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RAin_geAR 07-29-20 10:51 AM

Keirin Bridgestone Frame
Hi all,

I just acquired a Bridgestone track frame. I would like to know which bad-ass Keirin cyclist used to ride it. Does anyone know how I can link the serial number to the team/rider that might have raced it?


carleton 07-30-20 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by RAin_geAR (Post 21613341)
Hi all,

I just acquired a Bridgestone track frame. I would like to know which bad-ass Keirin cyclist used to ride it. Does anyone know how I can link the serial number to the team/rider that might have raced it?


Welcome to the forum.

That information is highly personal. *If* any data exists, you'll likely have to get it directly from Bridgestone. And even then, the most they'll even consider offering is probably the manufacturing data and basic info about it. But even that is a long shot.

No way in hell you'll get the name of the person it was made for or sold to. That's a huge violation of privacy laws. Unless the frame is extremely unique or the rider's name or team name are painted on the frame, you are out of luck on finding that info.

Morelock 07-31-20 04:29 AM

hmm, my Makino has what I had always assumed was the race number / info printed on a sticker on the seat tube. Unfortunately all the text is kanji and I don't reed gud.
It does bring a certain Legit'ness to it when I skid to a stop outside the cafe

queerpunk 07-31-20 06:40 AM

"privacy laws"?

RAin_geAR 10-12-20 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 21616150)
Welcome to the forum.

That information is highly personal. *If* any data exists, you'll likely have to get it directly from Bridgestone. And even then, the most they'll even consider offering is probably the manufacturing data and basic info about it. But even that is a long shot.

No way in hell you'll get the name of the person it was made for or sold to. That's a huge violation of privacy laws. Unless the frame is extremely unique or the rider's name or team name are painted on the frame, you are out of luck on finding that info.

Please point me to these "privacy laws" that exist for ownership history on a bicycle. I sell cars and unique/rare items with ownership history all the time! High end auctions do that all the time! :foo:

RAin_geAR 10-12-20 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by Morelock (Post 21616460)
hmm, my Makino has what I had always assumed was the race number / info printed on a sticker on the seat tube. Unfortunately all the text is kanji and I don't reed gud.
It does bring a certain Legit'ness to it when I skid to a stop outside the cafe

Badass!!! :thumb:

carleton 10-12-20 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by RAin_geAR (Post 21739841)
Please point me to these "privacy laws" that exist for ownership history on a bicycle. I sell cars and unique/rare items with ownership history all the time! High end auctions do that all the time! :foo:

So you are telling me that you can call up your local BMW dealership, give them a VIN, and they’ll tell you who owned the car previously? Lol. No. You know they won’t. You probably can’t get service history either.

You can communicate the name of the original owner if you know it, but I doubt that Makino will give you that info.

Prove me wrong on anything that I’ve written above. I’m waiting.

RAin_geAR 10-12-20 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 21739933)
So you are telling me that you can call up your local BMW dealership, give them a VIN, and they’ll tell you who owned the car previously? Lol. No. You know they won’t. You probably can’t get service history either.

You can communicate the name of the original owner if you know it, but I doubt that Makino will give you that info.

Prove me wrong on anything that I’ve written above. I’m waiting.

16k posts! Congratulations!

Unfortunately, I don't have that much time in the day for postings. I'd rather be out enjoying a bike ride. Have fun with your "productive" posts! :lol:

carleton 10-12-20 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by RAin_geAR (Post 21739950)
16k posts! Congratulations!

Unfortunately, I don't have that much time in the day for postings. I'd rather be out enjoying a bike ride. Have fun with your "productive" posts! :lol:

Ah...the old "let's try to insult him about something else other than discussing the points at hand" technique. Cool. You got me. Daaaang. I feel so hurt right now. is this your passive way of saying that I was right and you don't have anything else to say on the matter? I mean, because if you did, you'd refute me with citation after citation.

Well, have fun on your bike ride on your "Authentic Keirin" bike. Send us pics! :D

topflightpro 10-13-20 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 21739933)
So you are telling me that you can call up your local BMW dealership, give them a VIN, and they’ll tell you who owned the car previously? Lol. No. You know they won’t. You probably can’t get service history either.

