip down the bike path. Probably will hop on again later for a second grocery run. Bike commuting for the win.

I followed your example and went out for a night ride. Good idea.

Wileyrat 05-14-17 08:45 AM

Moms day today, so I got out yesterday for 57 miles.

supton 05-14-17 08:48 AM

Did 17 miles on Friday. Mowed the lawn Fri night. Did 26 miles yesterday. Today it is raining and there is snow on the ground (talk about a change!). So none for today.

Maelochs 05-14-17 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by supton (Post 19582151)
Mowed the lawn Fri night. Today it is raining and there is snow on the ground (talk about a change!). So none for today.

Good thing you got the grass cut.

supton 05-14-17 10:28 AM

Yeah no kidding.

GamblerGORD53 05-14-17 11:44 AM

Tuesday I rode the CCM 3spd 56 miles on another triangle route. Seemed like mostly into the wind again. Midway there's my hill speed drag strip, wizzed it up to 37.2 mph. My SA 5w does 45 there.

Thursday was going to be the only good day for a week, so I took my Rohloff14 80 lb tour heavyweight for a muscle builder ride. 110.6 miles mostly with a stiff cross wind. First half avg 14.3 with right side wind. Second half was a struggle, especially mile 93 to 100 into the wind. Took over an hour with many stops. Lost 6 lbs of sweat, but didn't have the usual cramps. 9Hr22 moving, avg 11.8, 13.5 hr total. I saw a race team truck and 2 guys riding. Temperature was perfect 18C. Leaving on tour soon.

Dirt Farmer 05-14-17 02:21 PM

31.8 miles, 2050 elevation gain. In the great Driftless Region.

Slightspeed 05-14-17 07:55 PM

44 miles from Camarillo to Malibu along PCH. Nasty headwind southbound, nice tailwind about 1/2 way back. Perfect 70 degrees. Great day on the bike! Rode the carbon Culprit Croz Blade. I been mostly riding the newly restored '73 Raleigh SC lately, carbon is good too.

BlazingPedals 05-15-17 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19580290)
Was that 31.2 mile average all downhill?!? ;)

What was your average at the relatively easy pace?

More or less flat - I think there was a 6 foot drop across the mile. Overall the ride averaged 18 mph, which for the most part I spent drafting the group. I don't normally draft, so that made the pace much easier for me.

Maelochs 05-15-17 06:17 PM

Finally got to go on the slightly longer rise I had been craving. Got out of work a little early, headed out for 16 miles, then decided to stretch it to 23.

Perfect plan. 12-15 mph headwind all the way out, then a crosswind through the climbing port, which is pretty well sheltered anyway, then a tailwind for the long, straight section home.

I got home with that really tired, almost shaky, but not wiped out and drained feeling which only comes when I have gone just far enough just fast enough.

I will sleep well tonight and feel great tomorrow. I needed this.

I know all you “I did a century to warm up for my double century, then did another century to cool down” folks are laughing. And I am laughing with you—because I am really happy to have finally gotten a little time for a decent ride.

DrIsotope 05-15-17 07:30 PM

Laid out a nearly-flat 15 mile loop in the Strava Route Builder (370ft of gain per lap,) then rode in 7 times. Thanks to the shape of the valley and two colliding pressure systems, I managed to get headwinds in every direction today-- but at least the system coming in from the west overpowered the one from the north, and I got tailwind when I needed it most, on the final "uphill" 7 or so miles right at the end of the day. Got a 3rd and 4th on some Strava segments at around mile 102, so I think I paced it out pretty well. Stopped at home right at mile 75 to throw 20 minutes of charge on the Garmin, refill water, and make myself the most calorie-dense mocha frappucino shake I could manage. Worked well, my splits were better in the last 10 miles than in the 30 miles preceding.

Made about half a dozen adjustments to saddle height, tilt, and fore/aft. I think I may have found the sweet spot, after just a minor 5,200 miles or so with the Selle Anatomica Titanico X. ;) It was beyond fantastic today-- zero discomfort during or after the ride. But those clouds-- they blocked the sunlight, but not the UV. For a ride that was 6 cloudy hours in the mid-to-upper 50s, I feel like I absorbed a lot of UV. I don't know If I look reddish, but I feel reddish.

check out The Cloudburn on Strava

one4smoke 05-15-17 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by Maelochs (Post 19585929)
Finally got to go on the slightly longer rise I had been craving. Got out of work a little early, headed out for 16 miles, then decided to stretch it to 23.

Perfect plan. 12-15 mph headwind all the way out, then a crosswind through the climbing port, which is pretty well sheltered anyway, then a tailwind for the long, straight section home.

I got home with that really tired, almost shaky, but not wiped out and drained feeling which only comes when I have gone just far enough just fast enough.

I will sleep well tonight and feel great tomorrow. I needed this.

I know all you “I did a century to warm up for my double century, then did another century to cool down” folks are laughing. And I am laughing with you—because I am really happy to have finally gotten a little time for a decent ride.


mrosenlof 05-16-17 01:48 PM

19.2 KM. Lunchtime ride for me.

edawg55 05-16-17 03:19 PM

I beat the heat for the most part. I made my goal of 30 miles. :) I had to stop a few extra times to clean my shades from sweat.

one4smoke 05-20-17 06:41 PM

42.0 today in the Tour de Nash

deex 05-20-17 07:27 PM

108 miles from Key Largo to Key West I'm around 5 and a half hours moving time.

Such a beautiful scenery. Had a tailwind so it was really fast. Also had 60 other people riding with me.

Scooty Puff Jr 05-20-17 07:29 PM

Had a nice 50+ ride today, rode past the Tropicana Field as the Rays/Yankees fans were heading in. Kept shouting Yankees Suck, Yankees Suck ! Oh it was a blast !

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