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queerpunk 01-26-15 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by MarkWW (Post 17496778)
What's "boards"? Is that the same as "rail"?

And for that matter, how many people here use "rail" at their track? I've always thought it was the stupidest command and is completely counter to everything else that's learned at the track.

When I went from racing at Kissena to racing at the NSC I was surprised at some new pieces of etiquette I learned. At the NSC, during warmup, everything below the stayer's line is pretty much off-limits unless you're entering the track or doing a short hard effort.

Correspondingly, many hard efforts during warmup take place along the rail - especially since it's a steep track, so there's an uphill/downhill component. So the lateral organization of the track (inside to out) is entrance, effort, empty, paceline, free-for-all, effort. Since people above the stayer's line aren't used to having people pass them on the right at speed, i think "[give me the] rail" makes sense.

queerpunk 01-26-15 09:00 AM

Also I'd forgo an infield bathroom in favor of an infield water source!

Many track facilities have an underpass to get to an external bathroom, but too few have a tap. It was something of a revelation when I went to Indianapolis...

carleton 01-26-15 10:21 AM

The best thing I've seen in an infield is a portable changing room. LA has these. This way, you don't have to go to the restroom to change in a nasty stall.

Think about it. Most of the bathroom traffic is people changing clothes.

queerpunk 01-26-15 10:29 AM

yeah. that's nicer than a changing skirt.

bouldergeek 01-26-15 10:29 AM

I had done the orientation and pre-racing classes at the Boulder indoor velodrome a few years ago. I'm currently going through the BVV classes and open track time.

I'm very pleased with the level of instruction and tutorial I am getting. I get group, small group (4) and individual coaching whenever I go to the track. Skills and comfort are increasing rapidly. BVV doesn't have the violent, tight-radius turns that BIC had. But it is a lot higher from Cote d'Azur to rail. Lots of climbing and dropping.

The BVV has infield water, bathrooms, separate men's and women's changing rooms with storage, and shop, storage, rental all integrated. There's pretty consistent activity and participation very day. I don't think anyone is staying away due to cost. Boulder is a pretty costly environment. $500 a year isn't much compared to the $10K bikes everywhere, the proliferation of golf communities, Teslas everywhere, etc.

gtrob 01-26-15 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 17501299)
The best thing I've seen in an infield is a portable changing room. LA has these. This way, you don't have to go to the restroom to change in a nasty stall.

Think about it. Most of the bathroom traffic is people changing clothes.

Not to brag, but the facilities are the best part of the new track lol. 2 full size locker rooms, showers, etc. New riders don't appreciate this, I try to tell them "its not normally like this! I have peed outside at a track before!".

carleton 01-26-15 12:09 PM

Jack Bobridge's Hour bike being assembled

queerpunk 01-26-15 01:03 PM

it's starting to make me want a budget forklift...

carleton 01-26-15 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 17501805)
it's starting to make me want a budget forklift...

Yeah, those are pretty awesome. I'd love to have one. Park PRS-20.

MarkWW 01-27-15 12:01 AM

I find it very interesting to see the three latest hour record bikes are all using lightweight rundkurs discs. I wonder if the wind tunnel shows something special about them. Their road wheels certainly are uninspiring aerodynamically. The weight difference between a rear lightweight disc and a comete is only 100g, and I've always been told lightweight has never and will never sponsor riders. So what's the appeal?

Minion1 01-27-15 04:17 AM

Jack Bobridge has just ridden a great Tour Down under which finished on Sunday, had the leader's jersey for the first 2 days and won the KOM. I've definitely got my money on him setting the bar for the hour record - till Wiggins' attempt.
(I think Queerpunk was referring to Budget Forklifts, Jacky Bobby's sponsor...)

carleton 01-27-15 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Minion1 (Post 17503696)
(I think Queerpunk was referring to Budget Forklifts, Jacky Bobby's sponsor...)

See...that goes to show how much I don't know about road racing :(

Dalai 01-27-15 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by Minion1 (Post 17503696)
Jack Bobridge has just ridden a great Tour Down under which finished on Sunday, had the leader's jersey for the first 2 days and won the KOM. I've definitely got my money on him setting the bar for the hour record - till Wiggins' attempt.

Not sure if geoblocked, but the Australian National track championships will be streamed live including the hour record.

Coup for cycling with Subaru Track Nationals to be LIVE streamed on WWOS

Baby Puke 01-31-15 02:34 AM

Bobridge hour record live now:
Live stream: Watch Jack Bobridge's Hour Record attempt - Cycling Weekly

taras0000 01-31-15 04:50 AM

@35km he's on pace for 52km.

taras0000 01-31-15 04:51 AM

42 minutes in and his form is still well composed. He's hurting tho.

taras0000 01-31-15 04:52 AM

He's holding the black line and at 45 minutes he's lifted his pace a bit. I say he'll get 211 laps in.

taras0000 01-31-15 04:59 AM

Picked up the pace again with 10 to go. Doing 17s laps now.

taras0000 01-31-15 05:04 AM

5 minutes to go and his line is getting a little ragged.

taras0000 01-31-15 05:05 AM

Perko is waving him on in the bends! He's picked up the pace again with 4 minutes to go.

taras0000 01-31-15 05:20 AM

Didn't get it, but close. 51.3 km. Just over two laps short. Looks like he lost it at around the 37-40 minute mark. That's where he started to go ragged a bit and his cadence dropped a little.

700wheel 01-31-15 09:54 AM

I watched Jack's attempt. I've not checked yet but I suspect Jack would have the hour record if he had done it at a higher altitude similar to the Voight and Brandle rides.

taras0000 01-31-15 02:07 PM

Higher altitude and a slower start. He was doing 16.xx second laps for the first 20 minutes

taras0000 01-31-15 02:09 PM

A good comparison of lap times for the last three attemtps.

carleton 01-31-15 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by taras0000 (Post 17517299)
A good comparison of lap times for the last three attemtps.

That guy's tweets are awesome. Thanks!

Velocirapture 02-01-15 05:40 AM

Obree's perspective:

Obree on hour record: Bobridge should try again in four or five days | CyclingTips

Hida Yanra 02-01-15 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 17501898)
Yeah, those are pretty awesome. Park PRS-20.

yeah they are - it would take a lot to pry mine out of my shop. I got mine from a team mechanic when he got something lighter for flying (they do weigh a lot, but break down small)

Originally Posted by Dalai (Post 17505035)
Not sure if geoblocked, but the Australian National track championships will be streamed live including the hour record.

Coup for cycling with Subaru Track Nationals to be LIVE streamed on WWOS

Not geo-blocked, and the U19 Points race (2nd to last race of the night) should be *mandatory* watching for what an exciting track race looks like... and the Elite points race that followed it was quite good.

gtrob 02-01-15 05:56 PM

Wow did he ever start fast compared to the others. Maybe he was expecting to smash it and make an impossible to beat record, then realized how long an hour is :)

The 1hr record is a nasty event. You have so many people watching every lap, its not like a TT where you can just have an off day, you are basically challenging the world.

Hida Yanra 02-01-15 06:50 PM

he had done at least one long (+40') test (mentioned in his pre-effort interviews, so it wasn't like he hadn't been through a bunch of the sensations/duration stuff before.
He isn't new at this pursuiting thing, and his coach isn't either - very odd on the whole.

carleton 02-02-15 01:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have a hard time explaining this. I found this device today used by Anchor/Bridgestone in Japan.

If I were fitting bikes, I'd use a tool like this. I wouldn't start with the frame or frame dimensions. I'd sit the rider on this then move stuff around till he or she got into the desired position. After it's all done, then I'd take measurements.

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