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jaxgtr 08-18-23 07:27 PM

33 miles 2.4K of incline

jaxgtr 08-18-23 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22987091)
19 miles, before priorities needed to get done.

This is like your warm up period for you isn't it?

Troul 08-18-23 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by jaxgtr (Post 22988999)
This is like your warm up period for you isn't it?

lol it was enough to get my 'fix'. You know you're from a snow burden state when you squeeze in a quickie in between life's priorities. :D

rsbob 08-18-23 08:17 PM
Boeing Field
Lk Washington
More Lk Wa

jaxgtr 08-19-23 02:02 PM

Got in a hot and humid 51 miles. However the St. John's River was very calm today.

Troul 08-20-23 12:52 PM

75 miles. Went thru more hydration than expected.

lex further 08-20-23 04:15 PM

I didn't ride today. That was way too hot. Planning to wake up at 6 am tomorrow when the temperature is still ok for riding. I am proud to say that i found a service which will write my paper for me, so i can spend more time riding these days. Late August - September is my favorite time of the year when the temperatures are still warm, but it is getting a little cooler than in the summer days. That's the time when i do long couple of days cycling trips.

macattack71 08-20-23 08:18 PM

21.2 miles this morning with two 6% short climbs. Felt like a swamp out there. A new high visibility tech shirt I tried out would not even dry during the ride and stuck to my body. Maybe too heavy of material.

808HIcycler 08-20-23 08:48 PM

49 miles for my first ride after moving back to Hawai'i and I definitely was not up on my hydration.

rsbob 08-20-23 10:50 PM

We are having severe smoke conditions today, so took a leisurely Zone 1 ride so as to not breathe too deeply. Covered 22 miles of total flat lands, but saw a couple of interesting sights.

Troul 08-22-23 06:13 AM

Breezy 38 miles.

Sierra_rider 08-22-23 06:34 PM

69 miles and 6k' gain this morning. Unseasonably nice weather right now. It was drizzly and in the 50s when I left the house...I was up in the cloud layer, it dried out about a mile down the hill and was perfect riding weather the rest of the day.

rsbob 08-22-23 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by Sierra_rider (Post 22992685)
69 miles and 6k' gain this morning. Unseasonably nice weather right now. It was drizzly and in the 50s when I left the house...I was up in the cloud layer, it dried out about a mile down the hill and was perfect riding weather the rest of the day.

Nice climbing! Now I have climbers envy.

We had 3 days of wildfire smoke from British Columbia and E Washington. Got some ocean air in today and the smoke cleared and temps were in the low 70s. After a day off, felt energized and decided to climb the local hills. The gradients range from 5 to 14% so I went after the steeper ones trying to get a few PRs on some of the faves. Managed 4 and one 3rd fastest on a half miler. Distance was 42 with 3200’ on 2-3 mile climbs. Went to an Irish themed restaurant for dinner. It was a good day,

Sierra_rider 08-22-23 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22992840)
Nice climbing! Now I have climbers envy.

We had 3 days of wildfire smoke from British Columbia and E Washington. Got some ocean air in today and the smoke cleared and temps were in the low 70s. After a day off, felt energized and decided to climb the local hills. The gradients range from 5 to 14% so I went after the steeper ones trying to get a few PRs on some of the faves. Managed 4 and one 3rd fastest on a half miler. Went to an Irish themed restaurant for dinner. It was a good day,

Today's ride was actually a pretty "flat" ride for me, usually my rides are on the other side of the golden ratio. I've learned to love climbing, as there aren't many flat roads around here.

Nice pics, the mountains in the PNW are just more "dramatic" looking than the west slope of the Sierra. We've got high mountains and plenty of climbing, but it's a very gradual buildup from the valley floor. Most of the really gnarly road climbs around here involve climbing out of river drainages and up a ridge line...or just mountain passes from the east slope.

rsbob 08-22-23 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by Sierra_rider (Post 22992847)
Today's ride was actually a pretty "flat" ride for me, usually my rides are on the other side of the golden ratio. I've learned to love climbing, as there aren't many flat roads around here.

Nice pics, the mountains in the PNW are just more "dramatic" looking than the west slope of the Sierra. We've got high mountains and plenty of climbing, but it's a very gradual buildup from the valley floor. Most of the really gnarly road climbs around here involve climbing out of river drainages and up a ridge line...or just mountain passes from the east slope.

My mother lives in Auburn, CA and I have driven the roads all over the Sierras in a 200 mile radius on road trips with her. In my teens and 20s I skied Heavenly and Alpine and Squaw, but would go as far south to ski Dodge Ridge. The rides around Auburn are rather punchy with short steep climbs but as you know, there are plenty of grades which go up and up at 3-5% for miles (Folsom to Auburn). I should have left one of my bikes with her the last time I was down. Next time I fly, I will take one and leave it.

and the 3200’ I did today was in about 9 miles. Legs still feel fine.

MelvinBass 08-23-23 01:37 AM

I ride 20 miles, I broke my previous 18 miles record. hehe

rsbob 08-23-23 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by MelvinBass (Post 22992871)
I ride 20 miles, I broke my previous 18 miles record. hehe

New records are new records! Keep it up.

MelvinBass 08-24-23 04:19 AM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22993172)
New records are new records! Keep it up.

