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one4smoke 07-03-19 12:39 PM

A quick 22 mile ride before opening the office this morning...

NoWhammies 07-03-19 03:08 PM

67k. And man, was it very freaking COLD! Some hill climbing to keep the legs strong.

one4smoke 07-05-19 09:45 AM

81 miles yesterday. T-Storms put an end to my century notion. :notamused:

NoWhammies 07-05-19 10:15 AM

50k. Just enough to get out on the bike after work and make the most of the nice evening weather.

Lrdchaos 07-05-19 04:04 PM

Knocked out a 53 mile group ride, averaged 20.8. My highest average to date, super pumped right now. There was a 25 mile stretch where we averaged 22.5.

The_Joe 07-05-19 07:22 PM

15 miles. First ride in 2 months. All of the medical professionals I've seen think I've got pinched nerve in my hips. Physical the****** finally gave me the ok to test it out. Boy did it feel good to be back in a bike.

PGHNeil 07-07-19 12:11 PM

I made it a point to get out the door as early as I could and got a 2-1/2 hour ride in on the local MUP system. According to Strava I went 29.14 mi (44.67km.) I’m not completely sold on the app but I joined the Trek centurion challenge for July and am about 1/3 there on just one ride. I would have gone further but the weather has been crappy and I have places to be even on a Sunday.

NoWhammies 07-07-19 12:16 PM

102k. I tried to get out and back before the rain hit but I failed. So the bike and I all got wet. And of course the grime of the road changed in to a nice paste that just ground the gears. Good times.

NoWhammies 07-08-19 10:32 PM

60k of rollers after work with Mrs. NoWhammies. We took our time and just enjoyed the ride. So while it wasn't a very quick ride, it was nice all the same.

one4smoke 07-09-19 06:52 AM

101 total miles over the weekend on my little bike riding trip to Anniston, Alabama. Saturday, we Rode the Chief Ladiga trail from Anniston to about 4 miles past the Georgia line ...then back. 74 miles.

Then an early morning ride of 27 miles in Oxford before leaving Sunday.

one4smoke 07-09-19 07:06 AM

The Chief Ladiga trail was my first "Rails to Trails" ride, and I must say it was almost too flat. Just miles of straight ahead flatness with absolutely no hills or turns can be rather onerous. Meeting new people, other cyclists, and good music made it a lot more fun.

I plan to ride the entire distance from Anniston (Chief Ladiga Trail) to the Georgia line, onto the Silver Comet Trail and all the way to near Atlanta. Spend the night, and ride it back the next day.

NoWhammies 07-09-19 10:10 PM

66k. Did some hill interval workouts. Then the rain came and I had zero energy left to drag my butt home. I made it home before the downpour started, but I still got wet. Boo.

Grotug 07-09-19 10:49 PM

53 miles on the spicey club ride. Was hard fun. Got dropped multiple times but always had someone else with me who dropped as well. 'Multiple times', because the main front group stopped a couple times. Had one other rider I rode the last leg with who was very closely matched to me and it was great sharing pulls and he reminded me to stay calm and focus, which I really needed to hear at that time. I didn't have great strava segments overall but did win the final sprint against the other guy I was riding with (and the B group we picked up on the hill down to the sprint) so that was fun (and I'm a super light guy). Won the sprint segment on strava, too (means I was fastest on the day: faster than all the strong men who finished the ride several minutes before me, and second fastest for the year, so that was a nice consolation for a ride that was otherwise a little disappointing for me since I wasn't able to hang with the strong men as long as I'd like. I never win sprints, so this was a small achievement for me. I guess the 15" sprints I've been doing every Monday night as prep for the club ride are paying off!

Joel Coffman 07-11-19 02:00 AM

Completed a 7 mile ride today in the pouring Washington rain.

dylanschaw 07-11-19 02:19 AM

I traveled on a bike almost all of America, it is very cool impressions, drive along the road, meet new people, live in unfamiliar places.

Jason123456789 07-11-19 02:04 PM

hi im Jason I rode 15miles

Jason123456789 07-11-19 02:06 PM

Hi I'm Jason
that sounds super fun Keep it up So proud of the people like you

Jason123456789 07-11-19 02:07 PM

Wow good job!

Jason123456789 07-11-19 02:12 PM

No matter how many miles you ride and what for you doing it awesome job keep it up I only do about the same each but I feel The more regular I keep myself in this routine The better and more enjoyable each mile gets

Jason123456789 07-11-19 02:14 PM

wow so cool would love to hear more about your biking trips

one4smoke 07-13-19 06:52 PM

35 miles on Thursday...

jbell_64 07-13-19 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by Jason123456789 (Post 21022323)
hi im Jason I rode 15miles

No, I'm Jason! And i rode 30 miles.

NoWhammies 07-13-19 09:16 PM

Rode 135k today with Mrs. NoWhammies. Nothing too crazy. Just some flats. Some rain. A good coffee treat. Then back home. Great way to spend Saturday.

Grotug 07-14-19 11:18 AM

Hi, I'm Jason and I rode 60 miles yesterday and spent half the ride struggling to maintain zone 2 or higher (probably a combination of going somewhat hard at beginning of ride and then digesting the milk I had with my cereal right before the ride). I'm curious if others have ill effects from drinking milk before a ride. 5000' of climbing didn't make the ride much easier, either.

GlennR 07-14-19 11:29 AM

67 miles today and 200 for the week.

NoWhammies 07-15-19 08:45 AM

76k this afternoon with Mrs. NoWhammies. Sun. Light wind. Topped off with a cold beer at the end of the ride.

Hiro11 07-15-19 08:53 AM

Can we... PLEASE get someone to fix the misspelling in the title of this thread? Every time I log in, it drives me a little crazy.

jadocs 07-15-19 08:55 AM

81 solo miles yesterday in 98 deg heat.

Slightspeed 07-15-19 08:58 AM

44 miles down foggy PCH to Neptunes Net, Malibu. Great day to ride, but 6 inches of sand made the bike lane difficult at the dunes. Never seen it that deep. We had to walk probably 1/4 mile. Some were riding in the traffic lane with zero shoulder. Great ride, though. I had a 17+ average going, until the sand walk killed it. Cool day on the ride, 97° when I got home.
Taking a break at Magu Rock.
Neptunes Net, before the motos arrival.
We usually ride on the right of the K-rail, this time we walked.

55murray 07-15-19 12:06 PM

Did my annual full moon century, 102 miles 2700 ft. Got back about 3am...

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