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WhyFi 07-26-20 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21607522)
Got a TSS of 46 for a 3-mile walk with L-SS this morning. In flip-flops. .


Related, I'm looking ahead and starting to get scared about what it's going to take to continue to keep my fatigue above my fitness. It used to be that, if I were going to ride every day, I needed to mosey on many of those rides so that I didn't get too deep in to the red. Now I'm starting to need moderately hard rides on my 'off' days just to keep from crossing the fatigue/fitness streams.

big john 07-26-20 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21607437)


Back up to 100 here by Friday.

Bah Humbug 07-26-20 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 21607395)
My question. What would be the point of this? Garmin will come back and be better security wise than before. Wahoo could get hacked months from now and be in the same situation.

We don't know how long it will take Garmin to come back, nor what level of damage it will do to their long-term operations (how long for them to get back on-trend, development wise). My MO until now has been to record on my watch for all activities (keeps its notion of my fitness accurate) and the 520 is for visibility of data while riding and a backup in case my watch eats the ride. It is, however, a relatively old 520 that AG got as a refurb when one of hers had an issue and she bought another while they were processing the RMA. I have a vacation (staycation) next week and would like a fully-functional record of my rides, which is why I put the timeframe on it.

And yes, the day it happened I pointed out to AG that it probably hit Garmin by random or they were perceived as a better target. However, if I get a Wahoo and they're hit next year... I'll still have my Garmin equipment. It's diversification, not just jumping from one ecosystem to another.

Bah Humbug 07-26-20 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21607404)
For most, I would say "no." My understanding is that the primary differences are: color screen, mucho extendo battery life and more comprehensive routing capabilities. If you're one to do long rides in unfamiliar areas, then I would be more inclined to spend the extra money. I have aspirations of being that kind of rider, but I would still have a hard time coughing up the extra dough if I had to replace my Bolt.

Thanks; that was sort of my feeling but I'm glad to get more input. Plus, as I recall the Garmin mapping is better (when they work...) and I'd sooner get an 830 or 1030 if we started doing excursions past what I could plan for. Or just pull out my phone and figure out how to get back.

Bah Humbug 07-26-20 08:56 AM

And I don't know if the new house is less well-ventilated or I just notice it more by contrast to going outside, but I can definitely feel myself suffocating now by comparison to outside. That's with the house fan on, window open, and a pretty powerful fan pointed right at me. Might need a window fan when winter arrives and I'm doing this more regularly; it really limits the TSS I can do.

Velo Vol 07-26-20 09:01 AM

Today's facepalm (so far): Going through some old mail and I find a refund check . . . from last September. Now have to see if they'll send another one or give credit. :crash:

WhyFi 07-26-20 09:07 AM

Ick. Yesterday was so sticky that I couldn't really use the (unwrapped) tops of my handlebars because they were too slickery with sweat that just wouldn't dry. While prepping in hopes of a late-morning ride, I noticed that there was still an oily sheen here and there. Puke.

datlas 07-26-20 09:11 AM

Got in a good ride. I was rewarded with a junk email that tells me I am a Strava “Local Legend” on a certain segment.

WhyFi 07-26-20 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21607631)
Got in a good ride. I was rewarded with a junk email that tells me I am a Strava “Local Legend” on a certain segment.


So, are you done for the week? Asking for a friend. :innocent:

LesterOfPuppets 07-26-20 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21607622)
Ick. Yesterday was so sticky that I couldn't really use the (unwrapped) tops of my handlebars because they were too slickery with sweat that just wouldn't dry. While prepping in hopes of a late-morning ride, I noticed that there was still an oily sheen here and there. Puke.

Sunscreen sheen?

Someone needs to make extra long bar tape so you can tape flattop bars all the way to the stem.

Velo Vol 07-26-20 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21607631)
I was rewarded with a junk email that tells me I am a Strava “Local Legend” on a certain segment.


