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LAJ 10-04-21 09:05 AM

Out of the saddle drills. Tempo, 5 minutes sitting, 5 minutes in the drops, 5 minutes standing. 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour. Whichever works, and work up to long intervals.

LesterOfPuppets 10-04-21 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22256171)
I know - it's counter intuitive. I think strength training has done a ton to help my cycling (though there are plenty of people who poo poo it). I do upper body+core 1x weekly with a personal trainer, lower body+core 1x weekly with the same, push-ups / pull ups 2x and core work 3x a week on top of running / cycling - I'm faster and stronger than when I was 10 lbs lighter.

I used to do light weights. 10lb dumbbells. curls, upright rows, lateral lifts, shoulder presses.
I've switched to hitting the parallel bars and pullup bar. Dips and leg lifts and pullups. I should probably mix in a day a week of light weights, but I never get around to it.

big john 10-04-21 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22256188)
Yeah, more than one way to skin a cat, and I'm sure it depends upon the nature of the climbing that you're doing.

I think that a lot (vast majority?) of people that worry about putting on too much mass via weights just haven't lifted before - it's not something that you "oops" your way in to, unless maybe you're crazy genetically gifted. I think that I could increase upper body strength without adding more than a 3-5 pounds of muscle and still get to a target weight of 170 next spring.

There is definitely a genetic component involved when lifting. When weight training in high school we were grouped for wrestling according to our body weight but for lifting according to our max lifting weight. I tend to gain mass faster than max lifting ability. There were lighter guys who increased their max bench press without gaining much body weight. One guy in particular was lifting nearly as much as the heavyweights and he was around 175# iirc.

I haven't done any lifting in way too long and now that I don't work my arms and upper body are pretty weak. I gave away my bench and all my weights when we moved 5 years ago.

seedsbelize2 10-04-21 09:16 AM

I do no wwights except body weight. And very little of that anymore. I would like to keep the planks going for awhile. And riding the flats, of course. You guys that have hills are the lucky ones. I was just thinking about that yesterday, at the end of thirty miles of pedaling the flats. It gets old.

Velo Vol 10-04-21 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22256198)
I used all available gear combinations on yesterday's ride.

Did you tire of shifting?

WhyFi 10-04-21 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22256312)
There is definitely a genetic component involved when lifting. When weight training in high school we were grouped for wrestling according to our body weight but for lifting according to our max lifting weight. I tend to gain mass faster than max lifting ability. There were lighter guys who increased their max bench press without gaining much body weight. One guy in particular was lifting nearly as much as the heavyweights and he was around 175# iirc.

I haven't done any lifting in way too long and now that I don't work my arms and upper body are pretty weak. I gave away my bench and all my weights when we moved 5 years ago.

Oh, most definitely - I'm just saying that, even if you're gifted, it takes work for gains. Nobody has 10lbs of muscle sneak up on them.

big john 10-04-21 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22256330)
Oh, most definitely - I'm just saying that, even if you're gifted, it takes work for gains. Nobody has 10lbs of muscle sneak up on them.

True. I remember when Greg Lemond complained about gaining 5 pounds of upper body weight by cross country skiing and said it slowed him on the bike. Maybe it did.

My ex wife and I did light lifting together which I think helped her on the mountain bike, especially when we lived in the mountains and did a lot of riding on rough trails.
What really helped her was the heavy bag. I was skeptical when she asked for one but a guy I know designed a routine for her and she would come home from work and punch that bag for a while and it put her in a better mood.

The downside was she learned to throw a punch.:(

After we split up I gave the bag to another guy who's wife had asked for one.

DougRNS 10-04-21 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22255933)

Pickle and mustard sandwich upgrade.

where I'm going, I don't need bread.:bday:

DougRNS 10-04-21 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22256077)
So there is a cycling guy I ride with occasonally and he was on the Savage Century. A few of us were talking gearing, so I asked him what his bailout gear was.

His answer: "I don't know."

I asked what his small chainring up front was. Again, he had no idea.

Is that normal?!?

yes, when you have massive guads and can crank out huge wattage.
Where I'm going I don't need a bailout gear.

Note: I'm going nowhere.

Velo Vol 10-04-21 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22256380)
where I'm going, I don't need bread.:bday:

What's for lunch today?

DougRNS 10-04-21 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22256198)
I used all available gear combinations on yesterday's ride.

weren't you on the SS?

bampilot06 10-04-21 10:07 AM

I’ve been lifting my butt off the past 2 weeks. Nothing else to do in Texas. According to the scales I’ve gained 8 pounds. Solid muscle, maybe, I hope.

DougRNS 10-04-21 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22256390)
What's for lunch today?

same as it ever was.

2 Mustard pickle sandwiches on wheat English muffin with a thin slice of processed ham.

Velo Vol 10-04-21 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22256410)
2 Mustard pickle sandwiches on wheat English muffin with a thin slice of processed ham.

That's it? No chips, drink?

rjones28 10-04-21 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22256328)
Did you tire of shifting?


WhyFi 10-04-21 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22256408)
Nothing else to do in Texas.

Maybe you could spend time brandishing weapons at Chipotle or when grocery shopping?

datlas 10-04-21 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22256295)
The co-organizer of Saturday's monthly C&V ride, SwimmerMike, was riding with a straight block, 14-19, and of course, the usual 52/42 front. At one point we were heading into a steep pitch and he said, "And I'm already in my bailout gear!" But, you know, when your bailout gear is 42x19, you spend a LOT more time in it.

When I rode BITD my gearing was 53/42 and 13-21. I cannot believe I churned up 12%+ grades in that, but I sure am grateful for compact cranks now.

rjones28 10-04-21 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22256401)
weren't you on the SS?


big john 10-04-21 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22256408)
I’ve been lifting my butt off the past 2 weeks. Nothing else to do in Texas. According to the scales I’ve gained 8 pounds. Solid muscle, maybe, I hope.

Sometimes when we lift the muscles gain water weight in the short term. I suppose it's possible you gained 4 pounds per week, time will tell.

bampilot06 10-04-21 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22256427)
Maybe you could spend time brandishing weapons at Chipotle or when grocery shopping?

I thought about it, but everyone else looks more committed than I ever could be.

DougRNS 10-04-21 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22256415)
That's it? No chips, drink?

I'm trying to lose massive poundage so of course no chips. My liquid refreshment was a diet soda. I have cut back on soft drinks and now drink water instead throughout the day. Maybe at our next meet up I won't be a fat bastid. I'll just be a bastid.

WhyFi 10-04-21 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22256439)
I thought about it, but everyone else looks more committed than I ever could be.

Looks more committed or looks like they need to be committed?

Mojo31 10-04-21 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22256427)
Maybe you could spend time brandishing weapons at Chipotle or when grocery shopping?

In my 40 years living in Texas, I've never seen anyone "brandishing" a weapon. Not to say it never happens though.

Mojo31 10-04-21 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22256439)
I thought about it, but everyone else looks more committed than I ever could be.

One never knows who is packing.

Velo Vol 10-04-21 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22256444)
Maybe at our next meet up I won't be a fat bastid. I'll just be a bastid.


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