Thank you.

Airwolf641 08-24-23 12:11 PM

I'm trying to average 20 miles every bikeride and hope to increase that soon.

rsbob 08-24-23 06:12 PM

47 miles with 2500’. Special guest was Harper. She is a real sweetheart.

jaxgtr 08-25-23 08:18 PM

So my work\life balance took a crappy turn this week, so I decided to take the day off and get a ride in. I was forced to stop at 65.37 when my chain broke. Well, it was a quick link failure, which reviewing the link, realized it was completely my fault. I did a re-wax of my chain the other day as it had been about 1500 miles since it took a swim in the hot wax bath. So when I put my quick link back on, I am guessing I did not get the inside part of the link on completely. As I was crossing a bridge, I came out of the saddle to put some more power in, I was lucky to maintain control of the bike as I almost put it on the ground. I initially thought I broke my pedal, then I realized my chain was on the ground. Chain looked ok as the hole did not look stretch out, but the quick link plate was bent. I thought I had a spare link in my bag, and I did, but it was for Shimano, and I am running SRAM now, so had to call my wife to come get me. So that was a day eh! After I got home, I realized I did not scrape all the wax off the inside outer plate, so it did not get a good lock.

Troul 08-26-23 12:58 AM

65.37 is great, sucks that it was interrupted by a mechanical issue. IMO, toss that chain for a new one.

Paul Barnard 08-26-23 08:36 AM

Flat, hot and humid 41 this morning.

Troul 08-26-23 11:49 AM

73 miles thru flooded counties.

jaxgtr 08-26-23 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22995924)
65.37 is great, sucks that it was interrupted by a mechanical issue. IMO, toss that chain for a new one.

Took the same bike out today for a hot and humid 40, rode fine, no noise or issues, but I have a chain on order to replace it. I thought about just removing the 2 links on both side, should be ok, but not sure if it would be too short for the 33 tooth cog I run, but I feel like it might be a little tight. Once the new chain comes in, I will put that on and then remove those links and keep it for spare links or I can use it with or sell it with a 28 tooth cog I have.

Troul 08-26-23 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by jaxgtr (Post 22996322)
Took the same bike out today for a hot and humid 40, rode fine, no noise or issues, but I have a chain on order to replace it. I thought about just removing the 2 links on both side, should be ok, but not sure if it would be too short for the 33 tooth cog I run, but I feel like it might be a little tight. Once the new chain comes in, I will put that on and then remove those links and keep it for spare links or I can use it with or sell it with a 28 tooth cog I have.

I've had a relatively new chain that busted a roller & another chain that the QL came off. Shortly after each one was put back together, it either came apart again or caused some noise that wouldn't go away. I've not let a 3rd mishap occur, as it might not end well for me next time. So now I stockpile new chains... downside is if technology changes & brings out a 1x15, chances are I'll have useless stock on hand if I make the switch. Lol

jaxgtr 08-26-23 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22996333)
I've had a relatively new chain that busted a roller & another chain that the QL came off. Shortly after each one was put back together, it either came apart again or caused some noise that wouldn't go away. I've not let a 3rd mishap occur, as it might not end well for me next time. So now I stockpile new chains... downside is if technology changes & brings out a 1x15, chances are I'll have useless stock on hand if I make the switch. Lol

So I took the chain off, removed all the wax and looking at every by eye looked ok, however once I brought out the calipers, it showed that the distance between the rollers for the first four links were off from one another. The first gap was .0015 and then it steadily reduced until the remaining links I checked were pretty much the same distance. Chucked the chain in the recycle bin. That was an interesting experiment I hope never to repeat.

rsbob 08-26-23 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22996225)
73 miles thru flooded counties.

That doesn’t sound like much fun at all but you got the miles in.

We are hitting the 90s where the seasonal average is the 70s. We aren’t well acclimated for 90+ so got in a short morning hill climb workout. Did a piddling 20 miles with 1,600’ gain. With one long climb at 14 to 16% which kicked my @$$. Ran into the wife of a friend, whom I never met, while she was walking her golden doodle. Then ran into a fellow Stravaite doing his workout. Then encountered a guy doing his first bike packing trip and was heading home. He had a good time even though he encountered rain in the desert. Then saw a guy bombing the 2 mile steep hill I came up who looked, hair and all, like SAFA. Very social ride.

Troul 08-27-23 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22996652)
That doesn’t sound like much fun at all but you got the miles in.

We are hitting the 90s where the seasonal average is the 70s. We aren’t well acclimated for 90+ so got in a short morning hill climb workout. Did a piddling 20 miles with 1,600’ gain. With one long climb at 14 to 16% which kicked my @$$. Ran into the wife of a friend, whom I never met, while she was walking her golden doodle. Then ran into a fellow Stravaite doing his workout. Then encountered a guy doing his first bike packing trip and was heading home. He had a good time even though he encountered rain in the desert. Then saw a guy bombing the 2 mile steep hill I came up who looked, hair and all, like SAFA. Very social ride.

was less standing moiiist today, but a lack of time dampened the ride.

41 miles.

Jedneck 08-27-23 02:38 PM

80 mile mix of road, gravel and “trail”. 6000+ft gain. Sure beat sitting on couch being lazy

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