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DougRNS 07-16-21 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22143719)
I was outside for seven hours.

that doesn't change the fact that your post was all complaining and no enjoying.

The 7 hours was not previously submitted as evidence. I'll strike the HTFU comment.

I will admonish you to be more specific in the future.

WhyFi 07-16-21 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22143724)
I didn't realize that was limited to a specific region.

My perception is that that phrase has been largely coopted by kitten fanatics.

BillyD 07-16-21 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22143410)
you've been complaining that summer is over. Bask in the heat and enjoy it.


BillyD 07-16-21 07:32 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22143412)
If only there were some way of changing that fact. Ah, well.

They got posters with his picture in all gubmint offices. He's stuck.

BillyD 07-16-21 07:36 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22143437)
You should plan a trip to the Mother Land.

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22143703)
Where to?

The Mother Land.

Is this thing on? :foo:

bampilot06 07-16-21 07:59 AM

Need some advice.

The clicking noise that I experienced with the C2 on hills (low cadence high torque) has developed into a constant knocking noise at all times. Reminds me of an engine with a bent piston rod.
I had to get out of the saddle today to charge up a tiny mountain and for the rest of the ride the knocking got worse.

I stopped multiple times to make sure nothing felt loose (crank arm, seat, pedals, rear wheel, bars etc…..)
Everything felt tight with two exceptions. I am running the old pedals and they have more play than my new pedals. Have always been this way though. And my headset developed a tiny amount of play during the ride.

My plan is to re torque everything down, and swap pedals but if that doesn’t solve the noise any recommendations?


Mojo31 07-16-21 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22143432)
Because I do not like to pay for stuff unless it's necessary.

It's more fun to pay for things you don't need.

WhyFi 07-16-21 08:00 AM

The other day, on an early morning ride, I had a flyby with a pretty fast guy that occasionally rides with my group. Afterwards, he reached out and invited me out to a fast kids ride that happens weekly at the crack o' dawn. I looked at his ride and saw that they averaged 24+ on the course. I've been curious about this ride, and I'll probably take him up on it some time this summer (there is a bit of a conflict as it takes place the morning after my regular group ride night), but jeezuz do I anticipate some pain before being spit out the back.

Mojo31 07-16-21 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22143473)
Our lawns will not need mowing until maybe December, what with extreme drought and all.

Irrigation? We wouldn't have a lawn without it.

Velo Vol 07-16-21 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22143720)
Take a journey to find your roots.

Need funding for my travel budget.

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22143733)
that doesn't change the fact that your post was all complaining and no enjoying.

It was still good. I said without the burning eyes, and burning skin, it would be great.

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22143823)
It's more fun to pay for things you don't need.

Not much enjoyment derived from a government document sitting in the drawer.

LesterOfPuppets 07-16-21 08:06 AM

Travel alert on I-16 in Georgia:

Dang he nailed that bridge pretty good!

WhyFi 07-16-21 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22143821)
My plan is to re torque everything down, and swap pedals but if that doesn’t solve the noise any recommendations?

Start there and if it persists, call an exorcist.

Seriously, though, these can be a pain. Check all of the stuff that you've mentioned. Tighten chain ring bolts. Make sure it's not the FD cable end knocking the crank arm, etc. If it's still there, then pull the crankset and clean/re-lube, etc.

WhyFi 07-16-21 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22143839)
Dang he nailed that bridge pretty good!

WTF? If a vehicle could do that to the bridge, it had to have had some serious preexisting issues.

LesterOfPuppets 07-16-21 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22143834)
Need funding for my travel budget.

Put a trailer hitch on the Honda so you can haul your lawn tractor, then tour the USofA taking odd jobs along the way, a la Route 66 (but all the odd jobs being lawn mowing gigs).

MoAlpha 07-16-21 08:14 AM

Set a new 5 s power number this morning, sprinting from a traffic signal. It’s pitifully puny, but it’s nice to know some things can still improve in the senium.

datlas 07-16-21 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22143839)
Travel alert on I-16 in Georgia:

Dang he nailed that bridge pretty good!

They can't just tap it back with a hammer??

Velo Vol 07-16-21 08:16 AM

Georgia bridges are garbage. Arkansas bridges are garbage.

Velo Vol is trapped.

big john 07-16-21 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22143826)
The other day, on an early morning ride, I had a flyby with a pretty fast guy that occasionally rides with my group. Afterwards, he reached out and invited me out to a fast kids ride that happens weekly at the crack o' dawn. I looked at his ride and saw that they averaged 24+ on the course. I've been curious about this ride, and I'll probably take him up on it some time this summer (there is a bit of a conflict as it takes place the morning after my regular group ride night), but jeezuz do I anticipate some pain before being spit out the back.

I'm confident that you can hang in there.

bampilot06 07-16-21 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22143844)
Start there and if it persists, call an exorcist.

Seriously, though, these can be a pain. Check all of the stuff that you've mentioned. Tighten chain ring bolts. Make sure it's not the FD cable end knocking the crank arm, etc. If it's still there, then pull the crankset and clean/re-lube, etc.

thanks, I hope it’s something silly.

bampilot06 07-16-21 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22143868)
Georgia bridges are garbage. Arkansas bridges are garbage.

Velo Vol is trapped.

it’s almost like the other states don’t want you?

Velo Vol 07-16-21 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22143860)
Set a new 5 s power number this morning, sprinting from a traffic signal. It’s pitifully puny, but it’s nice to know some things can still improve in the senium.

Reminds me of this:

Velo Vol 07-16-21 08:25 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22143892)
Reminds me of this:

Actually, it didn't remind me of that, I had to google it. LOL

Mojo31 07-16-21 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22143834)

Not much enjoyment derived from a government document sitting in the drawer.

You are not supposed to leave it sitting in the drawer. Take it out once in a while and explore!

Our kids have had passports for 20 years. They took their first trip out of the country when they were 5 and 3. Now they are comfortable traveling anywhere in the world, alone or with others.

Sounds like you need to get out more.

phrantic09 07-16-21 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22143821)
Need some advice.

The clicking noise that I experienced with the C2 on hills (low cadence high torque) has developed into a constant knocking noise at all times. Reminds me of an engine with a bent piston rod.
I had to get out of the saddle today to charge up a tiny mountain and for the rest of the ride the knocking got worse.

I stopped multiple times to make sure nothing felt loose (crank arm, seat, pedals, rear wheel, bars etc…..)
Everything felt tight with two exceptions. I am running the old pedals and they have more play than my new pedals. Have always been this way though. And my headset developed a tiny amount of play during the ride.

My plan is to re torque everything down, and swap pedals but if that doesn’t solve the noise any recommendations?


Bin the bike, creaky BB

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22143826)
The other day, on an early morning ride, I had a flyby with a pretty fast guy that occasionally rides with my group. Afterwards, he reached out and invited me out to a fast kids ride that happens weekly at the crack o' dawn. I looked at his ride and saw that they averaged 24+ on the course. I've been curious about this ride, and I'll probably take him up on it some time this summer (there is a bit of a conflict as it takes place the morning after my regular group ride night), but jeezuz do I anticipate some pain before being spit out the back.

How much climbing?

phrantic09 07-16-21 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22143839)
Travel alert on I-16 in Georgia:

Dang he nailed that bridge pretty good!

Happened on I87 here a couple of months ago - they had to tear down a section of bridge

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