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diphthong 01-24-21 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by joesch (Post 21892785)
Bravo !
I pretty sure there are not many riders still doing c-notes on vintage steel especially in hilly SoCal.
Pinarello's are great bikes, I love classic Italian steel bikes.

thanks. it was just a ride from the santa ana train station back to san diego w/3,500 el gain...not some all day excursion in angeles nf
or the santa monicas.

i love the old stuff too. esp from the mid-80's to late 90's.

diphthong 01-24-21 07:16 PM


wvucyclist 01-24-21 07:49 PM

101 in 40s and rain. Went to Tucson to escape the cold and that's what I got so tried to make the best of it.

Pianoboy57 01-25-21 03:23 PM

Actually it was yesterday. I did the mailbox run which is a whopping 2.2 miles there and back. I lead a very restricted life and so bike riding is something I rarely get to do. It did give me a chance to test some bike-o-vations on my 2004 Super Sport. I'd added new tires, platform pedals, cushier grips and a new used saddle which made for an improved ride. The rearview mirror and USB head and tail lights also helped because it was foggy outside. I'm 63 and trying to stay with it whenever I can.

one4smoke 01-26-21 08:36 PM

87.5 on a gorgeous day for late January. Windy as all get out, but the last 20 rides or so have been. Getting used to it.

Troul 01-26-21 11:13 PM

20 miles

Troul 01-27-21 01:37 PM

23 miles

rydabent 01-27-21 04:10 PM

With 14.5 inches of snow on the ground here in Lincoln-----------------0!!!!!

diphthong 01-27-21 04:45 PM


Dr.Lou 01-27-21 10:40 PM

8 miles along the river on a brisk 32 degree morning.

diphthong 01-28-21 07:57 PM


Troul 01-28-21 09:27 PM

22 miles

Troul 01-29-21 03:03 PM

27 miles

diphthong 01-29-21 05:03 PM

20-spot. chilly rain for half of it + a nice little, three-minute hailstorm during mile 17. ouch. those damned monthly goals...

joesch 01-29-21 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 21901197)
20-spot. chilly rain for half of it + a nice little, three-minute hailstorm during mile 17. ouch. those damned monthly goals...

Wow I think it must have been nicer for riding in Dallas today (vs SoCal). Got in 34 and it was about 60 and dry.

diphthong 01-29-21 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by joesch (Post 21901270)
Wow I think it must have been nicer for riding in Dallas today (vs SoCal). Got in 34 and it was about 60 and dry.

it's been comparable here insane diego-in the upper 50's-low 60's-last few days in between storms. we had hail at sea level a few days ago with the tuesday storm as well.

Troul 01-30-21 09:53 AM

25 miles

jaxgtr 01-30-21 02:46 PM

18 on the trainer last night, 30 on the road today

sixate 01-30-21 04:48 PM

17 miles on the trail. Was 18° with 1-2" of snow. Perfect winter trail conditions. Was surprised how many people were out though.

CAT7RDR 01-31-21 05:35 PM

62 miles 3K feet/climb. Pushed hard but forever slow. :D

Troul 01-31-21 05:38 PM

69 miles on the trainer. goal was 25.

jskash 01-31-21 07:12 PM

25 miles today with 698 miles for the month.

coopman 01-31-21 07:49 PM

16.4 miles today. 70 degrees F but a 14 MPH westerly wind slowed me down a lot.

OldTryGuy 01-31-21 09:16 PM

Closed out the month with a 105.48 mile ride today.

Troul 02-01-21 02:50 PM

21 miles

Troul 02-02-21 06:11 PM

44 miles

diphthong 02-02-21 07:45 PM


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