Yeah, actually you can.

Well, maybe not from the dealership, but car finance companies certainly will sell their client info. That's why you get so many calls to buy extended warranties or emails about parts and accessories.

There are also VIN websites that allow you to enter a VIN and track the car.

carleton 10-15-20 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by topflightpro (Post 21741142)
Yeah, actually you can.

Well, maybe not from the dealership, but car finance companies certainly will sell their client info. That's why you get so many calls to buy extended warranties or emails about parts and accessories.

There are also VIN websites that allow you to enter a VIN and track the car.

Yeah, they get that info from public records. Basically, they "scrape" government websites that publish such data then combine it with other data then use it as sales leads. It's messed up.

Also, all of these store "rewards programs" simply harvest your data to sell to Data Brokers who then sell them to companies like this. Again, messed up. It goes a little something like this:

- You register your 2015 Honda Accord with the DMV.
- The DMV may publish your Address, Name, VIN, Make, Model, or Year info
- You give your address, email address and phone number to your grocery store for "rewards points" tracking (never worth it. You should never do this).
- Data brokers buy this data for $$ from the grocery stores (including your name, email, phone number, address, and shopping habits)
- Data brokers then sell this data for $$$ to companies who use them as sales leads.
- A warranty company will take the data from the DMV mate it with the data from the Data Broker (joining on address) and they now know the name, email address, and phone number of the person who has a 2015 Honda Accord...who's factory warranty is about to expire.
- Then they robo dial you to hell and back hoping that you are elderly and will fall for such a (legal or illegal) scam.

One way to get ahead of this: Stop giving out your personal info for "rewards points". Seriously. Stop.

Sad part: Insurance companies are buying this data to. So, they know how you eat and if you smoke, no matter what you put on the forms...all because you want to save $4 on groceries every 2 weeks. Not worth it.

Oh, and never, ever install a car insurance company's mobile app on your phone. They track your driving speeds (in relation to the posted speed limit where you are), where you drive (parked at the pub for 3 hrs), when you drive (3AM after the pub). You could be a designated driver or playing guitar at the pub. The insurance company will probably flag you as a "high risk driver".

Morelock 10-15-20 03:25 PM

carleton but the sick dealz.... :O

carleton 10-16-20 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by Morelock (Post 21744891)
carleton but the sick dealz.... :O


Here are some of the companies:

I was telling the above to a young woman who had applied for insurance with the father of their child. Mom was approved, child approved, dad denied. He was late 20s and healthy and she couldn't understand why he'd be denied. She said, "He smokes, but he didn't mark that on his application." I asked, "Does he buy cigarettes and collects rewards points?" Her eyes got big in an "ah-ha!" kind of way. She said, "Yeah. He does...and that's probably how they figures that he's a smoker."

He could have been buying cigs for his nanna...doesn't matter. The data would have flagged him as a smoker.

carleton 10-16-20 11:43 AM

Regarding insurance companies in particular:

Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates

Without any public scrutiny, insurers and data brokers are predicting your health costs based on data about things like race, marital status, how much TV you watch, whether you pay your bills on time or even buy plus-size clothing.

Ace32 10-19-20 09:13 PM

So this thread took a left turn, and we've mostly learned that:

1) You're probably not gonna know who rode your frame
2) Corporates are evil
3) carleton doesn't even arrive at the pub until midnight.

Every day's a schoolday! :D

Stay safe people, and for those of you in the southern hemisphere, have an awesome season!

Dalai 10-19-20 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by Ace32 (Post 21750967)
Stay safe people, and for those of you in the southern hemisphere, have an awesome season!

Still in lockdown and restrictions here in Melbourne Australia, so still not sure what our summer season may look like!

RAin_geAR 11-19-20 09:25 AM

Back to the topic... (and this is to help someone in the future who may be looking for similar information as me).

Information can be found. It just takes time, and asking, around to find the right people... who are willing to have a "polite and respectable" conversation... who can, or will, lead you closer to the answer.

In my case, I have found that this frame is built by Yamaguchi. The rest of the story will make great conversation topics during bike rides. :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Ride safe this winter and enjoy the holidays!

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