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indyfabz 04-05-22 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22462592)
Just don't get bound up in Detroit.

i heard Panic in Detroit on the radio today.

indyfabz 04-05-22 02:43 PM

There’s a large, dead mouse in the area near my front door. I’ll spare you the photo, but it looks wet. Wonder if it came in out of the rain last night and Stephen beat the crap out of it.

seedsbelize2 04-05-22 02:46 PM

102A this afternoon. Word is it'll be in the low nineties early next week.

seedsbelize2 04-05-22 03:28 PM

Well it seems Mexico is blacked out from almost all live cycling streams, coming from the USA and Europe. I found Probably out of Colombia. We'll find out in 16 hours, if I remember. It appears to be free.

datlas 04-05-22 04:00 PM

Habanero R8000 buildup pretty much done. I just took it for a test ride around the block and it feels good.

I still have to put on the cable ferules/ends and wrap the bars. Pics to follow.

datlas 04-05-22 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22462828)
Habanero R8000 buildup pretty much done. I just took it for a test ride around the block and it feels good.

I still have to put on the cable ferules/ends and wrap the bars. Pics to follow.

Jackie approves.

genejockey 04-05-22 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22462828)
Habanero R8000 buildup pretty much done. I just took it for a test ride around the block and it feels good.

I still have to put on the cable ferules/ends and wrap the bars. Pics to follow.

Do you mean cable crimps? Those little metal things you put on the end of cut cables and then crimp them to prevent fraying?

genejockey 04-05-22 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22462882)

What's Jackie's favorite chain lube?

datlas 04-05-22 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22462889)
What's Jackie's favorite chain lube?

It seems she is a fan of the factory lube as of today. Do they make catnip oil-based lube??

Mojo31 04-05-22 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22462758)
102A this afternoon. Word is it'll be in the low nineties early next week.

95F in my neck of the woods today. Sweated.

Mojo31 04-05-22 05:20 PM

In honor of VV, I hit the range cart at the driving range this afternoon.

No skinny cycling dudes were ever in any danger.

big john 04-05-22 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22462616)
i heard Panic in Detroit on the radio today.

The police had warned of repercussions...

big john 04-05-22 05:33 PM

Mid 80s and windy today. We did the north route despite the wind, when it's windy the Tuesday ride normally does a different, wind sheltered route.
I felt crappy and was glad when it was decided to pull the plug and head back early because the wind got ridiculous.

seedsbelize2 04-05-22 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22462828)
Habanero R8000 buildup pretty much done. I just took it for a test ride around the block and it feels good.

I still have to put on the cable ferules/ends and wrap the bars. Pics to follow.

Take a pic of these 'ferules' please. I want to know what you're talking about.

seedsbelize2 04-05-22 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22462882)

Hmmm. My size. And hot

seedsbelize2 04-05-22 06:36 PM

Windy as frig here too. I'm glad it was a day off. I got home yesterday, from my second ride in two days, and slept away the afternoon.

bampilot06 04-05-22 06:42 PM

still sick. made an appointment with the doctor today, made me do it via teleconference because of the chance it’s covid. Got prescribed Z pack and a steroid but i’m waiting to hear back from my aviation doctor to know if I can take the steroid.

My wife now has a stomach flu. She was throwing up all night last night and can’t keep anything down.

I really hope I am better by thursday so I don’t miss anymore work, but realistically I don’t think that is going to happen. Will have to call the chief tomorrow to let him no what’s going on.

Im at a loss. I don’t remember the last time I was sick but I don’t think I have ever been sick this long.

Yesterday I felt okay but my head was still super congested and the cough was really bad. Today the fatigue came back.

datlas 04-05-22 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22462969)
Take a pic of these 'ferules' please. I want to know what you're talking about.

It’s the cap at the cable end. You can see one just below front brake and another at end of FD cable on pic above.

datlas 04-05-22 06:49 PM

If I find a cable end cap in the wild, could that be a feral ferrule??

Velo Vol 04-05-22 07:41 PM

Another successful band rehearsal. It's all coming together, like a finely-tuned music machine.

bampilot06 04-05-22 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22463015)
Another successful band rehearsal. It's all coming together, like a finely-tuned music machine.

needs more cow bell.

rjones28 04-05-22 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22462888)
Do you mean cable crimps? Those little metal things you put on the end of cut cables and then crimp them to prevent fraying?

Jagwire calls them cable end crimps. Shimano and others call them cable tips.

Velo Vol 04-05-22 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22462905)
In honor of VV, I hit the range cart at the driving range this afternoon.

No skinny cycling dudes were ever in any danger.

How many were within range of the tees?

Mojo31 04-05-22 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22463023)
How many were within range of the tees?

Can’t say. But, there were several on the road I could have taken out polo style.

Velo Vol 04-05-22 07:57 PM

They're building a Topgolf place a few miles beyond Dead Horse Lake. I doubt that will pose much danger, though, as it's along a proper road.

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