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big john 09-09-22 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22641610)
I haven't ridden since Sunday, what with temps > 95 every damn day. I HOPE to ride today, so I stuffed the Lightspeed in the Dodge, brought my "bike togs" to work, etc. Now my right knee is bothering me, and I don't know why. But if I don't get to ride, I may just asplode like a crabon fiber frame.

Sometimes one knee bothers me if I don't ride for a few days. And my brain hurts.

big john 09-09-22 12:01 PM

I haven't done anything longer than about 40 miles in 3 weeks, had oral surgery and then it got to 1000 degrees. Trying to get rides done by 11:00. The remnants of hurricane Kay are coming tonight and they are predicting lightning and rain tomorrow. I went out for 2 hours this morning and it was hot af until some clouds came in, then they burned off and it got hot again. Looks like clouds again now so I'll venture to the garage and work on bikes for a bit.

Mojo31 09-09-22 12:18 PM

Still can't get on a bike due to the back pull. Having withdrawal symptoms such as always wanting to eat something. This ain't good.

datlas 09-09-22 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22641648)
Still can't get on a bike due to the back pull. Having withdrawal symptoms such as always wanting to eat something. This ain't good.


Mojo31 09-09-22 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22641677)

I don't have a recumbent bike. I can use my wife's recumbent exercise bike, but I get bored quickly.

I'm going to try a shortish outing on the Sirrus tomorrow, I think.

Since twisting my torso causes big problems, I'm really concerned about the twisting motion required to unclip before I fully heal.

I have to travel Monday and Tuesday, and don't want to get worse before that.

Trsnrtr 09-09-22 12:48 PM

I got up sore and tired this morning but I still wanted to do a short ride like ~20 or so. Otherwise, I get stiff muscles. Rode but couldn’t get HR past 126 or so. I go higher than that coming up the basement stairs so I knew I was in trouble. Crawled home.

LesterOfPuppets 09-09-22 12:56 PM

Granite Pass weather update:


LesterOfPuppets 09-09-22 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22641648)
Still can't get on a bike due to the back pull. Having withdrawal symptoms such as always wanting to eat something. This ain't good.

Might need a new temporary hobby.

BillyD 09-09-22 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22639907)
I’ve been dealing with some issues lately that necessitated a CT scan. One of the incidental findings was an inguinal hernia. I knew that I sometimes have pain but I didn’t think much about it until my family doctor’s nurse called today to tell me that my guy wants to discuss surgery. Crap. We’re entering the perfect Fall riding season and I’m not in the mood for surgery.

You can drag that out for a good while so long as you don’t overdo your activity intensitywise, particularly if you didn’t even notice it if not for the scan. I had to wait for the entire duration of the pandemic shutdown when they curtailed elective surgeries before I could get mine done. I was miserable.

Mojo31 09-09-22 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22641696)
Might need a new temporary hobby.

Currently getting a lot of practice doing this.

big john 09-09-22 02:36 PM

The rear tire on the Seven was flat this morning. Took a look at the tire before pulling out the tube and found a scuff on the sidewall like from a rock. The tube had a big hole like it would from a pinch flat, like when I tried to put air in it the air leaked out so fast it was hard to tell where it was leaking. How did I ride to the end of the ride on Tuesday, up a small climb, a 20 minute car ride, then put it in the garage without it going flat?

Did someone sneak it out and ride it and put it back? Maybe it was weakened and the super high temp in the garage finished it off?

Mojo31 09-09-22 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22641775)
The rear tire on the Seven was flat this morning. Took a look at the tire before pulling out the tube and found a scuff on the sidewall like from a rock. The tube had a big hole like it would from a pinch flat, like when I tried to put air in it the air leaked out so fast it was hard to tell where it was leaking. How did I ride to the end of the ride on Tuesday, up a small climb, a 20 minute car ride, then put it in the garage without it going flat?

Did someone sneak it out and ride it and put it back? Maybe it was weakened and the super high temp in the garage finished it off?

More of that voodoo magic.

datlas 09-09-22 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22641780)
More of that voodoo magic.

MoAlpha 09-09-22 04:47 PM

Well, tomorrow we start our annual 2-week September cruise, but there’s no wind on Sat, it rains all day Sun, and it thunderstorms all day Mon. :( We may stay home, get exercise, watch the Vuelta, drink gin, ignore email, and head out on Tues.

Eric F 09-09-22 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22641748)
Currently getting a lot of practice doing this.

I wish I could do more of that. It would be good for my mental state right now.

indyfabz 09-09-22 05:05 PM

Money shot of the day. The Allegheny River as seen from the Sandy Creek Trail bridge.

Had a conversation an owl last night. It was in the tree above my shelter. Now I know how many licks it really takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, but I am sworn to secrecy.

Saw a bald eagle while having breakfast in camp. Saw another while riding the Allegheny River Trail. Photos of the latter when I return home.

big john 09-09-22 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22641905)

Had a conversation an owl last night. It was in the tree above my shelter. Now I know how many licks it really takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, but I am sworn to secrecy.