WhyFi 07-26-20 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21607635)
Sunscreen sheen?

Someone needs to make extra long bar tape so you can tape flattop bars all the way to the stem.

No, not sunscreen. I rarely use it (prefer sun sleeves) and it was very overcast/threatening to rain yesterday. Personal oils, I guess? I repeat - ick.

And hard no - my aero handlebars are too pretty to be covering 'em up with tape. :love:

datlas 07-26-20 09:18 AM

Heidi want to Target yesterday evening and asked if we needed anything. Mrs datlas told her to get 3 bananas. She comes home with 3 BUNCHES of bananas! Google tells me we can preserve the bananas from ripening if we wrap each stem individually with plastic cling wrap. Anyone ever try? Does it work? I can post results in a few days.

rjones28 07-26-20 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21607614)
Today's facepalm (so far): Going through some old mail and I find a refund check . . . from last September. Now have to see if they'll send another one or give credit. :crash:

Try to keep up.

Bah Humbug 07-26-20 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21607631)
Got in a good ride. I was rewarded with a junk email that tells me I am a Strava “Local Legend” on a certain segment.

Was the reward the contents of an offshore bank account that they'll wire you just as soon as you send them your SSN?

MoAlpha 07-26-20 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21607560)

Related, I'm looking ahead and starting to get scared about what it's going to take to continue to keep my fatigue above my fitness. It used to be that, if I were going to ride every day, I needed to mosey on many of those rides so that I didn't get too deep in to the red. Now I'm starting to need moderately hard rides on my 'off' days just to keep from crossing the fatigue/fitness streams.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. It just means you’re as fit as you need to be. The training models aren’t designed for guys who just want to ride their asses off all season. You’re supposed to hit CTL (fitness) targets and taper for events or take a few days off every few weeks. What’s your CTL?

WhyFi 07-26-20 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21607643)
Heidi want to Target yesterday evening and asked if we needed anything. Mrs datlas told her to get 3 bananas. She comes home with 3 BUNCHES of bananas! Google tells me we can preserve the bananas from ripening if we wrap each stem individually with plastic cling wrap. Anyone ever try? Does it work? I can post results in a few days.

I'll take some of the banana bread in another week. :lol:

rjones28 07-26-20 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21607631)
Got in a good ride. I was rewarded with a junk email that tells me I am a Strava “Local Legend” on a certain segment.


WhyFi 07-26-20 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21607646)
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. It just means you’re as fit as you need to be. The training models aren’t designed for guys who just want to ride their asses off all season. You’re supposed to hit CTL (fitness) targets and taper for events or take a few days off every few weeks. What’s your CTL?

What number/line is that?


LesterOfPuppets 07-26-20 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21607641)
No, not sunscreen. I rarely use it (prefer sun sleeves) and it was very overcast/threatening to rain yesterday. Personal oils, I guess? I repeat - ick.

Personal oils, Eeeewwwww.

MoAlpha 07-26-20 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21607649)
What number/line is that?

Chronic training load, aka fitness.

WhyFi 07-26-20 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21607651)
Chronic training load, aka fitness.

94 yesterday, 91 atm. See above.

Velo Vol 07-26-20 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21607644)
Try to keep up.

The important mail should be labeled as such.

Bah Humbug 07-26-20 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21607649)
What number/line is that?

Everyone has their own names... CTL (Chronic Training Load) is fitness, ATL (Acute Training Load) is fatigue. The difference is "form". All of these are the Coggan/ TrainingPeaks terms.

But yes, what he said. The models are designed to allow periodization so that you hit a race or other such event both fit and fresh, and if you try to keep your Strava fatigue above fitness, you'll probably burn out. It's ok to take a whoosah and recover for a week.

MoAlpha 07-26-20 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21607649)

Big fatigue and fitness numbers, low form, and massive and continuous slope in that fitness. The last thing I’d worry about is adding TSS!

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