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rsbob 08-25-21 09:55 PM

53 miles and 3,400’ climbing. Worst climb was toward the end with a quarter mile at 16% and ‘leveled’ out between 10-12% for the remaining three quarters. Then another 1/2 mile climb at 6% getting home. I feel wrecked.

Update: Little did I know that I was carrying the beginnings of a cold, courtesy of my grandchild. That explains my extreme exhaustion.

kahn 08-25-21 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22200983)
53 miles and 3,400’ climbing. Worst climb was toward the end with a quarter mile at 16% and ‘leveled’ out between 10-12% for the remaining three quarters. Then another 1/2 mile climb at 6% getting home. I feel wrecked.

I've been reading the "stiffness" thread and I feel wrecked! :D

Troul 08-26-21 01:43 AM

69 Miles O.D. Felt good, & just kept on keeping on.

The Chemist 08-26-21 06:29 PM

kahn 08-26-21 06:51 PM

15.5, 800 feet. Gray, very gray and then it started spitting the last half mile.

Troul 08-27-21 01:22 AM

40 Miles O.D. Was offered a free coffee too.

BHG6 08-27-21 04:11 PM

A whopping 16.3 miles today lol.

My only excuse is that it’s 112 outside…..ugh

Maelochs 08-27-21 04:15 PM

Well .... was it a "dry" heat?

BHG6 08-27-21 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Maelochs (Post 22203799)
Well .... was it a "dry" heat?

Well, if by dry you mean it’s so hot the sweat evaporates from your skin before you even see it, then yes, it’s a dry heat :)

jaxgtr 08-27-21 06:14 PM

38 miles..

kahn 08-27-21 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by Maelochs (Post 22203799)
Well .... was it a "dry" heat?

diphthong 08-28-21 04:09 AM

supposedly only 82 degrees during a quick 10-spot lunch ride to a fave lunch spot before work but felt hotter up a few little hills.

kinda regretted not driving to/from the destination at the time (realistically takes 30 mins to cool down pre-shower in the summertime)

but feeling better now about my decision to ride instead. would i do it again? ...yeah but prob 30 mins earlier.

darren wyatt 08-28-21 04:53 AM

Hello I am new here and hoping to share and receive information positively

Maelochs 08-28-21 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by darren wyatt (Post 22204294)
Hello I am new here and hoping to share and receive information positively

Well, we aren't much about being "positive " here, except about being absolutely positive about things regarding which we are factually wrong .... but we will try to at least be kind until you feel art home .....

I didn't ride yeste4rdfay because just as I was going out i got a phone call about a possible problem at a rental property .... by the time I haver calmed that situation, it was too late and I was too drained to ride. Plan to go out early-ish this morning to get those essential 15 miles I missed.

At the pace I ride, 15 miles is a serious investment of time. But hopefully I will get out there before the serious heat builds up.

BHG6 08-28-21 06:28 AM

ofajen 08-28-21 07:43 AM

3.25 miles! First ride since my fall two weeks ago. Just fairly level ground so I could keep it under 200 watts. My instructions are to ride short distances without pain. Mission accomplished. 😊 I hope to do a little more each day.


ofajen 08-28-21 07:49 AM

Originally Posted by BHG6 (Post 22204346)

Technically, Tucson would be about 1000 feet closer to the Sun than Phoenix at midday due to higher elevation, but the point is well taken!


Cycling879 08-28-21 11:53 AM

A slow 16 miles O.D. after almost a month off the bike.

Badger6 08-28-21 01:12 PM

120km, because I was late, and my wife was mad af....otherwise it'd have been more like 135. It was the Groene Gordelroute around Brussels, ran into the Brussels Cycling Classic, UCI Pro race. Pretty legit. The phots are of the break, I video'd the peloton that cam by about 90 seconds later.

Troul 08-28-21 02:13 PM

105 Miles O.D.

kahn 08-28-21 04:41 PM

22.8 and about 1,000 feet. Gorgeous day.

Ship off of Smith Cove Park

Somewhat controversial sculpture at the SAM (Seattle Art Museum) Olympic Sculpture Park
North portal of the Olympic Sculpture Park (free access, up and down ramps and across a bridge over the railroad tracks)

The Chemist 08-28-21 09:04 PM

jaxgtr 08-28-21 09:22 PM

58 miles and 5k ft of climbing on the on the trainer. Lots of nasty weather in my area today.

The Chemist 08-29-21 04:55 AM

Troul 08-29-21 05:34 AM

Cool less humid 49 Miles O.D.

ofajen 08-29-21 08:43 AM

Increased to 5.5 miles this morning and with a faster pace plus a few bits of standing. A bit of a twinge the first time, but not enough to be a problem. And I didn’t have to put extra gears on, I’m able to manage it SS. That’s encouraging. 😊


kahn 08-29-21 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by ofajen (Post 22204417)
3.25 miles! First ride since my fall two weeks ago. Just fairly level ground so I could keep it under 200 watts. My instructions are to ride short distances without pain. Mission accomplished. 😊 I hope to do a little more each day.


Best wishes for a speedy and reduced pain recovery.

Cycling879 08-29-21 10:20 AM

Another 16 miles O.D. trying to get my speed up.

ofajen 08-29-21 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22205887)
Best wishes for a speedy and reduced pain recovery.

Thanks! So far I am making good progress. At this point it doesn’t even appear that I will need to install multiple gears for rehab purposes. 👍


The Chemist 08-30-21 07:48 AM
Slow and relaxing sunset ride today.

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