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Velo Vol 12-01-21 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22325621)
As long as you use fancy words that 99.9% of the population don't understand, you'll be fine.

What I'm getting at is that I assumed one would at least have to be a doctor or member of the association--the kind of person less likely to sabotage their reputation by publishing utter junk.

rjones28 12-01-21 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22325547)
You ride that thing? All I've ever seen are pictures of it leaning against something.


Velo Vol 12-01-21 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22325640)
Some people here don't get it.

After weeks rjones28 finally replied to one of my posts. :bday:

indyfabz 12-01-21 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22325483)
High 30s betw Walnut and Chestnut

I'm guessing 39th. Was there a place called Troy's Deli, somewhat below sidewalk level?

MoAlpha 12-01-21 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22325614)
Presumably it's made by someone with some scientific credibility. Or could I show up at a witch doctor conference with my self-study findings on the effectiveness of drugs?

There's usually some degree of screening to prevent that and overt commercial influence. The latter is mandated by the outfits who grant continuing education credits.

MoAlpha 12-01-21 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22325656)
I'm guessing 39th. Was there a place called Troy's Deli, somewhat below sidewalk level?

I don't remember. There were some 9-year olds with a gun who got my money because I figured it would really hurt to find out it fired more than caps.

rjones28 12-01-21 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22325652)
After weeks rjones28 finally replied to one of my posts. :bday:

I regret it already.

WhyFi 12-01-21 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22325518)
If a truck can manage with three speeds, a cyclist should be just fine with "only" ten.

Not all of us cyclists have that V8-like torque band of Velo Vol.

indyfabz 12-01-21 12:16 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22325661)
I don't remember. There were some 9-year olds with a gun who got my money because I figured it would really hurt to find out it fired more than caps.

There were some ups and downs in the areas around campus. There was an infamous murder of a grad student who was using a pay phone at the corner of 48th & Pine. They caught one of the perps hiding in the alley right behind my mom's house, which was fewer than two blocks away. IIRC, that was sometime in the late 80s or early 90s.

indyfabz 12-01-21 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 22325551)
Speaking of...

Vet day for these two:

Awwww. Do you have trouble getting them into their carriers? My departed boy hated it and would put up a fight until his later days with lymphoma. We took to shutting all the room doors upstairs after he ran and hid under a couch one time.

Stephen is the total opposite. I put the carrier on the dining room table, pic him up, bring him over to the door and he goes right in. I think he has been crated so many times that he knows resistance is futile and that he will survive whatever happens.

Velo Vol 12-01-21 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22325679)
Not all of us cyclists have that V8-like torque band of Velo Vol.

That goes without saying.

Velo Vol 12-01-21 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22325692)
Awwww. Do you have trouble getting them into their carriers? My departed boy hated it and would put up a fight until his later days with lymphoma.

Yep. Ended up having to remove the top and load him from above sometimes, rather than through the door.

Mojo31 12-01-21 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22325717)
Yep. Ended up having to remove the top and load him from above sometimes, rather than through the door.

You have cats also?

abshipp 12-01-21 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22325692)
Awwww. Do you have trouble getting them into their carriers? My departed boy hated it and would put up a fight until his later days with lymphoma. We took to shutting all the room doors upstairs after he ran and hid under a couch one time.

Stephen is the total opposite. I put the carrier on the dining room table, pic him up, bring him over to the door and he goes right in. I think he has been crated so many times that he knows resistance is futile and that he will survive whatever happens.

Oh they both hate the carrier. Best practice is to close off the bedroom so they can't get out of arms reach under the bed. Then they fight with front legs splayed out :lol:

I wonder if the little one understood the irony of fighting to get in the carrier, then using it for shelter once in the exam room.

"If I can't see anything nothing can see me"

Velo Vol 12-01-21 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22325720)
You have cats also?

Not currently. #RIP

genejockey 12-01-21 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22325635)
During my fellowship, my best buddy published a string of very high profile stuff, including a paper in Science, some of which I was on and most of which was at least partially fake. A smart journal reviewer figured out one of his little frauds and told our boss, who panicked and decided to keep it all hidden and play dumb if the authorities ever found out. This boy also dicked me around in a hundred ways which only became apparent later, including inviting me to his European lab as a visiting professor when we were junior faculty and then sticking me with the bill, which I had to pay out of pocket because he promised travel for my wife and kid plus an honorarium, and I did it as outside activity.

He went on to a chaired professorship and vice-deanship at Harvard Medical School, where the hanky-panky continued. A few years ago, he got busted for sexual inappropriateness (a chronic issue with him, I later found out) and lost all his NIH support. However, it was kept absolutely hermetically silent by HMS and they shifted him to another slightly less fancy position. My old boss, that reviewer, and other people who know never stopped doing business with him and inviting him to ****. People all over the world still line up to kiss his ass, although lots of them detest him.

That made me pretty cynical about science as an institution, even though it has put lots of food on the table over the years.

The problem with Science as an institution is it's full of people, and people are people.

BillyD 12-01-21 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22325464)
Born and raised? On the playground is where you spent most of your days?

I see what you did there.

LesterOfPuppets 12-01-21 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22325612)
Love the proximity of the headers to the rider's nethers.

Heated seats, it's what the people want

datlas 12-01-21 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22325523)
Map of the Day

1 December 2021

Private fusion companies

We had carry-out for lunch from a “fusion” restaurant. Maybe it’s one of the 13 from your map?

Mrs datlas had bibimbap which was quite good. She let me have a taste.

genejockey 12-01-21 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22325644)
What I'm getting at is that I assumed one would at least have to be a doctor or member of the association--the kind of person less likely to sabotage their reputation by publishing utter junk.

Membership qualifications in a number of associations is not especially stringent. Often it's just "Did the check clear?"

And you might also think that journalists would not want "to sabotage their reputation by publishing utter junk", but you would be sorely disappointed by a goodly number of them.

In Science, you should always be your own harshest critic, because if you're not, there are lots of other people who will be happy to take on that role. But it is too easy to fall in love with your hypothesis and succumb to confirmation bias. I've seen it happen with colleagues - when something was proven to be bulls**t, they came up with grandiose webs of nonsensical hypotheses to maintain their belief in the bulls**t, rather than accept the obvious truth.

LesterOfPuppets 12-01-21 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22325752)
We had carry-out for lunch from a “fusion” restaurant. Maybe it’s one of the 13 from your map?

Mrs datlas had bibimbap which was quite good. She let me have a taste.

No fusion carryout for me today. Going strict Indian:

genejockey 12-01-21 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22325751)
Heated seats, it's what the people want

I mentioned this to my wife, who said maybe the idea was suggested by a girlfriend who didn't want to become pregnant....

BillyD 12-01-21 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22325584)
He was one of those lucky people who never really had to worry about weight, or diet, and he remained slender his whole life. His diet was pretty well balanced, but did not avoid fats or sugars.

Sounds just like me, but the last 10 years or so I avoid sugar. I don’t wanna get to 99, though.

genejockey 12-01-21 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22325766)
Sounds just like me, but the last 10 years or so I avoid sugar. I don’t wanna get to 99, though.

I have a picture of him as a young man, playing tennis. My first thought when I saw it was, "Give that kid a sandwich!"

MoAlpha 12-01-21 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22325766)
Sounds just like me, but the last 10 years or so I avoid sugar. I don’t wanna get to 99, though.

I keep telling my doc to titrate the pills so I don’t outlive my spouse, my money, or my joints.

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