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ls01 08-26-22 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22624736)
She's only 54 now, so she could return to hotness if she chose. Her choice.

That what has been seen, can not be unseen.

seedsbelize2 08-26-22 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22624822)
I'm about 50 pounds lighter than I was in high school. I've shriveled.


seedsbelize2 08-26-22 03:10 PM

Home grown ruby red grapefruit on the menu for the next few weeks.

big john 08-26-22 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22624918)
Time for Bridge or Cannasta?

Not yet.

datlas 08-26-22 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22624993)
I subscribed to the CBS All Access channel for the Star Trek content, and I found that I could watch all the Twilight Zone episodes in order, by season, anytime I want.

There are A LOT of episodes. Back then you'd do 22-26 episodes a season, and there were 5 seasons. 156 episodes! Of course there's some dreck, but by and large they remain remarkably good watching. It still amazes me that the show ever got made in the first place, in the era of "Leave It To Beaver" and such.

Agree. Compared to the other TV shows of the time, this was ahead of its time and has generally aged well.

Mojo31 08-26-22 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22625018)
Max speed 824.1 Kph
Average speed 21 Kph
I had a little burst there.

512 mph top speed! Flying!

Bah Humbug 08-26-22 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22624993)
I subscribed to the CBS All Access channel for the Star Trek content, and I found that I could watch all the Twilight Zone episodes in order, by season, anytime I want.

There are A LOT of episodes. Back then you'd do 22-26 episodes a season, and there were 5 seasons. 156 episodes! Of course there's some dreck, but by and large they remain remarkably good watching. It still amazes me that the show ever got made in the first place, in the era of "Leave It To Beaver" and such.

Yes, and much of it holds up remarkably well in modern light. Same issues, different look. "The Monsters are on Maple Street" is probably my favorite, and its closing monologue lands hard.

datlas 08-26-22 04:12 PM

You’re a bad man! You’re a VERY BAD MAN!!

edit: different monster

genejockey 08-26-22 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22625130)
You’re a bad man! You’re a VERY BAD MAN!!

edit: different monster

A few Twenty years ago, for the one of the new Twilight Zones, they got together Bill Mumy and Cloris Leachman (who played Anthony and his Mom) and Bill Mumy's real life daughter, and revisited the same town, only now Anthony is middle aged and has a daughter who also has powers. I forget the plot, exactly.

datlas 08-26-22 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22625144)
A few Twenty years ago, for the one of the new Twilight Zones, they got together Bill Mumy and Cloris Leachman (who played Anthony and his Mom) and Bill Mumy's real life daughter, and revisited the same town, only now Anthony is middle aged and has a daughter who also has powers. I forget the plot, exactly.

Whatever it was, please wish it into the cornfield.

Trsnrtr 08-26-22 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22624405)
You're afraid she wants to stop and do it in a soy bean field?

Doc, no chance of that. I had advanced prostate cancer surgery in 2003 and they removed waaay more than my prostate. :(

Mojo31 08-26-22 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22625167)
Doc, no chance of that. I had advanced prostate cancer surgery in 2003 and they removed waaay more than my prostate. :(

God gave you other tools.

t2p 08-26-22 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22624822)
I'm about 50 pounds lighter than I was in high school. I've shriveled.

I have your 50 lbs - and I would be happy to return it

years ago some of my friends would call me Claudio or Chia - for Claudio Chiapucci

now I'm more like an over saturated / ballooned Chia Pet

the good news is Mrs t2p and the t2p kids are lean

oh well

Trsnrtr 08-26-22 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22625172)
God gave you other tools.

I've been on Eligard the last three years so I don't even care anymore. ;)

rjones28 08-26-22 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22624403)
A cyclist was killed yesterday afternoon about a half mile from my home. She was riding on a horrible street with a stupid, 3', "bike lane" painted along the side. A guy driving a flatbed truck hit her without even realizing. She was dead at the scene and apparently it was very ugly.

Sure, stuff happens, but I can't help thinking we all (drivers, cyclists, everyone) live in a cruel and destructive society, which tolerates a very high rate of suffering in return for not much value.


rjones28 08-26-22 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22624659)
I rode the assenmacher 100 on Sunday. Was forecasted for rain, 93%. But I had paid for it, so I was riding. The rain ended as I pulled into the parking area. Didn't rain another drop all day. Dried out around mile 40. Turned sunny around mile 55. Crashed around mile 73. Turned in to the last rest stop for water, just a bit too hot. Front wheel slid right out from under me on the gravel driveway. The bike is fine. The brake levers were scratched up, but I filled in the scratches with thin c/a glue, sanded them out and shot 2 coats of clear urethane on them. They look better than new now. I did have to straighten the bars, stem and seat, a couple times to finish the ride. Road rash on left knee and lower left leg. I managed to get my hands down before impact so I didnt get hurt but I was awfully sore on Monday. Had to skip the Tuesday night ride but rode a solo 42 on Wednesday. Been quite a week! 5 hours and 15 minutes 102 miles


DougRNS 08-26-22 05:55 PM

Logged out and logged back in and the site is still fubar.

seedsbelize2 08-26-22 05:58 PM

Scorpion sting this afternoon. A very rare occurrence. I use the same treatment as I do for other bites---clear nail polish. It took the sting right out of it.

datlas 08-26-22 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22625220)
Logged out and logged back in and the site is still fubar.

Yeah it works but the formatting is funny.

datlas 08-26-22 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22625223)
Scorpion sting this afternoon. A very rare occurrence. I use the same treatment as I do for other bites---clear nail polish. It took the sting right out of it.

Is this roughly equivalent to a bee or wasp sting?

t2p 08-26-22 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22625223)
Scorpion sting this afternoon. A very rare occurrence. I use the same treatment as I do for other bites---clear nail polish. It took the sting right out of it.

wth !

Bah Humbug 08-26-22 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22625224)
Yeah it works but the formatting is funny.

I suspect it's not fully detecting mobile preferences - I have it on "full site" but I have a partial-width mobile header at the top (which didn't used to show), and many of the elements are taking up incorrect widths of the screen. I've made mistakes like that at work.

I have no pushed them to the dev server, let alone further down the chain.

t2p 08-26-22 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22625236)
I suspect it's not fully detecting mobile preferences - I have it on "full site" but I have a partial-width mobile header at the top (which didn't used to show), and many of the elements are taking up incorrect widths of the screen. I've made mistakes like that at work.

I have no pushed them to the dev server, let alone further down the chain.

time to bring back the 'green screens' lol

datlas 08-26-22 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by t2p (Post 22625242)
time to bring back the 'green screens' lol

Anyone remember the piss yellow look? That was awful.

MoAlpha 08-26-22 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22625167)
Doc, no chance of that. I had advanced prostate cancer surgery in 2003 and they removed waaay more than my prostate. :(

Well there’s my mortifying gaffe for the day.

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