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Dirt Farmer 10-08-17 03:29 PM

67.1, 1929 total elevation gain

thormeyyer 10-10-17 12:02 AM

32 km!

Troul 10-10-17 01:23 AM

42 miles. Was a great day for such a ride in October.

tommytbikesny 10-10-17 06:03 PM

25 miles at 10.3mph avg speed, really nice day today.

OldTryGuy 10-10-17 06:35 PM

63 miles before the sun rose, back home for a kit change after a shower then back out for another 40 miles.

DrIsotope 10-11-17 08:13 PM

95 miles w/ ~3,000ft @ 18.3mph. Did a roughly reversed version of a ride I did this week last year. Would have been nice to round it up to an even hundred, but detours and a kajillion stoplights ran me out of time, and I needed to get home to take my son to the ophthalmologist.

Doctor Morbius 10-13-17 03:52 PM

16 miles today to complete 1,000 since I started back again on June 18th, '17. Feels good too. Love my Roam-2 in its new 1x9 configuration. :thumb:

one4smoke 10-14-17 08:10 PM

33.0 today at 15.8 mph

Doctor Morbius 10-14-17 10:50 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19930410)
33.0 today at 15.8 mph


one4smoke 10-18-17 09:35 AM

20 for yesterday...

OldTryGuy 10-18-17 10:58 AM

57 miles today, so that means tomorrow's ride has to be at least 114 miles.

In preparation for February's 2018 Bike Sebring 12/24 Hour RAAM Qualifier 400 miles, I have my under a century double or nothing challenge!

eg.----first ride of the week begins the challenge

First ride this week was Sunday's ride 31 miles
Monday's ride was 62 miles
Tuesday's (yesterday) ride was 127 miles = a century(+) so challenge starts over

today's ride was 57 miles
tomorrow's ride must be at least 114 miles. Will begin ride at 1AM and then the challenge resets for Friday's ride.

one4smoke 10-21-17 06:07 PM

25.5 today at 17.1

andcarrotrope 10-21-17 07:27 PM

29 @ 14.7. 52F got my clothing right today except for the gloves. Hands were sweating. Need lighter ones.

Doctor Morbius 10-21-17 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19944035)
25.5 today at 17.1

Cookin'! :thumb: I'll be there sometime next summer. :D

Today's ride was 17 miles at a whopping 10.7 MPH! :eek: This was mostly a sight seeing venture. Definitely Zone 1.

jefnvk 10-21-17 11:37 PM

Just ten miles, but the first time out in two and a half weeks after I trashed my back at hockey.

Rough roads are still a no-go, but it was a beautiful fall afternoon!

Troul 10-22-17 05:42 PM

31 miles w/t 18.5 avg speed.

one4smoke 10-27-17 02:21 PM

31.1 @17.7

Troul 10-27-17 07:42 PM

30 miles with 16 mph averaged. I'm feeling it in the legs.
18+mph head winds going out, Side/Head winds coming back.

VRC 10-28-17 07:52 PM

36 miles but of course somehow I stopped Strava at 26!

canklecat 10-28-17 09:16 PM

Still haven't done that full standard century I babbled about last year. Have ridden a few metric centuries. Pesky neck spasms keep limiting my rides to around 30 continuous miles before I need to stop and stretch. Then it's just painful after 50 miles even with a couple of rest stops.

Averaging about 400 miles a month now. Average speed has increased from around 10 mph to 15 mph. Still aiming for that full century, possibly on my birthday in November.

Still enjoying bicycling. That's the main thing.

Originally Posted by canklecat (Post 19078057)
I rode 20-30 miles three times this week when I intended to ride only around the block to check some cantilever brake adjustments. Got warmed up, didn't want to stop, kept going.

I'm planning to ride a solo century before the end of the year. Apparently I need to trick myself. So I'm gonna plan on riding 20-30 miles. Then I'll just sorta accidentally stumble into 100 miles.

casualsunday 10-30-17 09:09 AM

11.8 miles, 510 ft. 14.7mph average, morning to work commute.

Not bad for my first ride in 3 years. :)

TGT1 10-30-17 09:47 AM

Rode my age today, yesterday


Beachbumer 10-30-17 05:19 PM

Rode 22 miles today.

OldTryGuy 10-31-17 03:09 PM

Not as far as I was hoping due to cold FL. early morning weather. 132 miles.

m.c. 10-31-17 07:37 PM

9 miles around the neighborhood passing the golf carts full of trick or treaters. Rode my Windsor Essex single speed which is becoming my favorite short distance bike.

DrIsotope 11-01-17 08:58 PM

64.7 miles @ 19.1mph. Continuing my tradition of getting the Strava Fondo Challenge out of the way on the 1st of the month.

Troul 11-03-17 11:35 AM

33 miles averaged 18ish mph mostly headwinds @ 11 mph

IUmini500 11-04-17 02:18 AM

36 miles. 53 degrees when I left the house, met up with a club ride downtown, hit a nice brew house, then rode home into a 42 Degree, 8mph wind. Enjoyed the BRIGHT harvest moon and crisp fall air!

one4smoke 11-04-17 06:45 PM

27.1 @ only 13.5. on a new (very congested) greenway for about half the ride.

Romyan 11-05-17 01:26 AM

Nothing today, but I have no clue what I did yesterday. Let's just say I went to a friends house which isn't too close, rode around with some friends, and had to climb a fence...

Some MTBing also.

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