Owls know those kinds of things? One of the things I miss about my last place is the sound of the owls at night when I had the window open. They make me feel calm.

Trsnrtr 09-09-22 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22641731)
You can drag that out for a good while so long as you don’t overdo your activity intensitywise, particularly if you didn’t even notice it if not for the scan. I had to wait for the entire duration of the pandemic shutdown when they curtailed elective surgeries before I could get mine done. I was miserable.

That’s my plan. I didn’t even know I had a hernia and still can’t locate it. :foo:

WhyFi 09-09-22 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22641918)
Owls know those kinds of things? One of the things I miss about my last place is the sound of the owls at night when I had the window open. They make me feel calm.

You must have been too old to to see those commercials during Saturday morning cartoons.

datlas 09-09-22 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22641925)
That’s my plan. I didn’t even know I had a hernia and still can’t locate it. :foo:

All the more reason to leave it alone.

big john 09-09-22 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22641930)
You must have been too old to to see those commercials during Saturday morning cartoons.

Yes, you're right, I'm very old.:50: I did vaguely remember something about those ads. Can't remember much about last week, though.

indyfabz 09-09-22 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22641918)
Owls know those kinds of things? One of the things I miss about my last place is the sound of the owls at night when I had the window open. They make me feel calm.

I love to hear them. Heard a screech owl before I went to bed.

Rowan 09-09-22 08:08 PM

The people posting on these Addiction threads are very similar to those when I was more active on BFs around five years ago. Still good talk about many aspects of cycling, and the occasional post about sailing. And the ways of life.

Yes, I am still riding with Machka, although not as far as it was annually five years ago. But I am gradually returning to doing more and will hopefully tick over 3,000km this year (don't ask me what that is in miles, because we don't deal with miles in Australia, but getting close to 2,000 I think).

Our bike list hasn't changed at all, so we are still on the various bikes we were five years ago, including our ttitaniums and tourers. I still have a CF bike I am aiming to get to 10,000km total distance by the end of the year after the Hasa titanium gets to 15,000km. Disc brakes are rare among the 20-plus bikes we own, but Machka is keen on the idea of getting electronic shifters in her next bike, whenever that might be.

Strava continues to be our faithful recording system for all rides, and we even connect it with Zwift trainer resullts, although I am not a racer in that (and neither is she), but the TV images are great when using our old-fashioned trainer set-ups. I can even identify some of the spots we ride through because we have really been there in the past.

We are spending this weekend away at our favourite destination, and plan to do a ride up to 100km depending on the weather which is currently rainy. If the rain does persist, we will do a 50km ride tomorrow -- the 50s have been recognised by Audax and we have been doing one a month together for around three years. The 100 would be a breakthrough for me... the longest "50" was really about 73, so I am getting back there. And Machka has shown her incredible ride planning skills that originated in Canada by coming up with excellent routes that even help to minimise the dangers from other road users.

Anyway, I may drop in a bit more often to join the discussions.

genejockey 09-09-22 08:16 PM

Well, my knee bothered me on my ride, like maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to for a ride when you have a mild, nonspecific ache in my knee. Funny thing is, since I finished the ride, it's bothering me less than it did all day.

rjones28 09-09-22 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by Rowan (Post 22642043)
The people posting on these Addiction threads are very similar to those when I was more active on BFs around five years ago. Still good talk about many aspects of cycling, and the occasional post about sailing. And the ways of life.

Yes, I am still riding with Machka, although not as far as it was annually five years ago. But I am gradually returning to doing more and will hopefully tick over 3,000km this year (don't ask me what that is in miles, because we don't deal with miles in Australia, but getting close to 2,000 I think).

Our bike list hasn't changed at all, so we are still on the various bikes we were five years ago, including our ttitaniums and tourers. I still have a CF bike I am aiming to get to 10,000km total distance by the end of the year after the Hasa titanium gets to 15,000km. Disc brakes are rare among the 20-plus bikes we own, but Machka is keen on the idea of getting electronic shifters in her next bike, whenever that might be.

Strava continues to be our faithful recording system for all rides, and we even connect it with Zwift trainer resullts, although I am not a racer in that (and neither is she), but the TV images are great when using our old-fashioned trainer set-ups. I can even identify some of the spots we ride through because we have really been there in the past.

We are spending this weekend away at our favourite destination, and plan to do a ride up to 100km depending on the weather which is currently rainy. If the rain does persist, we will do a 50km ride tomorrow -- the 50s have been recognised by Audax and we have been doing one a month together for around three years. The 100 would be a breakthrough for me... the longest "50" was really about 73, so I am getting back there. And Machka has shown her incredible ride planning skills that originated in Canada by coming up with excellent routes that even help to minimise the dangers from other road users.

Anyway, I may drop in a bit more often to join the discussions.

Howdy Rowan

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