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genejockey 07-14-22 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22574797)
There are some words that are funny. "Gambling" is one - is poker gambling? What if it's just friends playing for fun? For pizza money? A tournament with a set buy-in? If a poker tournament with a set buy-in is gambling, how is entering, say, a chili contest with prize money not gambling?

Investment is probably the worst - there's a very vocal group (especially online) that wants it to be strictly for financial appreciation. And before anyone gets :geek: and comes at me with "but says...", I know what it says. Even with the archaic definition you can see that the macro scope is "allocation of resources", as we will often talk about "investing" time or effort into something. A car is an investment, inasmuch as it is certainly an allocation of resources. It can even be financial if it lets you get to work. It's very unlikely to appreciate as an asset (and you don't want to try to predict those that will), but the "that's not an investment" crowd drives me up the dman wall.

There's a moral judgment implied in the word "gambling" that isn't there in "investing", just like there's a moral judgment implied in the word "greed" that isn't there when you talk financial appreciation.

BillyD 07-14-22 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22574443)
Speaking of hawks, as I was swooping down a hill in Woodside yesterday afternoon, at the point where my speed reaches the maximum just before a narrow bridge, something swooped down from my left and right in front of me, maybe 6' from my front tire, about the height of the axle. Once it was past, my brain processed the images and I realized it was a Red Tail that almost took us both out.

They have a bad habit of disregarding any threat from elsewhere once they’ve locked in on their prey. We have a major 4 lane interstate highway nearby where they love to congregate and hunt the trapped rodents in the median. However they occasionally get killed by vehicles when they takeoff too low.

genejockey 07-14-22 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22574814)
The time I've gambled in my work today has come to an end.

Off to get a bike fit.

Gambled or gamboled?

genejockey 07-14-22 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22574823)
They have a bad habit of disregarding any threat from elsewhere once they’ve locked in on their prey. We have a major 4 lane interstate highway nearby where they love to congregate and hunt the trapped rodents in the median. However they occasionally get killed by vehicles when they takeoff too low.

Greyhounds are like that, too, which is why when we adopted ours we signed contracts agreeing, among other things, that we would never allow them off-leash anywhere that wasn't completely enclosed. Not that we would.

The funny thing is, though, that Rango has gotten out of the yard twice, and both times all he did was walk down the street to visit his friend Pepper, the Chihuahua, who lives two doors down.

Mojo31 07-14-22 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22574828)
Gambled or gamboled?

Gambled as in provided my service in hopes of getting money in return. Can't control what the client will do even though we have a contract requiring them to pay.

Curios, for those who think the stock market is a gamble, where do you invest your money?

genejockey 07-14-22 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22574867)
Gambled as in provided my service in hopes of getting money in return. Can't control what the client will do even though we have a contract requiring them to pay.

Then there's one guy I'd suggest you never take on as a client, but mentioning his name might be to P&R.

Curios, for those who think the stock market is a gamble, where do you invest your money?
You're stuck on the word, and insisting on a black-and-white distinction where it's really a matter of degree.

Mojo31 07-14-22 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22574880)
Then there's one guy I'd suggest you never take on as a client, but mentioning his name might be to P&R.

You're stuck on the word, and insisting on a black-and-white distinction where it's really a matter of degree.

No, asking where people who shy from the market put their money. CDs and money market offer no potential return right now.

LesterOfPuppets 07-14-22 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22574746)
If you want to use your definition of "gambling," then everything you do in life is a gamble.

You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
But that's the way I like it baby
I don't wanna live for ever
-- Lemmy Kilmeister

LesterOfPuppets 07-14-22 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22574890)
No, asking where people who shy from the market put their money. CDs and money market offer no potential return right now.

I-bonds are the hot ticket at the moment.

genejockey 07-14-22 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22574901)
I-bonds are the hot ticket at the moment.

Am I too late to get on the Crypto bandwagon?

genejockey 07-14-22 04:59 PM

How about Theranos? And I'm hearing good stuff about Enron......

Mojo31 07-14-22 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22574901)
I-bonds are the hot ticket at the moment.

But, the max limits per year are really to low too make much of a difference. With that said, we maxed out.

big john 07-14-22 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22574903)
Am I too late to get on the Crypto bandwagon?

Funny. I recently watched an old episode of Real Sports about El Salvador and how an American surfer had started the crypto craze in a small town there and eventually the country switched their currency to Bitcoin. The president and the American were all gung ho but the locals were very skeptical.

Bah Humbug 07-14-22 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22574818)
There's a moral judgment implied in the word "gambling" that isn't there in "investing", just like there's a moral judgment implied in the word "greed" that isn't there when you talk financial appreciation.

And yet if you think about the word "investing" for anything other than stocks and bonds, there is an army of keyboard warriors ready to morally judge you. Trust me.

Bah Humbug 07-14-22 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22574707)
If you want true dollar-cost-averaging, you may want to change that so it's more even throughout the year and does not max out until the end of December.

That's how I do it.


I know... in theory. But there are advantages to my way.

1) It gives an extra half-year, on average, of appreciation on each year's contributions. Investing earlier is better, so I'm doing it six months earlier each year.
2) With my constant (irrational) fear of being fired (just had a very positive mid-year review, likely to get that promotion and raise EOY if I don't divert to kept-man status), getting my contribution done earlier is a hedge. If you aren't working, you can't contribute, so you risk not filling it up on a year you don't finish out working. Not likely to be an issue for you, of course.

It's the same with adding extra withholding to make sure you get a refund. Now I get to have fat paychecks and feel good about spending some, because my retirement account is taken care of. It's not 100% rational, but makes things easier emotionally.

LesterOfPuppets 07-14-22 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22574917)
But, the max limits per year are really to low too make much of a difference. With that said, we maxed out.

I've only bought 8k worth so far. Will be maxed on Aug 1st though.

seedsbelize2 07-14-22 06:43 PM

rjones28 07-14-22 06:51 PM

POTD: Twin Edition

Bah Humbug 07-14-22 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22575008)
POTD: Twin Edition

Wheels not twinned.

DougRNS 07-14-22 07:12 PM

genejockey 07-14-22 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22575009)
Wheels not twinned.

That's so you can tell 'em apart.

rjones28 07-14-22 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22575049)
That's so you can tell 'em apart.

bampilot06 07-14-22 10:53 PM

Todays group ride in Charlotte was intense. No matter how strong I get, there’s always more riders to make me feel weak. Anyways, the group was good, super fast. I’m not familiar with the route so at times a pack would break away. I’m like a dog chasing a car and everytime I would chase them down worried that this would be where I got dropped. Well those efforts blew me up pretty bad. Once I realized they were just sprinting at random spots and regrouping I started to hang in the back. 15 miles in the pace line really started to form. I had been behind this guy who had been at the back the whole time and it was his turn to pull. He dialed it up and I made the mistake of following. We were doing like 34 mph, I don’t have a HRM but I am sure I was redlined. We get to a roundabout and he peels off, on the other side is a hill. My turn to pull and I knew I was in a bad spot. Blew up instantly and the pack flew by me. I was pretty angry with myself. Some others were dropped as well so we got together and made it to where the rest of the group was stopped. We regrouped and they split the pack. It was my choice on who to go with so I chose the faster group. Was able to hang until the last spring. I didn’t know it was the end of the ride or I would have made a better attempt to stay with them. It was an awesome ride. Hope to do it one more time before I leave Charlotte. Riding in the morning def, affect me but I felt pretty strong over all. I really wish I had a power meter and a hrm, I’m pretty positive my FTP would have increased as well as my VO2 max.

LesterOfPuppets 07-15-22 12:29 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22574903)
Am I too late to get on the Crypto bandwagon?

Bitcoin tweet of the day:

indyfabz 07-15-22 04:56 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22574707)
If you want true dollar-cost-averaging, you may want to change that so it's more even throughout the year and does not max out until the end of December.

That's how I do it.


Same here. I usually get within a few hundred bucks. Nice little Christmas present in the last check.

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